



~now here she comes, she wants some of my lollipop~
~she touching on ma body makes me wanna
~now here I come I give it to her straight up and down~
~now here I come, here I come, come, come come come. ~


Dara could feel it as realisation dawned on her, her milky white skin slowly turning a shade of red as she balled her fists, body stiff and trying to control the angry currents running through her body.

CL and Minji were throwing sly glances at her, covering their mouths to hide their sniggers and Bom was rubbing circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

“So girls. What do you think?” Teddy smiled, oblivious to the almost erupting volcano that was Sandara Park. The Big Bang boys however had caught on and grins had began spreading on their faces.

Before she could open , the offender came through the door.

“Annyeong!” Jiyong beamed happily as he walked into the recording studio.

“Oh crap.” Seunghyun muttered.

“Jiyong oppa! Run!” Minji squealed.

“Huh? Why?” he asked. Then he saw the paused video on the computer screen.  And the livid glare on his girlfriend’s face. Oh .

“Dara-yah calm down.” He gestured.

“ I can explain. See, I’m not talking about you, it’s totally something else. Well not someone else, ‘cos you know, there’s only you. It’s just something I made up. Not that I’m fantasising about  someone else or anything but…OW!!!!” . His rambling was silenced by a quick smack up the side of his head.

“What did you do that for?” he yelped.

“Kwon Jiyong.”

 Uh-oh. The last time Dara had used that tone he’d been banned for two weeks and thought he’d die from ual frustration. He gulped and started backing away towards the door as she slowly advanced on him.  The others looked on in barely suppressed excitement. This was fun.

“You!” she pointed at him.

“I had to go through the whole day in this building; through breakfast, through training, even in the ing corridors with people giving me sly looks, wiggling their eyebrows, giggling at me. Even the president was staring at me today. And it’s because you, you just had to sing about what I do with you in private huh? Making me a laughingstock huh? Now every ing person in the building knows how you ing give it to me!”

“I’m sorry.” He whimpered, head down.

Youngbae grinned, poking Daesung in the ribs, thoroughly enjoying his best friend’s plight.

 “Well sorry isn’t going to cut it!” she yelled, startling a fascinated Teddy.

“You.” She pointed a shaking finger at her boyfriend. “You’re banned!!!”

Jiyong looked up in horror and Seungri let out a loud whoop only to be silenced by a glare from CL.

Dara wiped at her teary eyes and stormed out of the studio, followed by her faithful members who took turns shooting dirty looks at Jiyong.

“Shame on you oppa.” Minji pouted.

“What the , she was laughing too.” Seunghyun muttered. He threw a pitiful glance at his shell-shocked band mate who was still staring at the now empty doorway.

 Suddenly Jiyong jumped up and chased after the girls who’d consequently locked themselves in the dance studio . There he proceeded to make an of himself by banging on the door and yelling for Dara to open up and ‘hear him out’ much to the amusement of the passing staff. Someone even dared to hum to the new Lollipop tune.

When the begging didn’t work, he ran over  back to Teddy.

“Hyung, we’ve got change the lyrics. Now, please. Last time she got mad, she trashed my wardrobe. And I got banned hyung! You know what that means. Please, please, please.” Jiyong rubbed his palms together.

“Sorry Jiyong.” Teddy shrugged. “We already released the teaser video on the internet. There’s no fixing it once the fans have seen it.”

“Oh .” Jiyong slumped down onto the floor. “I’m so screwed.”

“Yes you are.” Seungri chimed in gleefully.

“And I’m never going to be able to see Sandara in the same way again.” Teddy shook his head.

“Shut up.” Jiyong mumbled as he tried to think of ways to get back into Dara’s good graces.

“Be thankful hyung. At least you never had the scarring experience of seeing them do it in our bathroom.” Taeyang patted Teddy’s shoulder as Daesung snorted with laughter. Seunghyun just grinned at him as he on a conveniently available lollipop.

Jiyong pouted from his position on the floor. Life .


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Chapter 1: So, that’s the story?
Chapter 1: hahaha poor jiyongie.....
sangonimiroku #3
Chapter 1: wahahahahhaaha :) <3
bienbonita #4
Chapter 1: Is that really how the song goes?! *googles the translated version of Lollipop just for kicks*
Chapter 1: haha poor jiyong haha