Extra: we got married

Back to Day Zero ♥ [sequel to memory box ♥]

Minho pov:

Manager hyung called me to find him after practice today at sajangnim’s office.

“Hyung!” I saw him outside of sajangnim’s office and called him.

He shushed me and I pulled a cheeky face at him.

“Hyung, why are we here?” I asked.

“Sajangnim got a job for you, alright, let’s go in” The secretary noona opened the door for us and we walked in.

“Sajangnim, annyeonghasaeyo!” I bowed and greeted him with my brightest voice, like we were taught to back in the trainee days. Always respect and greet your boss nicely.

“Take a seat” He stood up and smiled at us.

In my mind, I went through all the jobs that could be given to me.

Radio show like eunhyuk, yesung hyung?

Variety show host like leeteuk hyung?

Talk show like onew hyung??

Ehhh…can it be hello baby again??

I was so distracted that hyung has to nudge to me to wake me up.

“Minho, are you alright?” Sajangnim asked me.

I laughed awkwardly and nodded. “deh…”

“So as I was saying, MBC offered season 4 of we got married to Minho, sounds good?”

Bwoh? We got married?

“Absolutely, having Minho to go on with Leeteuk at the same time in season 4 sounds great. Who will he be paired up with?” On the other hand, manager hyung was so excited about it.

I was too shocked to say anything.

“They haven’t informed us yet, but I am sure it will be good, isn’t that right Minho?”

I shook my head, “I can’t accept it, I can’t do it” I repeated.

“Bwoh?” Manager hyung stared at me.

I looked into his eyes, “no hyung, I can’t do it”

I waited for an understanding nod, but no, it didn’t happen.

“I am sorry sajangnim, we will accept the offer and I’ll talk to him…”

I interrupted and stood up. “No! Hyung,  I can’t go on we got married, there is no way I will do it, you can’t force me!”

Manager hyung stood up and pulled my arm, “I am sorry sajangnim, we will go now, I’ll contact you later”


Key pov:

“Hey, you would not believe what happened just now” I sat down on the couch after putting the food on the coffee table.

“What hyung?” Taemin looked up and asked.

“Just now one of the codi noona messaged me and said she saw Minho and manager hyung coming out of sajangnim’s room and they were not happy at all, and apparently Minho was all angry and stuff and so she asked the secretary what happened, and th secretary said that she heard Minho shouting inside about something about we got married.” I explained.

“Wait what?” Jonghyun placed his bowl down and looked at me. “We got married?”

I nodded. “Yes, that’s what she heard and it would explain the whole thing as well.”

“How?” Onew hyung asked.

“hyung, obviously Minho would refuse to be on we got married, I mean come on, Hiro?? Remember??” Jonghyun explained for me .


The door flung opened and Minho stomped in to the room while manager hyung followed.

“Choi Minho!” Hyung shouted at him but Minho returned with a slam on the door

We exchanged glances and did not say anything.

“You get out here now, what was that ridiculous behaviour, Choi Minho, I am asking once more, get out now” We rarely see manager hyung this angry, they must have had a really bad fight.

Minho pov:

I put my hood up and covered my ears.

 I don’t care about anything right now.

There is no way I am going to go on we got married.

Even though it is just a show, but I just can’t do that, not with Hiro in my heart.

Hiro is the only girl for me.

If I go on we got married, I have to pretend to be a couple with another girl, and that is just not right

No matter how much I want to gain popularity or success, there is one thing I cannot compromise, and that is my feelings to Hiro.

I promise that she is the only girl for me and I won’t ever be with another girl, not even pretend ones.

No matter how many years has passed, she is going to be the only girl for me.

I would sacrifice my job for Hiro, anything for her.

The shouts from outside ceased and the door slowly opened.

“Hyung?” It was Taemin and the others are in as well.

I turned around and faced them.

“Minho-ah” They all sat down around me and Key put his arm around my shoulder.

“We told manager hyung that we’ll talk to you, he is gone now” Onew hyung said.

I gave them a nod of appreciation.

“So you are definitely not taking it?” Jonghyun asked.

“What!? No, of course not!” I raised my voice.

Jonghyun hyung sort of got a bit surprised and jumped a bit.

“Sorry” I uttered. “I cannot do it, it feels like I am betraying Hiro”

They exchanged glances, “but hey, aren’t you going to move on from Hiro someday?”

Key finally brought up the issue.

I know that they tend to avoid talking about Hiro as much as possible because, well obviously, they know that I miss her a lot.

I shook my head and touched the ring on my finger. “No, never, I don’t think I ever can, she meant too much to me”

“but Minho, I am sure Hiro would want you to move on” They all sighed at the same time as onew said.

“Well, I’ll never find ou…out…”  I choked as I started to tear up. “People tell me to move on, but do you really think I can, you guys don’t understand the things that we went through, it is unfair for everyone if I start a new relationship, it is unfair for Hiro, it is unfair for myself and the girl because I can never and will never forget Hiro.”

They seemed to have understood and nodded.

“We support you” Key hitted my back gently.


The next day, we decided to talk to manager hyung together, and we did.

“Hyung, we would rather not to have Minho on we got married, hyung, you understand that Hiro meant a lot to Minho, and we really hope that Minho can make his own choice, I know being a celebrity is all about popularity but this is beyond being a celebrity, this is Minho’s life.”

I’ve never respected Onew hyung like that,  I rarely saw him as a leader, but this time he really shines and I am really thankful to have him as our leader.

Manager hyung nodded. “I know what you mean Onew, I’ll talk to sajangnim, but from now on, all of you have to work harder and I’ll talk to MBC to see if they want to have someone else from SHINee”

“Thanks” I smiled at him.

I felt the ring around my ring finger.

Cause, I am on we got married with Hiro already, from 5 years ago and in the years to come.


I really hasn't been on for ages, it is good to write again.

To be honest, when I wrote this chapter, I felt extremely awkward and I am sorry if my writing got a bit rusty, I tried my best.

So, how has everyone been??? I hope you all have been good :) everyone finished exams???

ahhh, it is almost our Minho's birthday and my birthday :) :)

and it is almost the end of the year as well!!! can you believe that 2012 is coming soon!?!?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I hoping that I cna update again next week.

chyeaaah, bye lovelies <3

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@naznew, thank you for supporting!
naznew #2
good story..
@sighs123; no worries, anything for you lovely readers :) <br />
@f_mama; I'll see<br />
@cutiekoala; thanks sweetie<br />
@saranghaeyominhooppa; I am glad you like it, any request or scenes that you want to see?
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #4
I just love all the additional chapters you added.... They actually completed the story on a whole....
cutiekoala #5
@saranghaeyominhoppa; so would you like to see an extra chapter where Minho starts to move on??<br />
@Yeonnie; awww thanks darling, I bet you didn't expect the update. teehee, it is definitely to see youuu again :) there is no way I can forget all you lovelies <3
Ey! An update! And a really good one too:D It's like a super bonus:P<br />
<br />
Good to "see you" again^^ especially that you haven't forgotten AFF(:<br />
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I hope that you are doing great^^