A Letter to Bae Suji

The Spring Rain






A  L e t t e r  t o  B a e  S u j i


Dear Bae Suji,

    To the girl whom I met way back to my sluggish years in archery,
    To the girl who treated my wounds way back then,
    To the girl who was the only daughter of my master,
    To the girl who was loved by every boy in that school,
    I never thought I'd met you today as a different person.
    I never thought that I'd think of you as my Muse.
    or maybe I did.

        Who would've thought that you're the Bae Suji from my yesterday when you're actually using the name Suzy today. It's just that you're much of a girl now, when you weren't back then. Heh. You used to let me teach you how to use the arrow and bow when no one else would teach you how, when no one would ever dare to disobey the master. Master wanted you to grow up as a woman, and not someone who knows how to use warrior weapons but indeed his calculations were right, you did grow up us a woman. But nonetheless, I'm still happy that you still do archery and martial arts in school and you're even known in school for having a wide knowledge about that field.

        How are you? I thought that when I first saw you in this school, I despised you because you were such a meanie like you were the first time we met. You were such a hard headed kid too, you always stole my weapon and I always get scolded by the teachers in the Martial Arts School because they have to equip me with a new one, almost every week. And yet, today you still haven't change a bit except with the way you dress.

        Do you remember this sluggish Kim Myungsoo? You know... the one who protected you that winter night. My mother told me that you kept on visiting me all throughout the year I was comatosed, but then your visits came to a halt until it stopped, and that's when my mother found out that your father had already left. 3 months later after you stopped your visits, I woke up from my very long sleep. And you were the first person to enter my mind, question's like "Are you having a hard time?" "Are you eating well?" "Are you sleeping well?" I tried looking for you everywhere, but I never did found a single trace about you/

        It's been 5 years, isn't it? We were so young back then.. I was seven when I first met you and you were five. I was sixteen when I last saw you way back then, and you were fourteen. And now I'm twenty-one, and you're nineteen. We seemed to be connected in every way right? I hope you remember me, and I hope you're not mad at me for being such a tease to you in this school.

        Right after I saw you wearing that Sunshine necklace, I immediately concluded you were Suji. How dumb I was, but still... Hello Suji! I hope you don't mind, right?

        I hope you will read this well.

Your Sluggish Kid Next-door,
Kim Myungsoo.

Bae Suji's smile widen upon she finished reading it, and from a-far she knew Myungsoo was standing there watching what her current reaction is, with steps as slow and sweet she slowly approached Myungsoo.

    "Do you remember me, already?" Myungsoo started without any hesitation, "I mean it's been five years."

    "You never change Myungsoo, you're still as sluggish as you are." Bae Suji answers with a cheeky smile, "I always have known you from the very first day you entered this school. I was only waiting for you to recognize me."

     I don't even know why, but the butterflies from yesterday are coming back into me once again.

    Weird, but I like it.




She’s Bae Suji…

I despised Suji the first time I saw her,

but then suddenly,

she became my Muse.

and I don’t even know why.


Author's Note:
GIF galore. MyungZy galore. CAN I JUST! :)


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Chapter 13: This is soooooo sad :(
Chapter 15: This is so wonderful ;A;
This makes me ship them so hard ;_; You're great!
pop-bh #3
Chapter 16: I like hunzy but Myungzy has a very special place in my heart<3
Chapter 16: Interesting ! please update soon
Chapter 15: Suzy is really B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L~
Chapter 5: agree with you author, you deserve my subscribe. If aff has a "like" system like facebook, i will not hesitate to like your post! Thank you, as a hardcore sueweeties i thank you for speaking up and seeking justice for suzy! Haters are really annoying, it really hurts suzy with all these words, imagine if they were the ones who got judged by people, how would they feel? how would the react? these haters should think b4 they talk seriously. You got my respect *bows*:)
jungieyah #7
Chapter 5: Agree with you~!
Chapter 15: Omg this gif scenarios are simply amazing! <3
Chapter 13: I agree; they need to star in a drama together.
Chapter 13: the edits fits PERFECTLY! I love this one too :)
Too bad he can't save her :(