
Midnight Calliope

           Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there once lived a man named Do Kyungsoo. But people weren't very sure if he was actually a man, half of him looked like one, but the other half was not. From head to toe, or perhaps from horns to fins, all we could say was that he was a creature. Then there was another man, slightly younger, who led his little Circus Calliope through the forest every midnight. The Calliope was loud, even a small one like his could be heard for miles, and it was never his day to get the villagers angry. This story starts on a cold and brittle January evening.

           Kyungsoo kept himself underwater; he really looked like a preserved specimen in a laboratory. His fur, which covered the top third of his fish tail, swayed in the dirty green water. His scales shined in the dim moonlight, coming behind bars of the small window on the top of the wall. His horns, being too tall, left its tips above the surface. He was taking a good rest after his dinner of stale bread. Bread was bread. Food was food. It surprised him, for he was able to still remain alive under these conditions. His visible rib bones bulged out as he shifted his position as his human skin shone in the twisted moonlight. This was the small tub they confined him in, which itself was placed in a cage. There were many unfortunate beings in the freak show business, but Kyungsoo and a few others were reserved for nobles who paid double, being the freakiest of them all. Maybe it was a good thing in this case, to be “freaky”. To be abnormal in abnormal situations could be a positive aspect. But is it really? Could it ever or ever not be this way? Kyungsoo wondered whether or not it was truly good for him to be here, in the tub. That was only because he could not have ever even thought of a life where he was not. He was just born this way, and fated to be there, soaking in the musky water. He was kept in his own room, large, but not fancy. The only things separating the room from a metal box was the few tiny rectangular windows perched high up, and a large, double door entrance which lead directly to Kyungsoo, who was placed in the very middle.

           Their freak show was famous for having a large variety of disembodied human beings. Every kind, every flavor, one was sure to find their joy here. Each a delicate, hand-crafted work by a kind young man, who took over when his father died a decade ago. The mastermind was called "Suho". Nobody knew his real name, perhaps he didn't have one.

           Kim Jongin, quite a sir, led his little "Slavic" circus crew through the forest again. He went this way and travelled between two towns every day, intentionally passing by the freak show, for business, and for his personal needs. He made the horses slow their pace, and later came to a stop. "Baekhyun, please take charge and let everyone rest for a while until I return." he assigned to his friend, a tightrope performer in his circus. When the latter nodded in agreement, Jongin turned around to jump off board and walk to the freak show's buildings. He took a turn and led himself left of the main building. He walked the same way every night; his footprints could even possibly be imbedded in the frozen soil.

           "She's my babe..."

Jongin came to a halt before a large wooden door, locked, but that was not a problem for him.

            "Those pure white finger tips..."

He stood there and waited for his heartbeat to slow down, his puffs of hot breath to decrease, but it doesn't seem like the case.

           "Melted chocolate..."

He shook his head a brought out some wires and began picking the lock. It wasn't long before the double doors opened outwardly, squeaking and scratching.

           "You're walking into my do-"

Jongin squeezed himself in, not wanting to open the door any further, and shut it quickly.

           The singing came to a sudden stop, and the last swish of water made Jongin turn to the beauty. "Jongin, you're late." it said. Jongin ran to the cage immediately. "I am?" he checked his pocket watch, "I am. I'm sorry Kyungsoo". He reached his hand through the bars to touch the wet skin of the other. "It's okay, I'm just surprised, but relieved to see you here. I mean, in the end, who comes to see a half goat, half fish man in the middle of the night? Unless I entertain you too?" Kyungsoo asked mischievously. "Yes, in a way, but not the way the others do, of course. Come on, don't tease me the moment I get here!" Jongin replied, and Kyungsoo broke into soft giggles, his tail swishing the water beneath him. He then reached his half hoof, half hands from the water, and entwined his very humane fingers with those of Jongin's, through the bars. "Tell me, why do you come every night Jongin?" he asked. "Kyungsoo, you ask this question every time I come here though..." Jongin said, "just tell me, I forgot" was what the other gave him. But Jongin smiled and said, once again, "because to me, you are no more, no less, a human than myself, but that is a small matter, because I will always fall in love with you, no matter what form, what world, what life. Because I, Kim Jongin, loves you, Do Kyungsoo", he finished with an expression of pure sincerity to the other. "I, Do Kyungsoo, loves you, Kim Jongin, as well. Now I realize that it is not the bread I get every day that keeps my heart beating, but you. Perhaps in another life, there won't be bars separating us." Kyungsoo said, looking down, and sinking slightly into the water. "Ah, that reminds me! My ice performer, Xiumin, gave me these buns, they're called baozi, I think. The filling is pork and cabbage, I tried one, and it's delicious. The rest are all for you, please eat them before they go bad." Jongin offered, handing one by one to Kyungsoo. However, the latter shook his head, "I have no appetite Jongin, it is better if you eat them instead." he said. "Kyungsoo, look at yourself; your death will be my ticket to the mental asylum! Now eat!", Jongin said as he pushed one up to Kyungsoo's face. Kyungsoo gave up and accepted the bun to take a bite. It was actually very delicious, the most delicious thing he has eaten in a long time, just as Jongin has told him. Jongin seemed to realize this when he saw the look on Kyungsoo's face. "It's good, isn't it? Savor it." Jongin said, reaching for Kyungsoo's free hand, "I must go, so I will see you tomorrow at midnight", he said as he picked up his hand through the bars and kissed the tip of his fingers. Kyungsoo nodded as he swallowed the last bite, and watched as Jongin walked to the door. He opened the door and looked back for one last time that night, and closed it with a soft clang. Kyungsoo was alone again.

           Seven years has passed, the mastermind has mutated a whole new batch of innocent children into freaks. Kyungsoo was no longer a prize, he was now treated just like the rest of them. He has lived almost all his life this way, everyday behind bars, people coming in to point and laugh at him, or children breaking into sobs and wails when they see him. Jongin could no longer see him at night, now that his place has been moved. He stopped visiting about four years ago, and only upon blue moons was he able to buy a ticket to visit during the daytime. However that only lasted for another year. It has been three years since Kyungsoo had last seen Jongin. "He must have long forgotten me..." Kyungsoo sighed to himself. He sunk down into his tub, lifting his tail out and resting on one end, while his head was submerged under water. He began chuckling; the last breath he took flew out of his mouth is bubbles. Then he laughed some more, but what came out were only invisible gusts of water. He sunk further down and shed invisible tears. They were just like him. Full of woe and sorrow, but no one can see him, and no one cares. It had been Jongin all this time, only he could see Kyungsoo for the little piece of humanity that still remains. Kyungsoo first met Jongin two years after he was first put up for display at the freak show. At that time, they were both in their very early teens. Jongin, looking a bit more wealthy than the rest of the kids, stared with awe at Kyungsoo for the longest time. From that day on, he came to visit almost every day, with or without his parents. A few years later, Jongin became a bit more mischievous and started visiting at night. All this time, all this time Kyungsoo was able to have something, no, someone, to look forward to when he had nobody. Now he is  back to where he started, alone.

           A few weeks later, the buds have sprouted, and the ice has thawed. A few flowers have already bloomed, telling the people that spring was just around the corner. Kyungsoo could see when he was placed outside for show. Now the sun is setting, the sky a fiery red, clouds like cotton lit on fire. Kyungsoo got put off the job and switched places with a newcomer, he hid in his tub as the workers pulled his cage back in the storage room. At this point, it really was a better choice to die than suffer the life as a mocked object. Kyungsoo took a long nap until a few workers came again at the middle of the night and began pulling him out. "Where am I going?" he asked, there was fear hidden in his voice. "The Master. Then he'll decide if you're going to the crematorium or back to the shed." a worker said. "Your time is up, little one." said another. Little one? But how many years have passed by in his life already? "I've been here so long, I can't even count." Kyungsoo spoke, looking down to the water, "and for some odd reason, I'm afraid of dying although I've wanted to this whole time." Kyungsoo slightly chuckled into the water. "I've never met one person in my life who wasn't scared of death. Especially you, being so young..." an older worker said, then he sighed. They were silent for the rest of the way to the building.

           "Oh? Is it time already? Sure came sooner than I expected!" Master Suho exclaimed as the workers brought Kyungsoo in and told him his name. "Open the cage door, I don't like talking to people who are behind bars" he insisted. The door creaked as it opened and Suho looked at Kyungsoo. "So a long time ago, I'd say a few years but I think it was longer than that. Well, there was this young man, said he owned a circus, can't really remember his name. He said that he wants to bail you out. Of course I couldn't accept, at that time you were still one of my most prized possessions. I told him to save up and come visit me when he has a million. I mean at this time in history? Twenty years probably isn't even enough, not like he doesn't need money to survive anyways. But it's too late now. Goodbye Do Kyungsoo. I have no need for you anymore. Have a good night". The cage clanged once again as the bars shut. Kyungsoo stayed speechless, he could not cry, for he did not know what to feel. He only knew one thing, and that was how much he would do and give just to be able to be together with Jongin. Just another year, another month, another week, another day, another hour, another minute, another second. But he could not mumble out anything, not even a whimper. It was over; infinite time had finally ended for him. It was just as another inmate had said. “Time will end for everyone.” At first Kyungsoo thought it was silly. Time? Ending? Time was the only infinite aspect of his life. It was time that kept him going. It was time that kept him alive, and time that healed his wounds. Time, time, all along, and yet now time has ended. The infinite time he knew would stay, would no longer be here by his side anymore. Even time has left him, not just Jongin, but time itself was no longer with him. He never had anything to begin with, but now, he has been stripped empty to the core. As the workers pushed open the double doors, it was a man in plain ragged clothing, carrying two briefcases, who barged in at the same time. But he stopped to stare at Kyungsoo. "Jongin..." was all that Kyungsoo could mumble out, and now the tears he never thought he had, flowed out of his eyes uncontrollably, like an open faucet. He did not sob, nor did he shiver, he only clung there like a statue and cried. "Kyungsoo, I'm here to get you out okay? Don't worry, we will finally be together" the other said, and ran to Suho who sat watching and waiting behind the desk.

           "Oh, so you really got the million?" Suho asked, resting his chin on his hands, "And I forgot; tell me your name again." He glanced at the dilapidated man "My name is Kim Jongin, and yes, I've sold everything valuable that I owned in order to fulfill the last bit that I lacked." Jongin replied, lifting up the briefcases for Suho. "And you said you would turn him back to normal, sir." he added. Suho hovered his hand in the air and looked at Jongin with a raised brow. "I said no such thing, besides, I can't do that." he stated with indifference. "Then who can?" Jongin stared with his wide eyes, clutching the handles of the suitcases. Suho chuckled at the other’s stupefied countenance, "I know someone, maybe for another million". Jongin stood there furious, a view Suho quite enjoyed. Kyungsoo’s solid heart sunk even deeper down into the pits of his stomach. The others were too busy lost in their own dilemmas to notice another man emerge from the corner hallway in the back. He was exceptionally tall. That was the only thing Kyungsoo could make out at the very least. "Brother, you are too mean", the tall man said, while shaking his head slightly. Suho swung his head to the side and appeared to pout. "You," the tall man said, pointing at Jongin, "and you guys", looking towards the workers, "bring the little goat mermaid and come with me". The men did as they were told, and Suho sat there himself, looking a bit disappointed but did not object.

           They closed the gates while the bars clanged in the corners forming a resonance that rippled through the water in Kyungsoo’s tank. “Where are we going?” Jongin asked, which was exactly what was swimming through Kyungsoo’s mind as well. There was no reply, just rapid footsteps down the dimly lit hallway. The men pushed the cage faster and faster. The floor was smooth but the wheels still clanged after every new tile. Clang, clang, clang, clangclang, clangclangclang, clangclangclangclangclang. And then the tall man came to a sudden halt, which then caused the other men to halt, for Kyungsoo’s tank to smash into the corner of the cage, and the water splashed out in a new wave. “, be careful.” The tall man hissed through his lips, but there were no replies to him this time either. He shook the knob and swung open the door, he then stomped through the puddle which still leaked and grew as they crawled through the floor.

           “Let go.” The tall man said, grabbing Kyungsoo’s cage and pulling it into the room himself. “Stay out”, he commanded, and shut the door. “Wait!” Jongin pushed onto the other side, causing the door to stay open with a slit, and as he breathed into the other side, he stuttered out the words, “please save him.” But it might have been too late, because his breath was cut by the click of the lock, and he had no idea what was going to happen. He had no idea of the man’s name. Jongin slid down the wall and stared to the floor. In this world now, what did he have? What did he have in the first place? Now, he had nothing, no material of worth clung to him, but he still sat there, head down, clutching to his two briefcases, for there were the key to the next door, perhaps. He was empty, now. Knowing that there was someone who could help was there, but could he help? Or was he just deceiving? Jongin didn’t even know his name.

           The tall man brought out Kyungsoo from the tub and laid his wet body onto the metal operating table. Somehow, it was nostalgic, it was as if he has been there before. That was not the most pleasant thought, for the room was dark and damp. The walls had leak marks and the corners were blooming with mold. Dust filled the still air and the feeling of wrath choked his words away. It was kind of like a hospital.

           Kyungsoo slowly inhaled and exhaled as he examined the tall man who fumbled over instruments and was now trying his best to get the inhaler and mask to properly pump the… Air?

           “Put this on so you’ll fall asleep during the operation.” The tall man loomed over Kyungsoo while holding the mask in place. Kyungsoo did just what he was told, and soon the machine started silently pumping gas that smelled overwhelmingly like canned cherries and soon before Kyungsoo could finish thinking oh lord this smells absolutely terrible he had already fallen asleep.

           Was it over then? Was it over? Could it have been finally over? Jongin clutched his head. He was alone now, in the hallways. It had been so long, but it felt even longer. Time ticked by endlessly. For Jongin, time was infinite. It had been and it always will be. Time’s numbers goes beyond the innumerable stars in the night sky. How could things go so terribly heart wrenchingly wrong in this world? Would it even be possible? It seems as if this was a story written in scriptures or in novels which only the obscure would read. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. But time was what constrained Jongin. It had always been time. He never had enough time to spend with Kyungsoo. When he was young, he met him, but ever since then, he knew he could never be with Kyungsoo forever. Every night he went and visited, but every night he also had to leave his side. It was time. He needed time to get the money so that he could free Kyungsoo, but his time was short. He managed, but, the time. The time. This infinite time will endlessly constrain Jongin for the rest of his existence. Could this be what he deserved? Could Kyungsoo be what he had never deserved?



           Kyungsoo blinked open his eyes and the tall man was no longer looming over him. His body did not feel like his own. He could still feel; he was sure his nerves were still attached, but it no longer felt like himself. His mind was groggy and he felt like a zombie, whatever that feels like. Kyungsoo’s fingers crawled to the side of the bed he was laid on. A bed with soft covers… So I’m no longer in the musky room. Kyungsoo could still not turn his head, so he’d have to see with his hands. His fingers danced until they felt the skin of another. It was slightly radiating warmth. “Jongin..?” How could he have known? After all, he did not look at the person. It just felt like him, with those fingers that stretched through the openings of the cage and caught onto the edge of the tank, silently dipping into the waving water. And immediately the hand raced to his cheek, softly but passionately tending it as if it was the most prized possession one could ever obtain. “Yes, Kyungsoo! Are you awake? Kyungsoo, are you alright? How are you feeling? Don’t worry. I am here, Jongin is here.” Finally Jongin’s face was in the view of Kyungsoo. He looked malnourished, with cheeks beginning to hollow. Kyungsoo slowly grimaced at the sight, while his heart, somewhere, clenched, somehow. Jongin’s eyes popped open and his mouth gaped in fear, “Kyungsoo! What’s wrong? Please, tell me!” he silently yelled with what could possibly be the last of his strength. But all Kyungsoo needed to do was smile and grab the younger’s wrist with one hand. He was very much alright, because he was not alone.

           It had later become evident that they were out of the freak show’s territory. Kris, the very tall man who changed Kyungsoo back into a human, was the one who let them out. Suho on the other hand, was unspeakably infuriated and under no circumstances would be let go of the one million. Kris was able to talk him into half, so in the end Jongin still kept five hundred grand. Perhaps people would say that their days began to pass by normally from this point on, considering what they had all been through previously. But some may not. Kyungsoo and Jongin went back to the circus that Jongin owned. There, many friends and companions were willing to provide their care and love. This world may or may not be bounded by time, but as long as there is love, time no longer mattered. Time could do what it wanted to do. Time could go on for eternity, or time could stop. It made no difference on the combined hearts of two in love. The heart of Jongin and Kyungsoo was impenetrable by time, and for that, they lived happily ever after.

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Chapter 1: damn, this was sad but then the ending was nice :)
whoa, that's a cool poster :O