Servant? Oh you mean helper

An idol's servant

Yuna POV

After changing to my favourite pair jeans and shirt, I grabbed a thin jacket since today is going to be a little chilly.

Oh, so that cutie is my helper. He looks quite nervous and seems pretty shy. I think that is what makes him cute and adorable though. Too bad the cutie has to deal with me who is picky, specific and annoying.

"Nice to meet you, Howon-shi." I smiled at him.

"N-Nice to meet you too, Yuna-shi." He stuttered.

"Ok, ok, do your talking in the car, we are running late." My mangaer rushed us.


In the car

Howon was sitting next to me at the backseat. Instead of sleeping or checking my phone which is what I usually do, I was analyzing his face.  If you have taken a closer look at his face, he is quite cute, just like a cuddly bear. I can tell that it is making him uncomfortable as he is avoiding my eyes and blushing. However I don't really care, that's one thing about me, I'm pretty direct. 

When we reached the salon to do my hair and makeup, my manager had to leave after dropping us off. I was left with Howon, I was observing his reaction. He had his mouth agaped and his eyes opened wide, amazed at every beauty product on the table. It was normal for me as I've seen all these continously for 2 years in my career. Before I took my seat, I ordered instructed Howon to buy me my breakfast.

"Howon-shi ,can you you help me buy a green tea frappuccino from the cafe nearby, iced, with whipped cream, more syurp, more milk. I also have a customised order from the same cafe, it is mini chocolate chips cookies with extra brown sugar and chocolate chips. After that can you buy a bottle of lemon tea from the convenience store, choose the coldest one. Then fill it up inside my tumbler. Thanks!" I passed him my tumbler before dismissing him. He had a look of shock, I don't think everything I said got into his head.

Right before he left, "Don't miss out anything!" I turned my chair to remind him.

Few moments later, my personal beautician, Eunji-unnie, arrived.

"Who was the guy you were talking to just now?" She asked while removing the scrunchie from my ponytail.

"It's a new helper that my company hired to help me around." I explained.

"Helper? Seems more like servant to me." Eunji-unnie giggled.

"Hmmm..... Who knows?" I wondered, "Eunji-unnie, doesn't he look pretty adorable?"

"Eyyyyyy, is he your new crush?" Eunji-unnie teased, "but he is pretty cute though. I think both of you are the perfect couple! A dominating, whiny and childish girl with a cute guy that listens to you."

"It's nothing like that!" I denied.

"Ok, ok I was just kidding. Take a nap, ok? You haven't been resting well these days." Eunji-unnie adviced me. Eunji-unnie is a very caring older sister to me. She is also someone very close to me besides my manager.

"Umm." I let out a sound of agreement, before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep again.


30 minutes later

"Wake up!" Eunji-unnie shook lightly.

"Hm? Huh?" I was still dazed from the nap.

"I'm done with your hair and makeup." 

"Oh? Oh, thank you." I thanked her while getting off from the comfy sofa-like chair.

Where was Howon? Hasn't he returned? 

Right after that sentence, I saw him rushing into the salon with bags of my food, trying to locate where I was. I secretly sneaked to his back and blew air into his ear. He immediately turned around and tilted his head to rub his ear on his shoulders. He was slightly embarassed and blushed for the second time after realising it was me. That's why I said that he was adorable.

"Let's head back to the car. My manager sent a chaffuer to go to the different schedules I have. You have my schedule with you right?"


We quickly headed back to the car and occupied the back seats. While the chaffuer was driving, Howon passed me my breakfast and my tumbler.

"Hmmm....... I remembered I asked for less cream and more syrup, didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow while sipping to my drink. 

"Ahhh......" Howon was speechless and was turning red again.

"Don't worry too much about it, just remember it next time." I giggled at this reaction.

After few minutes if silence, I asked Howon, "Can I call you Hoya instead? "

"Huh? Why, Yuna-shi?" He tilted his head slight in response. Does he ever notice how cute he is?

"Because........ I think it's easier to call you Hoya than to call you Howon. Besides the name also suits you, a cute name for someone cute. Right? Hoya?" 

"I guess it's fine." He scratched his head while looking down.

"Let's not speak in formalities anymore. I'll call you Hoya and you will call me Yuna, ok?"

"Okay, Yuna."

For the rest of the day, the name 'Hoya' is constantly being called. 

"Hoya, can you help me with this?"

"Hoya can you do me a favour?"

"Hoya can you get me-"


Hoya/Howon POV

I appreciate the nickname given to me, even though I don't know how am I cute. However, she's so demanding in her every request. TT TT

I guess I have to endure this for the entire time. Sigh.


Skip to the end of the day

Yuna and I was sitting at the backseat, exhausted. The driver was driving to Yuna's house first before driving to mine.

I was resting and tried to keep awake with whatever energy was left in me. Suddenly, I felt a head resting on my shoulder. It was Yuna, she was already sleeping so soundly. I didn't push her head away as I didn't wanted to wake her up. She's just as tired, if not more exhausted than me. I took a closer look at her makeup-free face, once again. She's beautiful.

When we reached her house, instead of waking her up, I asked the driver whether I could carry her up while he can help with her bag. Thankfuly, the driver agreed. I carried her bridal style from the car, all the way to her house. I asked the driver to get her house key which Hyunwoo-hyung passed me this morning from my jacket to open the door. I then gently placed her on her bed and covered her with the blanket folded on it. 

Before I left her bedroom, I took one last look at her peaceful sleeping face. It's a beautiful image that imprinted in my mind.



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