Chapter III


Afflicted --]




“Yukwon’s breathing is perfectly fine unassisted. We’re not going to put him back on the respirator.”

The small crowd gathered in the waiting area closest to Yukwon’s waiting room let out a loud round of delighted cheers, completely unconcerned with the fact that they may be disrupting other patients or their visitors. This is was the first word of any seriously legitimate progress in the week since the incident. After all of the restless waiting, something finally happened and it was actually positive.

Even the doctor could hide his grin as he delivered the news to the small crowd. “He didn’t seem to remain conscious for very long and he’s still asleep now. We still have to wait for him to come around fully, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.”

Jaehyo put an arm around Minhyuk affectionately. “Guess the doctor was right about the familiar sensory stimulation, huh? I just knew listening to my soaring vocals would encourage Yukwon to come back to us.”

Kyung rolled his eyes. “It was totally my smooth rapping that did the trick, you idiot.”

“It was the fabric softener, duh,” Minhyuk argued. “I’ve been buying the same brand and scent since our trainee days, you know.”

The groups of boys chuckled as they bickered over what inspired Yukwon to stir enough to remove his respirator and Yukwon’s parents watched them affectionately as they chatted with the doctor about the next possible steps in their son’s treatment and recovery.

“I have to say… you guys are amazing,” said Taeil. “I’ll admit I’ve been kind of worried. I sort of… maybe thought we all wouldn’t be able to handle all of this. But here we are. Still together… Jaehyo still being an idiot, of course, but still…”

P.O. nodded in agreement. “These two especially.” He pointed at Jaehyo and Minhyuk, who grinned sheepishly. “They’ve been taking such good care of Kwonnie-hyung and just being there for him. It’s pretty cool.”

Jaehyo shook his head. “No, don’t thank me. I’d do the same for any of you guys.”

Minhyuk nodded in agreement. It was kind of mostly for show. He didn’t know if he would attempt to spend his every waking moment at everyone’s bedsides, but he would certainly sacrifice a good chunk of his time for any of his band mates, without a doubt.

“This is Block B and this is what we do,” Zico shrugged, but the small smile on his face was enough to show the rest of the group that he was extremely proud of them and happy to be a part of something incredible.

“Is this one of those group hug kind of moments?” Kyung asked, his voice tinged with his usual greasy sarcasm. He opened his arms, hoping one or two of his band mates would accept his offer.

“Oh man, there’s fried chicken in the cafeteria,” P.O. said absentmindedly as he intentionally dodged one of Kyung’s awkward displays of affection and headed for the stairs.

“Bathroom!” Taeil shouted before dashing off down the hallway.

“Love me, you pathetic excuse for a singer!” Kyung cried, running after him.

Zico pressed his palm to his forehead in aggravation. “If he gets kicked out of the hospital for disturbing the peace, I swear…” He jogged off after his fellow rapper.

“And on that note… fried chicken does sound pretty good,” Jaehyo grinned. “I guess I’ll go join the maknae. Do you want come with me?”

Minhyuk shook his head and smiled as the singer. “I think I’m just gonna hang out with Yukwon for a little bit. Feel free to bring some of that chicken up for me when you head back this way, ok?”

“Sure thing,” said Jaehyo. He waved and headed down the usual path for the elevator.

Minhyuk silently made his way into Yukwon’s room and took up his usual seat beside his fellow dancer’s bed side. He could help but let out a long, deep, relieving exhale; it was comforting seeing Yukwon with one less machine beside him and one less tube coming from his body.

He smiled and laid his head down on the edge of Yukwon’s bed. He stared at the IV still stuck in and taped to his friend’s hand. He wondered if it hurt, but figured the morphine coming through the tube would negate any of the discomfort.

“I can’t wait for this stupid IV to be out of your hand,” said Minhyuk. “I can’t wait to hear your voice and see you smile again… I also kind of can’t wait to sleep in my own bed again. My back sort of hurts from sleeping so funny for a week… but you’re worth it, Kwonnie.”

Minhyuk smiled softly to himself as he began fiddling with the medical bracelet on Yukwon’s wrist. It listed his name, birthday, blood type, and allergies (all thinks Minhyuk knew by heart).

“The night before our showcase I had a dream… that I told you how I felt and you accepted them and we had a date at the beach,” he continued to muse to his unconscious companion. “And then this happened and I panicked. I hope one day, when you’re in perfect health again and all of this is just a far off memory, I have the guts to tell you how I really feel. This was already a close enough call, but I don’t think I could live with myself if I never took the chance to tell you while we’re both still on this earth.”

He stopped picking at the bracelet and covered Yukwon’s warm hand with his. “Even if you run away and end up hating me, I just need for you to one day know how I really feel about you.”



Zico had managed to track down Kyung way too close to the neonatal intensive care unit, still keeping up a ruckus as he hunted for Taeil, intent on enveloping him in the most obnoxious hug he could muster. Zico practically tackled Kyung to the ground and covered his mouth with his hand so he wouldn’t disturb the ill infants and their worrying families.

Kyung was disappointed that his search was interrupted, but obliged when Zico kindly told him to put a lid on it and come back to Yukwon’s room with him.

Kyung whistled idly as they made their way back to the ward where Yukwon resided.

“You just love keeping up any kind of noise, don’t you?” Zico mumbled.

“What was that?” Kyung asked.


Zico stuffed his hands into his pockets as they rounded the corner that led them down the very familiar hallway that they had been spending most of their waking hours wandering up and down.

“Want to buy me a snack out of the vending machine?” Kyung ask.

“I want to buy you a muzzle, to be quite honest,” Zico chuckled, gently shoving the other rapper with his elbow.

Kyung stuck his tongue out, obviously offended. “Be like that,” he scoffed.

He turned his attention to where he was walking, but stopped when he noticed something he didn’t really expect to see after they had all just been graced with such wonderful news.

Yukwon’s mother had her hands buried in her face and she was sobbing. His father had an arm wrapped tightly around her.

“What happened?” Kyung whispered to Zico.

Zico put a finger to his lips, wanting Kyung to finally be quiet for once so he could listen.

“Honey, I don’t know why you’re crying so much,” said Mr. Kim as he rubbed soothing circles on his wife’s back. “We can handle this. I’ll just take some extra shifts at work. Maybe we could even take out a loan so we can have smaller payments on another bill.”

“You should have gotten that supplemental insurance plan like I told you to years ago!” Mrs. Kim sobbed. “We can’t afford this. We’ve already maxed out our plan and he hasn’t even completely woken up, let alone go through any of the therapies he’s going to need after he recovers.”

“I’m sure he has money saved up,” Mr. Kim insisted. “And if we sign up for supplemental insurance now, it will probably be enough to cover therapy when we get to that point. That’s the best we can do.”

Mrs. Kim sniffled, lifted her head up and revealing her tear-streaked face to the world. “I’m sorry. It’s like I saved all my tears for the absolute wrong moment. I’m sorry… we’ll get through this just like we’ve gotten through everything else, right?”

Mr. Kim smiled. “Absolutely.”

Zico and Kyung looked at each other, frowns on their faces. They both turned around, coming back down the hall and sitting on a bench out of sight of Yukwon’s parents.

“Yukwon doesn’t have money saved up,” said Zico, staring at the empty white wall in front of them. “None of us do.”

“We don’t get paid enough,” Kyung muttered. “It’s been cool but… now, I kind of regret just being cool with being underpaid from the start.”

Zico bit his lip. “I’m going to have a talk with Cho-nim. He’ll be understanding. We need our money for Yukwon’s bills.”

“He can have every dime I haven’t been paid,” Kyung said, earnestly. “I’m not in this for the cash anyway. Yukwon can have all that he needs.”

Zico nodded. “I agree. And I’m sure the others will too.”

“Are you going to tell them about this soon?” Kyung asked.

Zico shrugged. “I guess so. I’ll tell everyone else tonight when we’re all back home at the dorm. I’ll tell Minhyuk later… you know how emotional tends to get. He’s better off hearing it without an audience to cater to whatever negative reaction he’s bound to have about Yukwon running up a medical bill his parents can’t handle.”



“Somebody order some delicious spicy fried chicken?” Jaehyo called as he entered Yukwon’s room, trailed by P.O. and Taeil.

Between the three boys there were probably eight to-go boxes of chicken; it was more than they needed to eat but they could certainly manage it. The kind women working in the cafeteria had been so charmed by the three that they had offered up just about everything they had to eat. P.O., with his hearty appetite, was starting to see a small bit of benefit to visiting the hospital so frequently.

“Ssh!” Taeil hissed once he noticed Minhyuk asleep, his head resting on Yukwon’s bed and his legs stretched out as best they could be considering he was sitting in a plastic chair. He frowned a bit when he noticed the older dancer held the younger’s hand tightly, even in his sleep.

What’s up with that? He wondered, before shrugging the idea off.

“He really needs to sleep in his own bed,” Jaehyo mumbled. “He’s gonna end up hurting his back and then what are we supposed to do when we finally get to promote again? Geez… he’s so inconsiderate.”

Taeil kicked the back of Jaehyo’s leg. “He’s not inconsiderate. He’s just being a good friend.”

Jaehyo rolled his eyes. “Now is so not the time to be abusive towards another member.”

“Now’s not the time to be so insensitive,” Taeil retorted.

“Your arguing is ruining the flavor of the chicken,” P.O. interrupted them.

“Well if he’s not awake to eat his, more for us!” Jaehyo said. He grinned as he sat down in a chair and opened a box. He picked up a piece with his finger and bit in, enjoying the slightly sweet, spicy flavor. He practically moaned, amazed that hospital food could actually taste this good.

“Please save hyung something, fatass,” P.O. managed to speak around his own mouthful of food.

Jaehyo wanted to flip his off, but he had pieces of meat in both of his hands at that point.

Taeil shook his head. “No wonder nobody takes us seriously,” he muttered to himself. He sat down at the edge of Yukwon’s bed, even though he was pretty sure that was against hospital regulations but he didn’t really care.

He watched over Minhyuk and Yukwon, curiously. The two had a strong bond, that much he knew, but he didn’t have any clue just how close they actually were until he realized Minhyuk had pretty much given up his entire life to be at Yukwon’s side; he often forwent food, comfortable sleep, and a good shower because he didn’t want Yukwon to wake up alone – without seeing him in particular. Save the first two days, not even the Kim family devoted as much time to the boy as Minhyuk had.

He made a mental note to have a good talk with Minhyuk to figure out exactly how he was feeling about all of this when the other boy was awake.

“Taeil, come eat a piece of chicken,” P.O. said gently. “You look a little upset over there. This will make you feel a little better.”

“I’m good, thanks,” Taeil answered, sending the maknae a reassuring smile. “You eat plenty. Keep up your strength.”

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HaneulD #1
Chapter 5: I started reading this fic sayin to my self that it's alright if it's not complete I'll just move to another fic when I'm done with it but.... here I am subscribing and waiting patiently for the next chapter cuz I loved it too much to just move to another fic XD
awolfska #2
Chapter 5: this fic is really engaging! it's got its sweet and poignant moments, and also the element of hilarity that's part of block b's essence. plz do continue updating <3
fir8008 #3
Chapter 5: He woke up! Now I'm glued, need to know what happens next!
Chapter 5: Being a BBC, I can imagine all these happening like I'm watching a their movie. You have their characters right! And I like the way you write! Good job!
fir8008 #5
Chapter 4: Hello! New reader. Oh gosh I already really love this story. It's so sad. I hope things get better, but knowing what happened with their contract dispute I don't think it will. Good work!
Chapter 2: Why does this story have so little subscribers?? /wipes tears away
I'm amazed at how good this story was. You are an awesome author! I can proudly an honestly say I am waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 2: This is amazing, again ... i'm in love and i'm shaking in the end of this chapter :) , so THANK for writing this story, i really like it :) ! And you write so perfecto !!! The plot, the theme everything ! :) thanks .. again :)
Amazing! I don't know how to express it , but i love it ... to many emotions while i was reading it ! I hope i can see how the story continuous. :) !