
I'm sleepy. I'm afraid of going to sleep,but I have to. I don't want to fall asleep, but I can't live without sleep. I wish it was possible, but it's not. I could set the alarmclock, nut it wouldn't wake up.I've been awake for way too long, i can't not fall asleep. But i don't want to fall asleep.

I can feel how my eyes are slowly closing. I feel like keeping them open with my fingers, but i'm too tired to even move my arms. I'm scared , because I know i'll fall asleep anytime. My eyes are almost closed. I want to keep them open, they have to stay open. Now they are fully closed and I can't open them. I notice how everything gets darker. And i'm asleep.

When I open my eyes i'm already in a different place. I know what I have to do so I'd get away. I don't want to see him ever again, but I want to get back home. I sigh and get up. I start to walk down a corridor lined with bloody pillars. The floor is full of glass shards, which are cutting my soles.

I hear some voices behind me and I begin to run full speed. I trip over something and fall on my stomach. The voices are becoming clearer and soon at the end of the corridor behind me appear two long shadows which flap in the light of the torches. I try to get up but my foot slips. I start crawling forward not caring about the glass shards which are digging in my hands and knees.

I feel like screaming from fear and pain but I can't because then they would find me immediately. I look behind me and I see that the shadows are coming closer. I clench my teeth and start running. I don't care about the pain I just want to get away from here.

Soon I find myself standing infront of an huge door. The door is decored by shiny red rubys which reflect each light beam. I raise my hand and put it on the door knob. I take a look behind me, the shadows are still there, coming towards me. I open the doors silently and step in.

The room is enormous. It's round and in the middle of it there's a table, which has a book on it. There's a hole in the roof and through it the moonlight is shining at the person sitting at the table. This time as well there is somebody there. I see somebody wearing a black cloak with dark wavy hair.

The figure turns around and i can see his face. White skin and grey lifeless eyes. I know what he's going to say next. He will welcome me to Death. After that he will reach out his hand and ask me to take it. I grab the hand it's cold and covered by scabs. I'd like to pulm my hand away but I want to go home. He grabs my other hand and pulls me closer. He lifts up my chin.

I look straight into his eyes. Still they are lifeless but they feel like they reflect something. I just don't know what. He moves his head closer to me. I'm so scared and i just want to pull my head away and run off. But it's not that simple. I raise my head a little and he presses his lips on mine. They are cold and bloody. Soon my vision gets blurry, I start to lose consciousness and I fall to the ground. The last thing that I remember is a hand which stops me from falling to the ground.

I wake up in my room. I'm hurt but i'm not tired. Luckily. I don't want to fall asleep ever again, but I know that someday it will happen. Then i'll have to live this all again. I'll have to face Death.

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