“Protection.” she continued on, “I can protect myself from The Draxers, but my members are having difficulty with them. It doesn’t mean their weak or anything. But most of The Draxers we've encountered so far have come from The East of Croxena. Last night I met a vampire which by chance was also a Draxer. What if one of them have the same experience?” her face showed worry.

“Chaerin, you know we can protect ourself too. Besides, no man can refuse my beauty, not even The Draxer.” The mermaid said.

“But unnie, we have been fighting them for the last ten years and we have to keep moving to other places. How can we find The King if we’re busy with those stupid Draxer?” she looks more worried. “Aigoo, Baby Rin, with my help in foreseeing, we won’t meet The Draxer. That’s why we are still alive now.” The petite girl  said trying to calm down the leader. I scoffed watching over the drama and they all glared at me.

“Enough with the drama please, it makes me sick.” I said mocking them. “Look, I don’t need your protection. If you don’t want to cooperate it’s fine with me. But I’m asking Seunghyun oppa here.” Chaerin glared at me and shoving her blonde hair backward.

“Oppa? Oh please, who the hell are you to him that makes it okay for you to freely call him oppa? Did you call other man with oppa too before asking for their help?”

“What the heck is wrong with you, wizard? I have done nothing wrong to you, why do you hate me so much?”

“Why don’t you ask you parents to answer that? Why did they hide when the war happened? Where did they go when my parents needed their help? Saying that they will help The East of Croxena but they hide in their own cage. What a coward.”

“You don’t know anything about what my parents did, so you better shut the up. And for your information, my parents died in a fight with The Draxers. They didn’t hide like what you thought. My people was there, helping. Why do you think I became the last bender in my kingdom, huh? That’s because all the bender died in the war before they had any offsprings. So watch your ing, filthy mouth.” I can feel her anger.

Her parents died? They didn’t hide? But why I didn’t see any bender before I came across to the human world? Did they come after my departure? I feel guilty after what she said. I can see her pain in her eyes, the feeling of losing someone we loved. Losing a family.

“I’m sorry Chaerin, Jiyong didn’t mean to...”

“He mean it. I know he meant it!” she cut off Seunghyun hyung's words. “Chaerin unnie relax, you're making the earth move.” The youngest tried to calm her. Then I realized that the ground was shaking a little like an earthquake. People around us started to panic and tried to run but suddenly it stops. The humans start to whisper and talk about the last phenomenon of what they thought was an earthquake.

“Chaerin, please, relax.” Seunghyun hyung grasp her hands. I felt an urgent feeling to let the hands go off her and replace it with mine. What the?! “I-I’m sorry..” I muttered. She scoffed but looked more calm than before. I can’t take my eyes from their hands. I don’t know why but it keeps bugging me, I must be out of my mind.

Seunghyun noticed this and he suddenly needs his hands to massage his temple. I look at her and saw a little tear in the corner but she managed to wipe it  away with blinking. I sighed, “We will help you. We can cooperate to search for The King. We can protect you and you can teach us to blend in.” I said softly. She stared me silently and looked at her other member. They all nodded for an agreement.

“Where do you live?” Youngbae tried to break the awkward atmosphere. “Oh, we live not far from here. Just two blocks from this café, but we keep moving. You know, The Draxer. I’m Sandara Park, just call me Dara. And I’m a Fairy, I have foreseeing ability.” The petite girl smile and offered her hands which is accepted by Youngbae.

“You can live with us! You don’t have to move again, we have enough room for all of you. I’m Seungri and I’m an Elf, the most handsome man from Elf kind. And this is Youngbae, he’s a Huxe with special ability.” Seungri explain with enthusiasm.

“Whoah, wait a minute. I agreed to protect them...that doesn’t mean I will let them live in my house. And you better shut the up maknae, that’s my house you live in.” I’m giving him a death glare.

“Oh come on Ji, don’t be so mean with the girls. Besides your house is big enough for all of us. I’m Seunghyun and I’m a vampire.”

“I know! Chaerin told us last night, it was very brave and cool when you threw the bad vampire away. And your ability is so cool, I’m sure you can protect me, I mean us perfectly. I’m Park Bom, just call me Bom. And I’m a mermaid, I have a special ability too. Like control the water in mermaid form and telekinesis in human form.” Seunghyun raised one of his eyebrow, the girl surely talks a lot and I know that Seunghyun hyung is slowly getting irritated.

“Just call me Minzy, I’m the maknae in 2NE1 and I’m 100% human. But don’t underestimate me because I can fight too and I have knowledge about Croxenian. Their ability and weakness.”

“Cool human. I’m Daesung and I’m a shape-shifter. My formal form is wolf.” Daesung shake Minzy’s hand. Now they’re getting comfortable each other. They  were all looking at me, except Chaerin, waiting for my formal introduction. I sighed. “I’m Kwon Jiyong. And I’m a wizard.”

“Excuse me, are you finished? We want to close our café after the small earthquake. I’m sorry, didn’t mean to shoo you.” The waiter came and brought the bill. Bom takes the bill and looked at him.

“Do we really need to pay this?” she said, pouting. The waiter gulped seeing the sudden aegyo from the mermaid. “Y-yes...” he said.

“Can’t you make it free for me? Please??” another aegyo comes out from her face. It’s not regular aegyo, it’s a mermaid aegyo. Very aegyo from them can make you losing your mind temporarily. “O-okay...” the waiter stutter. Bom smiled at him and made a little shoo-ing gresture with her hands. The waiter left with dazed face and was also confused.

“So this is what you do for a living?” Seunghyun hyung asked with disgusted face. “Nah, sometimes I pay when I get the female employees serving me. Seunghyunnie, can you peel this apple for me?” she asked using the same aegyo with Seunghyun hyung. I’m curious with his action, it’ll be funny if he really do such thing like that.

He smile and sit forward, “Of” and then he leaned back to the chair. Bom looked shock with his act and not just Bom but the others too. The girls' jaw opened, I chuckled when I saw Chaerin but she realized it and put the poker face again. “W-what?” This time Bom stutter.

“I said no. Peel your apple with your own hands.”

“B-but no man can say no to me!” She squealed like a child not getting her toy. Seunghyun hyung smile proudly, “Well, young mermaid. I just did. And I feel honored to be the first man that can say NO to you.”

I heard Chaerin chuckled brightly and slap his arm playfully, “Aigoo oppa, you’re so mean to our Bommie. She will have a shocked treatment after this.” Seunghyun hyung laugh with her while Bom pouting.

Soon, Daesung is getting in a deep conversation with Minzy. I bet he’s asking about Minzy’s life as a human. Youngbae and Dara was talking about something and then they both giggled like a maniac. Bom on the other hand kept challenging Seunghyun to say yes, while Seungri kept butting in their conversation. Seunghyun hyung was trying his best to ignore the mermaid and I think he’s battling with himself whether he should use his power to get rid of the girl or not. His face was so funny, struggling and he made the wrinkle on his forehead appear. Good thing that Chaerin tried to talk with him sometimes so that he get sidetracked.

I think it’s not a big problem to let them live in my house. Besides, I want to ask her more about the war. All this years I have been misunderstanding about it and I think that letting them live in my house under my protection is not a big deal. Just call it, redemption. “You can stay in my house.” I said suddenly. All of them looking at me, the boys look so shocked. Pfft, such a drama kings.

“What did you say, hyung?” Seungri asked and clearing his ears. I rolled my eyes, “I said. You. Can. Move. In. To. My. House.”

“PERFECT! Let us help you to move in. Show me the way to your place, ladies.” Seungri said, already standing up. I hold his arm and force him to sit.

“You and the rest is to go back to my house to prepare for their room. And I will help them to pack.”


“Because, my wand is more useful than you.”


“Well, then. See you at the house. And Chaerin, be careful.” Said Seunghyun hyung and dragged Seungri out of the café. Youngbae and Daesung followed after saying their goodbyes.

“I’m not gonna let you come to my room. I can pack by myself.” Chaerin hissed to me. I rolled my eyes and sigh, “Whatever. Let’s go.” I said and dragger her out followed by the others.




Ehem, I wanna explain something. The Draxer is The Croxenian who turned into an evil soul. The original Draxer is a dark wizard who was always attracted to dark magic -imagine like Voldemort- but more evil. If Voldemort is just killing people and gain followers and make horcruxs. Then he’s worst. He created a very dark magic that can transmit evil soul to the victim.

The victim will still be conscious and aware of what he/she does but they will not feel any regret of doing that. The king had already killed the original Draxer, but the effect has gone worst.

The Draxer can transmit the evil soul just by touching the victim's skin and the process will turn depends on how long the victim can take. Once you’ve been touched, there’s no way of coming back to normal. BUT don’t worry the present king has find the cure.

And Croxena is divided into two side. The Sky Kingdom and The East Croxena. The Sky Kingdom people is different from The East Croxena, it’s like the feminine style. If The East Croxena had wizard, vampire, Huxe, shape-shifter, elf, etc that looks stronger and maskulin -in other way- then The Sky Kingdome had mermaid, fairy, unicorn, Pegasus, and the bender that can control the element. But the bender usually can only control one element. Chaerin will be the first bender who can control four element. (Just like Avatar Aang The Airbender. I like that cartoon.)

Enough for the explanation, any question?? Thanx.


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Chapter 7: skytempoo pleaseee
Update juseyoo!!
Update please
Chapter 7: Update please
Chapter 7: Update :) please
infiknight94 #6
Chapter 7: annyeong authornim.. when will you update this fic? i do love this fic soo much.. please update soon authornim... :"
Chapter 7: new reader here~
and I'm so fall in love with this story ♥·♥
so Bommie likes Seunghyun, Seunghyun loves Chae, Ji loves Chae too.
so how about Chae? I hope Chae loves Ji >.<
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 6: This story its so imteristing, cant wait tour next chapter...