Rough Beginnings

My Attractive Hobo

He put the hammer down and reached for my hand.

Blood rushed to my face

"Joongki" i stammered


"J-j-joong ki ah...What are you doing?" I asked, stuttering.

My heart was beating faster and faster as the seconds ticked on, seemingly as fast as a turtle would travel.

"Noona, I know that we only met today, but I feel like I've known you for a really long time." He said, slowly at first, but he started to pick up some speed as he continued

"What are y-" I was cut off by him.

"I dont know either...But, its just... I feel really comfortable around you, as if I've known you for the longest time ever. And...I don't feel light weighted knowing that this stranger is going to be spending time here with you, no matter how good you may be at martial arts. I...want you to be safe."

He blushed and looked down, glancing up at me a couple of times through his bangs.

Though I was fluttered, I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was embarrassed.

Actually, I never thought that he looked ugly; he was quite handsome.

And to think that someone liked him actually cared for me...

what was I thinking!

Snap out of it Song Ji Hyo!!! >:/

Then, there was a light tapping sound near the room of the new comer.

"What do you think I'll do to her, flower boy?" he asked.

His voice was husky, and he had a sneer plastered on his face.

"Do you think I'll make a move on her?" He continued. "Or maybe you're worried that I'm secretly an remorseless assassin."

He seemed to be enjoying him time, while Joong Ki was looking more and more glum by the second.

I put my arm around Joong Ki's shoulder to try to comfort him.

"Joong Ki-ah, gwenchan ah. I appreciate your concern. So don't let this guys words get to you." I whispered to him.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me, grasping me in an embrace.

"Thanks, noona... I'll be going now. See you tomorrow..." With that, he let go, and walked out to the deck, jumping over into his apartment.

I glared at the new person, wondering how he could be so cruel and cold-hearted to such an adorable kid.

"Don't worry about your safety; I have to protect my image, so I won't be doing anything to you...not soon anyways" He said, with another sheepish grin.

Turning my back to him, I responded

"Like you have any image to protect...I dont think you're very funny, and I'd like it if you stopped."

I couldn't see him, but judging from the fact that he didn't respond, i guessed he was impacted by my words.

"Sorry. I guess I was rude to someone who let me stay in their home. Let's start over with a clean slate. My name's Jonghyun."



this was my first original chapter!!!!!

How was it? Did it fit the mood of the story okay?

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Huhitscorn #1
Chapter 5: U have 2 update this story is like the bomb ly ❤️
Chapter 4: It's 2016! !!! Please update! !!!
shuishui #3
Chapter 5: Please update i like this story
sasasami #4
Chapter 5: so sweet..please update soon..
Hi! I love this story, can you please update soon ><?
I really wanna read more. I wish someone can continue this tho
jindaebutt #6
Puh-lease update soon ><
dreamersdream3 #7
Chapter 4: Update soon please
justsomebody #8
Update soon please >.<