

Jiyong stared


Who would have thought that such a tiny bundle of cute would have such a erted mind? And of course he told her so.


“What?! What’s erted about my question?” Dara sniffed in an affronted manner.


She just wanted to know when he’d put his tongue in . No harm in being prepared right?


“Girls are meant to be sweet and quiet and wait patiently for the boy to make the first move and they’re supposed to melt into their arms and say: Oppa that was wonderful and I’ll love you forever and ever and sh*t like that. They’re not meant to be asking when I’m going to stick my tongue down their throat Jesus ing Christ!!”


Dara grinned. “You have no idea what you’re meant to do, do you? So much for your ‘sophisticated experience.’ You’re as green as I am.”


Jiyong pouted. What happened to the shy doe eyed girl who used to look up at him in admiration and love and used to hang on to his every word like they were drops of pearls. They’d only been officially a couple for three days and she was already becoming an ego buster.


He shuddered when he remembered something his father had whispered to one of his older sister’s boyfriends when she’d been having a spectacular tantrum.


You think that’s bad? Wait till you get married and she transforms into a screeching, nagging harpy. You have good times ahead of you my son.


Dami had always wondered why he broke up with her and Jiyong had been too afraid to tell the truth. He looked at Dara now. She was looking up at him with a bright cheeky smile, oblivious of the slightly panicky thoughts going through his brain. Sure she was a potential ego deflator (and as a teen he had a BIG one!) but surely she couldn’t turn out that bad in the future. Could she? What if she was like those cute fluffy things which turned into gremlins at night?!


Just wait till you get married. A little voice whispered.


Oh crap. Jiyong shuddered.


“Oppa?” Dara’s smile dimmed a bit at the horrified look on her boyfriend’s face. What was wrong? Had he changed his mind about kissing her? Honestly when her mother’s call had interrupted them at the party three days ago she’d been so mad she’d thought she’d burst, shrivel up and die from frustration.


And with the president’s long, awkward (and scary) talk on responsibility and protection (yeah like they were going to go that far) and the added hours of “punishment training they’d barely had time to be together. They hadn’t even been on a date yet!


“Is something wrong oppa?” She asked a tad worriedly.


Jiyong shook his head. “No my overactive mind just getting ahead of itself. You’ll always be nice and loving right?”


“Erm yes okay if that’s what you want.” Dara replied puzzled. Where was this coming from?


“Good.” Jiyong smiled in relief.


He was nervous though. He’d only kissed a few girls before; the only proper one being a noona, one of his sister’s friends. He remembered how shocked he’d been when she had slipped her tongue into his mouth. It had felt so alien; he’d bolted immediately and had been too ashamed to face her for weeks afterwards.


“Okay then let’s get down to this.” He said in a businesslike manner.


Dara giggled nervously and scooted closer, not minding the stains the garden grass would leave in her white summer dress.


They tentatively leaned into each other, eyes wide open and staring straight at each other. They could almost hear the erratic pounding of each other’s hearts and they would have shrunk into their leather sandals if they’d known that his parents and sister were watching from the kitchen window overlooking the garden, very amused by the awkward mating dance of the two kids.


Sandara wiped her sweaty hands on her pretty linen dress.


“What are you waiting for?” She asked in an unsteady voice.


“You’ve opened your mouth weird. You look like a fish.” Jiyong retorted defensively.


“And.” He sniffed. “Your mouth smells of garlic ew.”


“What??!!” Dara’s eyes bugged out in disbelief. “You don’t just say that! I’m your girlfriend that’s so rude!!!” She cried whacking him on the shoulder.


“Besides your mouth smells of garlic too. We had the same lunch.”


“Oh. Sorry. Want some gum?”


They sat and chewed staring absently at the flowers at the far side of the garden.


“So…we really don’t know what we’re doing huh?”


Jiyong stared despondently at the orchids moving about merrily in the breeze.


“This is stupid, we’re sixteen, you’re popular and hot and I’m cute and pretty, we shouldn’t be this ignorant.”


“We’re good suppressed Korean teenagers who go to church every Sunday and volunteer at the community centre, what do you expect?”


“You don’t volunteer.”


“Well I nearly did. I have basketball on Tuesdays.”


Dara smiled. “I watched some videos. Not the lame kisses on prime time dramas, western videos.”


Jiyong smiled back. “I read some stuff.”




“On this English site.”


“You can understand English?”


“A little.” Jiyong made a gesture with his thumb and forefinger.


“What did it say?”


“Well first,” Jiyong wiped Dara’s lips with his thumb. “Too much lip gloss is nasty.”


He leaned forward. “And your breath has to smell good.”


Dara giggled. His breath smelled like mint; as hers probably did.


“And then.” She said. “You have to get real close.”


She tentatively climbed into his lap, cheeks going red as she felt the tiny hairs on his legs brush against the soft flesh of her thighs.


“And you moisten your lips.” Jiyong run his tongue over his lips in an exaggerated manner causing Dara’s nervous giggles to increase.


“And I’ll put my arms around your neck.” Dara did just that. “And weave my hands through your hair.”


“And I’ll put my arms around your waist.” Skinny toned arms circled her tiny waist.


“Okay that’s it.” said mama Kwon from the kitchen window. “They’re going a bit too far Jiyong-appa.”


“Don’t you dare stop it.” Mr Kwon warned around the mouthful of popcorn he was munching.


This is better than the daily variety. Dami nodded in agreement and glanced worriedly at her camera, the film was running out and she still hadn’t got a money shot. D*mn.


Dara leaned forward and pressed her tightly closed lips against Jiyong’s. His lips were warm and soft and she smiled against them, at the warm tickly feeling spreading through her body.


“Open your mouth.” Jiyong whispered and she did so, a bit shocked when she felt the warm air in his mouth rush into hers. A pink tentative tongue bumped against her teeth and she felt her pulse jump at the sensation.


opened further and she greeted his tongue with her own, desperately trying to ignore the connection their ‘meeting’ made with the rest of her body as tiny shocks of pleasure fluttered through her body, pooling languidly at her groin.


But she couldn’t help but let out a little whimper and Jiyong took that as an encouraging sign, a hand coming up to cup her cheek as he tilted  his head for better access, as he tried with his limited experience to devour , his excitement growing by the second.


“Wow.” Kwon appa stared in surprise. “They’re really getting it on.”


 His wife just snorted in disapproval while Dami snapped away madly, muttering blackmail over and over under her breath.


Dara pulled away her chest heaving in little pants.


“I…can’t breathe.” She explained.


Jiyong stared at her through dazed, heavily lidded eyes. Her eyes were wide with confused desire and her lips had already begun swelling. He could feel the slight discomfort beginning to surface in his shorts.


“I don’t want to stop.” He said, dead serious. He grabbed at Dara causing them both to go off-kilter, Dara falling in a sprawl onto his chest.


“Perfect position.” He grinned as he grabbed her smooth cheeks and kissed her again. Hard.


“Well Jiyong umma.” Mr. Kwon turned towards his wife. “What can I say? Seems you’re going to be a grandma a few years sooner than expected.”


“What?!” Mrs Kwon’s eyes widened in horror.


“Yah!!! Kwon Jiyong!!! Inside the house! Now!!!”


Jiyong grinned as he heard his mother’s shrieks and his sister’s cackles from the kitchen. He pulled Dara’s head closer as their kiss deepened. Nothing could pull him out of this moment…


Well except maybe Mr. Park’s shotgun…



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michiru10 #1
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeee. <33
sangonimiroku #2
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Sequel pls !! xD i'll wait for it :3
Chapter 1: hahaha.... omo omo... the last part was hilarious.! kekeke... sequeal please authornim... I read the muffled already and this.. kekek
Chapter 1: Cutieeee hahahahaha:)
Chapter 1: cuuute~ :3
bienbonita #7
Chapter 1: That was so cuuuuute! #firstrealkiss
Chapter 1: hahaha so cute
Lol.. Both so innocent ^^