Junelight's Quotes and Drabbles


I am a random person. I could be right in front of you, and still melt into the crowd. Unless I made myself visible.

I'm the kind of people who would only show herself to the people she chose.

If any of my friends are reading this, you know I love you <3

No matter how unimportant I may look or sound, every person have something the held dear.

I loved writing. It releases something inside of me I never knew existed, until I see it on a piece of paper.

I write at random moment with random things.

If an inspiration hits me, the words automatically come out and I'd try to grab a piece of paper to write it down.

Because to me, those random moments where idea comes is precious.

Sometimes if you don't write them down, you forget.

And those words would never come back at you.

I don't want to regret anything.

So I write


Every words I write here is absolutely mine, until I say otherwise. So please, respect me as an author. Do not plagiarize. I don't have time to hunt you down, but please know that by doing that you're taking else someone's effort. If you want to use my words, at least tell me. You don't even have to credit me, though it'll be nice if you would do so. It just makes me happy to know that people love the things I write.


Poster and background by Supernerd Prod ; Graphics Requests


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i'll be waiting for your words and drabbles .
do your best junelight ~!