Moves Like Jagger

Moves Like Jagger

He walked up to the club with a certain lack of confidence in his bones; a lack so great that he feared to even touch the door to the place. A nightclub; uncharted territory for the young man. His hands trembled at the thought of the paralyzingly bright and flashing lights and deafening music, which the bass of said ruckus could be heard clear in the outdoors. It was too late to turn back now, though. He had promised his friend, Kyuhyun, that they would meet there on this cool Friday night. Apperantly he had a trick up his sleeve because the evil younger was keen as to not let him know why it had to be a club, let alone this club in particular. Kyuhyun would be waiting inside, right? Pop in, pop out, go home. This is what Ryeowook thought would happen, at least.




Upon walking into the familiar setting, Ryeowook decided then and there that if Kyuhyun wasn't there yet, he would wwait patiently at the bar where it appeared to be slightly less crowded than the dance floor. Then, he went up to the bar and asked if Mr. Cho was there at the time, seeing as how he was apperantly a regular. The bartender replied with a negative shake of his head and Wookie gave a sigh, sitting at the bar.


Minutes passed, then an hour, then two hours. By now, Ryeowook was getting a headache as well as rather impatient. Either Kyuhyun was really late or being a real jackass. At this point, he had a good idea of which it was and he got up to leave....however, something in his sights caused him to stop in his tracks. A man in the middle of the dance floor. His hair was a pretty shade of brown and he wore red leather pants and a fair-fitting dress shirt, charcoal in color. A circle on the dance floor was cleared soully for him and with good reason. He danced with a certain vigor all around the cleared area, his moves like those in a movie that you could only wish to have; those that are custom and would be impossible for anyone else to master. They were insanely good!


Slowly and tentitively, Ryeowook tries to find his way through the crowd to get a better look. Upon approaching just a little further, he realized that the man wore...well, his dress shirt had cartoon turtles on it. Ryeowook tried to stifle a chuckle in the back of his throat. Who was this bizzare man? Craving for his internal question to be answered, the smaller man ventured further into the crowd. He paid no mind to the people who were angry with him for butting around. Eventually, Ryeowook reached the center of the madness, though, to his sad discovery, the man was just finishing dancing...though his question was soon answered. The crowd began to chant 'Yesung, Yesung, Yesung!' over and over again. Yesung. The name fit the man surprisingly well and the brown-haired man seemed oddly...meek, as well, despite his apperant popularity at this club. He soon merged in with the rest of the crowd and was treated as a normal person. Interesting indeed to the little Wookie. He wasn't giving up just yet, though; he wanted to meet him.




It proved to be quite difficult finding the man named Yesung and it took about half an hour before Ryeowook looked up and saw him at the bar, talking and laughing with the bartender. After taking a deep breath of bravery, he walked back up to the bar, trying to remain calm, although he himself was confused as to why he was so nervous to begin with. He timidly sat two seats away from Yesung, ordering a simple brandy on the rocks. After a minute or two, he scooted one seat closer to the man he wished to speak to, then the last one disconnecting them.

Up close, he could see the fine features of the man, obviousy older, but still fine in complextion. His drink that he held was what Ryeowook recognized to be as a Tropical Turtle. His previous work as a bartender told him that it contained vodka, blue pucker, cherry juice, and a few other things in a like sense. Very good, but very sour. Ryeowook believed a drink told you a lot about a person...A Tropical Turtle usually said that a person was fun-loving... In which case, Ryeowook figured that his brandy over the rocks was giving a rather inconsistant idea of strength out. Not wanting to send a wrong message, he quickly ordered himself a Kuluah and took a sip. Just at that moment, Yesung turned to him.

"Well hello there. I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?" Yesung asked with a charming smile. Ryeowook tried to hide his bashfulness by taking a drink.

"My name's Ryeowook," he replied. "Kim Ryeowook."

"Heh. Cute name. I'm Kim Jongwoo....but everyone calls me Yesung, so you're welcome to it, too," Yesung said witha chuckle, taking a drink of his Tropical Turtle.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." There was a pause. "So...what brings a cutie like you to this club?" he asked. Ryeowook blushed deep. Cutie?

"I was supposed to meet a friend here... Maybe you've seen him. Cho Kyuhyun?" he asked hopefully.

"Ah, Kyu... That sneaky devil," Yesung said with a low snicker. "He said he'd bring a guy here for me to meet. I can only assume now that it's you. that guy didn't even give me a hint."

"He.......but... Why?" Yesung shrugged.

"I have no idea. I guess he figured we would like each other. He's a hell of a matchmaker," he said. Ryeowook nodded. Kyuhyun had always tried to be that.

"I guess."

They sat and talked for quite a while, Yesung flirting a multitude and Wookie going along with it. After all, Yesung was quite a dashing man with charm to go with it. The only really odd thing to Ryeowook was the apperant obsession of turtles for Yesung, but even at that, he didn't mind it too much. Time passed rather quickly as the two talked and they shared a dance... A rather exuberant dance, at that, and..well....things got a bit...'hot', shall we say.


Needless to say, Yesung had the 'moves like Jagger', if you know what I mean.

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1653 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was cute. I miss the Yewook couple. It's so rare written. Thank you for sharing and keeping this story.
Chapter 1: WOW!! cool story. its awesome xx