Moonlight Falls


Vixx in outer space! Inspired by the "On and On" music video. Enjoy!


As I am an author unable to write stories without a little here and there, "M" rated chapters will be present.



On August 5, 2135 AD, the planet Earth was plunged into worldwide atomic warfare. The majority of the planet’s inhabitants were annihilated within days.


Only a small fraction of the human species survived.


The decimated life forms took to their relatively primitive forms of space travel and wandered space as demoralized refugees. It is believed that of 157 ships that left the Earth’s atmosphere after the disaster, only 34 of these lasted a week in open space.


Three of these ships, all of Korean origin, made for a solar system known to have habitable planets. One planet in the system seemed to have a climate similar to Earth, and an equidistant orbit around a comparably sized sun. Even though people on the ships were reluctant to be optimistic, they rejoiced. Salvation was at hand!


Within hours, disaster struck. A space anomaly, previously undetected on any sensor, appeared suddenly. It was a misty lavender haze that enveloped two of the three vessels in the fleet. Contact was lost. Morale plummeted.


The third ship from the Korean fleet was inexplicably lost. Yet the two other vessels received audio transmissions indefinitely. To this day, no one knows what it means, and the crew is presumed dead. The audio transmission simply loops a computer generated voice saying “m-A-M-mA. m-A-M-mA. m-A-M-mA.”


The one ship that still had full capabilities landed on their destination planet safely. Once inside the planet’s atmosphere, contact was spontaneously reestablished with one of the lost ships from their fleet. They learned that it had crash landed on another planet. Casualties were few, and it looked like the planet they had stumbled upon was fit for human habitation.


Since they didn’t want to take any chances, the two groups stayed on their separate planets, rebuilding the human race from scratch. Every five years, due to orbital patterns, the mysterious space anomaly would no longer block travel between planets. Family members could meet and regular trade was established.


For hundreds of years this went on. The two planets developed their own arts, cuisine, and culture. Each had its own flavor of architecture and literature. Both put a constitutional monarchy in place on each of their planets, and their rulers were just and well-loved. A demolished species began to flourish.




Super excited for this fic...I loved the On and On music video so much, I just had to write about it! I hope you'll all enjoy it~~

Theme song for Moonlight Falls


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