Never Stop – 2

Never Stop

Kyuhyun’s POV

Kyuhyun rushed past the doorman of the InterContinental Paris Hotel, not forgetting to give a slight nod as the door was opened for him. Once he stepped onto the pavement, he took a deep breath and pulled his coat tighter, buttoning up. He could see his cold breath as he exhaled. He needed to get away. Quick.

It was rehearsal after rehearsal after they landed in Paris. He had hardly anytime to himself and he wanted the time alone. Somehow, Zhoumi was always by his side. Fetching him a drink, wiping his perspiration or feeding him with some snacks. It was as if the tall man was flaunting their new relationship to everyone. Kyuhyun frowned at the slight irritation he had against Zhoumi. “He is your boyfriend, for Christ sake, “he muttered to himself.

Slowly, he paced along the gentle, quiet street. Taking a look at his watch, he widened his eyes, already 9pm. He was just glad that Zhoumi was in the mood to compose some songs with Henry and he could get some time alone to himself. What an irony! When he was with Siwon, he relished every single moment they could be together, be it one minute before showtime or 2 whole days of free time. He loved the moments when Siwon would just wrap his big strong arms around him, pulling Kyuhyun close to him, the two of them just enjoying their time together, his back curving and moulding to the man he loved. He adored Siwon’s musky smell and tiny bristles of hair on his chin tickling the side of his face as the cheesy man whispers to him, declaring his devotion.  Before it all went wrong. And he’s got no one to blame except himself. When the tears threatened to fall, Kyuhyun in and breathe deeply. “Get a hold of yourself, pathetic.” he whispered.

Looking closely, he smiled wistfully. Just a few steps away. He had spotted the Eiffel Tower.


Flashback – 8 months ago.

Wrapping his long arms over the broad shoulders of his boyfriend, Kyuhyun rested his chin on the left side. “When are you going to be done?” he whined a little.

Turning back and giving a light kiss on the pouting lips, Siwon smiled gently and replied, still holding on to his script. “Hmmm, about an hour? Why don’t you have game of Starcraft? I will be done before you know it and then we will go for a sumptuous dinner.”

Kyuhyun pouted his lips and shook his head. “But I don’t wanna, I want you.”

Siwon stared his adorable maknae for a few seconds then laughed, showing his deep dimples. “Come here, stay with me while I look at the script”. He made more space at the couch, lying on his side and stretching his legs horizontally and pat at the empty space in front of him. Holding out his hand, Siwon signaled to Kyuhyun to lie with him. The younger man stuck out his tongue and bounced towards the couch, copying his lover’s position. He then took the other man’s arms to encircle his waist snugly.

“Can I carry on?” Siwon asked teasingly.” Or dinner might be late…”

“Pass me the remote,” deadpanned Kyuhyun.

Forty minutes later…

Taking a breather from script reading, Siwon realized Kyuhyun’s eyes were fixated on something on screen. He looked at the television, it was an documentary on Eiffel Tower.

“Hey? What are you thinking about?” he asked curiously.

Kyuhyun turned towards him, his big brown orbs, twinkling. “Very romantic, the Eiffel Tower. Shall we go when we have a vacation period? Not much people will know us and I would love to go right up to the top to have some champagne and check out the breathtaking view.”

“I promise, baby,” Siwon said earnestly and smiled broadly as Kyuhyun looked on dreamily. He would do anything to please his baby.


Siwon’s POV.

Lost in his thoughts, Siwon sipped his champagne and placed the unfinished drink on the small stand. He had parked himself at the quiet corner at the champagne bar at the Eiffel Tower. Looking out, it was indeed a breathtaking view of Paris, the only thing missing was the very person who wanted to be here, he thought to himself bitterly.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he recalled his anger just an hour ago. Even though, they were no longer together, he still could not bear to see his maknae with another man. It was really none of his business really. But seeing the attention lavished on Kyuhyun by Zhoumi, Siwon just knew he had to get away before he flares up and do something unthinking to the tall man. Giving some pathetic excuse to his manager, he had rushed out of the rehearsal and made his way to any place that could calm his mind and heart. And yet, his feet had taken him to Eiffel Tower.

The chilly air had almost numbed his fingers. He had forgotten his gloves. Keeping his hands in his pocket, Siwon felt the outline of a small pouch at the left inner pocket. Realisation hit him as he gently removed the velvet pouch from his pocket.


Flashback – 5 months ago.

Siwon rushed into their apartment excitedly, almost tripping over the coffee table as he has wanted to share his surprise for Kyuhyun. He had managed to clear his schedule to plan for a vacation. He had secretly checked and coordinated their schedules so that he could whisk his beloved for a week’s vacation to Paris. They both deserved it and he made sure it would be vacation that Kyuhyun will never forget. He had spent some time planning their itinerary with the final stop at the Eiffel Tower His baby really deserved this, for sticking with him all these years and being his pillar of support. He was always there to give his sharp but honest comments and observations and never once backing down to allow him to doubt himself.

Patting his pocket, Siwon smiled to himself as he felt the pouch which contained the actual surprise. For the past three weeks, he had been working with a ring designer to design a simple engagement ring which he hoped to put on Kyuhyun’s finger at the Eiffel Tower.   

He had not noticed the packed luggage at the door.

“Kyu!” he called when he saw Kyuhyun’s back. “Why are you crying?”


Siwon’s POV

After their breakup, Siwon had threw himself at his work, taking more jobs than ever. Travelling to different countries almost every week in hope that the work and the fatigue could numb his sadness. This was also a way that he need not join the group for their activities for he simply cannot face Kyuhyun.  He was afraid he might be the one breaking down, asking for a chance that could never be given again. He needed to keep the distance. He needed not to see Kyuhyun knowing that he cannot touch him. It came to a point that that absolute exhaustion overtook him and he found himself staring at the ceiling at some random hotel.  He was simply too tired. And he still loved Kyuhyun.  More than ever.

When he finally arrived in Seoul after four months of non-stop travelling, the first piece of news he got when he stepped into the dorms was that Kyuhyun just started seeing Zhoumi. He had tried to put on a nonchalant front – after all he is an actor, isn’t he? He would make small talk with Zhoumi and even tease the tall man at times. Heck, he even joined everyone at their dinner celebrations. The only thing that he cannot bring himself to do was to be in the same room or place, alone with Kyuhyun. He cannot because he knew, he still loved Kyuhyun deeply.  

Siwon tipped the glass and finished the champagne. Looking at his watch, he made his way to the lift lobby.

When the lift door opened, Siwon looked up.



Three days later

Kyuhyun’s POV

Almost pressing his face to the window of the plane, Kyuhyun took his phone to take a photo of the beautiful sky before the plane take off. Switching off the phone, he placed it in his pocket before drumming his fingers on the window pane, still looking outside.  

A little rustle behind told him someone had just sat next to him. Then a big hand enveloped his, holding his smaller hand tightly, massaging his fingers.

Kyuhyun smiled to himself, still looking out of the window. .

“Won. I love you,” he said softly, bringing the interwined hands to rest on his lap.

“I never stop. Kyu, ” came the reply.


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 3: Wow it's amazing that this is your first story because I think it's beautiful and amazingly written, it conveys and provokes so many emotions, I felt sadness and angst when they were separated, especially after Siwon prepared that surprise trip to Paris and then relief and happiness when they reunited! I couldn't help but feeling bad for poor Zhou Mi tho'. The third chapter was lovely and so romantic!
Angela17 #2
Chapter 3: Done read it... Lovely, sweet.. Very much enjoy it...
Chapter 1: Almost stop breathing after realizing that the person sitting next to Kyu was NOT Siwon... should've seen this coming, but it'd still be hard to take regardless...
Chapter 3: Just found ur fic....
I love that the got back together...
But I couldn't help to wonder how will kyu break up with zhoumi, or the relationship with zhoumi was just a front to make siwon jealous...anyway, I lovereading it.
Chapter 3: Poor Zhou Mi, hahahaha XD
Mydeluluworld #6
Chapter 3: this is so romantic, sweet, and beautiful story..
Chapter 3: aaaaw and you were going to deprive us from this romantic scene?? :D
Chapter 3: First story?? Woww you are good, keep writing more please... I loved this chapter, it was so cute and like a dream <3
Saravy #9
Chapter 3: This was really good.^^ Wonkyu is too cute and meant to be! :D
Chapter 3: Missing scene is really sweet...