Our Children

Our Children

"Come on Jiyong, get into it. At least act enthusiastic.” Dara nagged poking him in the ribs.

“I am enthusiastic.” He muttered below his breath.

Enthusiastic about pushing you off a cliff.

“I heard that.”  She glared at him.

“This is an opportunity for our children to bond properly so smile and look in the damn camera!”

“Children?!” He scoffed.

“They’re not children. Well, Gaho is my child but that…thing damn well isn’t.”

He eyed the hideous doll (in his opinion) with a jealous look.

“Jingyo!” Dara gasped covering Tamtamie’s ears and giving Jiyong a reproachful pout.

“I will not have you saying stuff like that about our children! Now apologise or they’re the only kids we’ll ever have. And keep your hands on Gaho!”

“Sorry.” He mumbled half-heartedly increasing his grip on the poor little puppy on his lap which was trying desperately to escape.

“I don’t know why we have to take a picture in this papasan anyway. It’s too small and we don’t fit. The bed is much better.”  He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Stop whining.” Dara snapped distractedly trying to tie a pink ribbon on an uncooperative Tam-tam.

“The last time we tried that you managed to get my pants off and scarred Gaho for life. And I’m not getting in that bed again till Tom and Laura leave.” She stated staring pointedly at his questionable bed sheets.

Jiyong produced a fake pout but gave up when she turned to him with a cute smile on her face.

“Now look at the camera Jiyongie. And say cheeeese!” She pressed the little camera remote in her hand.




Kwon Jiyong glanced up from the lyrics he was writing to the portrait on his desk and smiled. It was placed in a particularly girly frame, pink and decorated with colourful marshmallows and sparkly shells and beads. Dara was being quite artistic lately. 

In the picture was a young boy and a not so young girl, dressed identically in yellow smiley faced t-shirts, faces  freshly scrubbed, her long brown hair scraped back and secured with a barrette, his blonde hair all over the place.  They were cuddled close together in a large overstuffed cane chair, wide grins on their faces, clutching a tiny little shar-pei and a purple stuffed rabbit-thingy, their bare feet in identical baby blue pyjama bottoms interlocking.

He clutched at his suddenly tight chest and chuckled remembering their conversation that day.




“What do you think about kids?”

“I love them why?” He replied absently, tickling Gaho’s tummy as the little puppy lay wriggling on the bed.

“I mean…our kids.”

He pretended to think.

“I love Gaho with all my heart. Not sure about Tam-tam though.”

She smacked him upside the head.

“Jingyo! I mean…real kids.”

He stopped rubbing his head at once.

“Oh my God! You’re pregnant aren’t you?”

“What? No! It’s just something all girls think about. I’m getting older and I want kids someday. With you. And I want to know how you feel about that.”

He carefully placed Gaho on the floor and gathered Dara in hug.

“Of course I want to have kids with you. If we weren’t famous we’d have at least five.”

“What?!” Dara pulled back to give him a scandalised look.

“Why you ert!” *Another smack.*

Jiyong laughed as he positioned himself properly on the bed, laying his head on the pillows and pulling Dara along.

She snuggled up to him tracing the smiley face on his t-shirt.

“Five kids huh?” She mumbled.

“Mmhmm.” Jiyong grinned proudly.

“Three boys and two girls.” He elaborated.

“They’re so pretty.” Dara smiled, her imagination running away with her. Till she felt wayward hands sneakily inching up her soft stomach.

“Yah!!! What are you doing?!”

“I just thought we could start practicing early. You know, for our kids…”


“Ouch! Dara!!!...”


Jiyong was still staring at the picture ten minutes later, grinning like an idiot. He glanced at Gaho who was busily annihilating his piggy plushie on the floor.

“So what do you think huh Gaho? A brother first? Or a sister?”

But he’d decided; as long it was Dara, anything was fine with him.


The End.

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Chapter 1: Please, make it real! I want five Little Jiyong and Dara ☺️
sangonimiroku #2
Chapter 1: Kill me..... This made me smile so much :)))))))
cute ^^ sequel Juseyo. haha
Chapter 1: hehee.. I like this story... SEQUEAL PLEASE. AUTHORNIM!
Very cute! I love it <3
bienbonita #6
Chapter 1: Aahhh this was cute, light and nice :)