A Troubled Prince


Prince Chanhee thinks he finally found the answer to his problems in a neighboring prince's company.


Just to break up the angst again. Haha I'm just editing an old story of mine into a ChunJoe. It's a tiny bit cliche but fluffy and I think you'll like it. 


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Chapter 1: OHMYGOSH. I like the fact that there's GTOP in here! Better yet they're Chunji's parents! That would be so cute to see them as parents \(//∇//)\
Chapter 1: so cute!!! i loved it hehe
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~ Fluffy!~~~ It's so cute~~~ I'm sure you can write every genre very well!!~~~ It's just so fluffy!!!!
Ismilenotfrown #4
Chapter 1: omg this is so fluff and sweet, totally in love with your stories and writing! I hope you will never stop writing, thank you so so much for all the great and hard work!
Chapter 1: omg .. so cute ...
Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute I love it!!!! I love the characters in this and chunji is so cute and ljoe sounds really hot!! Glad they met like they did loo chunji was feeling him and he is still in pjs XD!!!! Did u see ljoes new hairstyle he died it black!!
cat-turtle #7
Chapter 1: Fluff? Check.
Cliche? Check.
Adorableness? Check.
Abundance of GIFs? Check.

Looks like a well made story to me!

Seeing as it's an old story that you edited, I'll let the grammer and spelling errors slide, but just so you know, I found a "fallow" at the beginning of it. And what's with the text formatting? Did you copy and paste it from somewhere; is that why it looks so weird? All the text is ridiculously close together and it's a bit harder to read it. Then again, working with the text formatting on AFF isn't the easiest, so meh :/

Anyways, I kind of feel like I just read through a Disney movie and it was soooooo cute! Typical Disney style, especially in the sense that they fall in love directly after meeting, but I like it~
Chapter 1: Ahhh it brought along a tear with it! I really love your stories and kris sudden appearance haha! I cried a bit during byunghun's confession! Write more fluff coz i love it!!! And i love that sandeul gif at the bottom too! Hahaha ♥♥
Chapter 1: That was cute i'm glad i upvoted but i'm mad that you ended it there. ^_^
Chapter 1: Hehe loveeee~~~ little Ricky is gonna be Jung!?!<3 and ohh I like cliches so it's all good. And that Hyuna gif... She so freakin pretty.