The Magic of Sticky Notes

The Magic of Sticky Notes {Birthday Fic for Fishy 2011}


Donghae pulled the pillow back over his head. Slamming a fist down on his alarm clock, the brunette groaned. It was his birthday.


Ever since that fateful night when he and the members returned to the dorm on his birthday a few years back, he's loathed today's coming. That night, no one wished him anything, sang for him, or even looked in his direction. The members all scattered as soon as they entered the dorm and no one paid any attention to him.


He was so upset that he wanted to cry.


Knowing that the day had come again, Donghae pouted from under his pillow and refused to move. The others probably forgot what today was anyway.


After he laid there for a few minutes more, Donghae knew he had to get up. Sliding out of bed, he trudged toward the door to his room.


There was a note stuck to it.


Open the door.


Suspicious, the brunette did as he was told only to find another post-it note stuck to the side of the couch in the main room.


Check the refrigerator.


Sure enough, there was another note on the door there too.


Get the box that's inside and put it on the table.


He did. Noticing another piece of paper attached to the top of the nicely wrapped white box, he read that one too.


Walk back to your room.


Tilting his head like a small puppy, Donghae frowned and shrugged, going along with the message. He was surprised to see that the door to his room was closed. I thought I had left it open.


Look on your bed.


Excitement bubbling from inside him, the fish swung the door open to reveal a big bag designed with Sapphire Blue balloons. Jumping on the bed like a child on a sugar high, he began sifting through the contents of the bag. In it was several fan letters all wishing him a happy birthday and some small gifts. There was a box on the bottom of the bag. An envelope was taped to the top.


But being the kid he was, he went straight to the box and tore the cover off.


It was a picture frame. The picture it held cause his heart to squeeze with both love and sadness. It was one he had taken with all of the members when everyone was there; Heechul, Kibum, Kangin, and Hangeng included.


Now knowing who the card was from as well, he opened the envelope. The front of the card was a clown fish wearing a pointy, blue birthday hat.


From Your Biggest Fans was written underneath the picture in black marker. He opened the card.


We didn't forget.


Tears filled Donghae's eyes when he saw the signatures of his fellow Super Junior members. Even Heechul had come by to (of course) write his name the biggest and draw a cartoon picture of his face, which practically took up a whole half of the card.


Donghae smiled at his hyung's eccentric touch and wiped at his tears as he read the short message at the bottom of the card.


Stop crying, you big baby! <3

Now turn around.


Everyone was standing in the doorway.


Sungmin and Ryeowook were holding up a cake—it had come from the box Donghae took out earlier, Shindong and Kyuhyun pulled the strings on some party poppers that sent confetti floating in the air, and being the singers that they are, sang “Happy Birthday.”


Y-You remembered,” Donghae said once they finished, finding it impossible to stop the tears from flowing and himself from smiling. “Thank you.”


Leeteuk ran over to his dongsaeng and smothered him in a hug, telling the younger how they would always remember the day he was born.


Where's my hug?” a familiar voice asked from the crowd still gathered in the doorway. Eunhyuk held his arms out and Donghae all but melted into them. “Happy Birthday, Donghae.”


Seeing that this was a private moment (or it would turn into one), the others went back into the kitchen to slice the cake.


You did this, didn't you?” Donghae guessed, his words muffled by Eunhyuk's neck.


How'd you know?”


The notes were written in your handwriting. Did you think I wouldn't notice?” Grinning innocently, Donghae tightened his grip around Eunhyuk's back but leaned back slightly. “Now where's my birthday kiss?”


Eunhyuk laughed softly, placing a chaste touch of lips against the latter's forehead, smiling his gummy smile at the way the younger of the two pursed his own lips in disappointment. Unable to resist the power of the Hae pout, he gave in and kissed Donghae's mouth.


But before it got too heated, the blonde dancer pulled away and smirked.


I'm hungry. How does cake for breakfast sound?”


Sulking slightly, Donghae still managed to crack a smile. Eunhyuk unwrapped his arms from the birthday boy and went to leave the room. Just as he completed his first step toward the door, he took something out of his pocket and stuck it to Donghae's forehead, humming the chorus to 'Marry U' as he headed for the kitchen.


Donghae grabbed the piece of paper, another sticky note, and blushed.


Meet me in my room tonight. I have a very 'special' present for you.



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Chapter 1: This is so sweet, I got a cavity from this oh my god??? I love it so much! The forehead kiss, Donghae's pouting, and then Hyukjae's note at the end lsfdjkl my HEART. ;www; I adore this one, thank you so much for writing and sharing!! ♡
Kirin00 #2
Chapter 1: aww this is so adorable!
koutaroux #3
Chapter 1: Aww... Donghae must have felt so happy to know that the members remember :) Hyuk is cheesy^^
Thanks for the story♥
Chapter 1: something like this happens in real life probably be the nice birthday ever~!
Chapter 1: So adorable! I loved that sticky note -idea <3 Everything in this fic was awesome :3
And I guess we all know what's that 'special' present from Hyukjae ;D
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 1: wahhh! I want to read what happen in the room? ;)
sashalovesfish #7
Chapter 1: what's so "special"????
sunmoon #8
Chapter 1: Meet me in my room tonight. I have a
very 'special' present for you.-_______ hyukjae
Chapter 1: Kyaaa~ so sweet :3
This is great!!!