Meeting the ex

My husband the professor


Zinger's p.o.v

Jaehyo and I thanked the guy and walked towards Himchan's house. Sunhwa opened the door and bear hugged me.

" Omo! Zinger , thank good ness you're ok. I was so worried and I'm so sorry" she said starting to cry. I broke away from the hug and wiped her tears.

" It's ok. I forgive you and I'm sorry for being stubborn" I said and she hugged me again. I walked in and HImchan and Daehyun were sitting on the sofa.

" Zinger, are you ok?" Daehyun asked rushing over noticing my present. I nodded. I looked over and saw Himchan not glancing at me.

" I'm fine" I said.

" Let's eat and catch up, ok?" Sunhwa suggested and everyone nodded.

" So how do you two know each other?" Daehyun questioned.

" I'm her ex" he said.

" So now your friends, right?" he questioned and we nodded. The whole dinner Sunhwa and Daehyun kept bombarding me with questions. Dinner finished and Sunhwa offered to wash the dishes. I walked back out to the living room and saw Himchan walking out. I ran out after him. I walked around and saw him sitting by the fountain at the park near his house.He was swading his feet in the water. I sat down next to him and placed my feet in after setting my shoes next to his.

" It feels nice, huh?" I questioned.

" I guess" he said and it became quiet again.

" Himchan"

" Zinger"

" You go first" I said forgetting my thoughts.

" Zinger, you know from the moment I met you I thought you were really pretty. I really enjoyed sitting next to you. I'm embarrased to say but, I admired you a couple times because you were really pretty. I was glad we became friends because of Sunhwa. I felt like the happiest man in the world when you accepted my heart knowing we would be together forever and live happily together" he admitted and I smiled.

" I'm sorry that it's not going to happen" he said and my smile fell.

" What?"

" I don't feel special with you anymore"  he admitted.

" Himchan"

" I'll give you a day but I want you out before midnight tommorow" he said standing up.

" Wait! Is this because of Jaehyo? We're friends nothing else now. "  I said and he scoffed.

" Why does it matter?" he retorted. I stayed quiet and he walked off. I ran after him entering the house.

" Oppa, please! I have nowhere else to go" I begged and he pushed me off. I fell and hit my head on the couch. Everyone stood and Sunhwa ran to my side.

" Himchan!" Daehyun yelled.

" I don't care! Get out!" he yelled walking away and slamming his door. I collapsed on the ground and broke out in tears

Finally I updated. I'm sorry to all my readers but, I was busy with final exams>

I's summer now so I don't have to worry about that anymore =)

I hope I don't lose any suscribers. I will try hard to update. So to make it up to all my readers and suscribers I gave you guys a double update. Hope you enjoy and comment please.

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Passion #1
Chapter 12: I thought this story was too focused on himchan and zinger....when I kinda subscribed for Sundae. I reckon the ending should of ended with Sundae, I'm saying ths not only because I'm biased, but the story is clearly meant to be about Sundae....according to the title anyway :p anywho, the story was still alright ^^
tsekyi21 #2
Chapter 12: I'm who ends up with who?
Chapter 6: O.O
twas amazing dahling!
tsekyi21 #5

Daehyun hit Sunhwa? Is he an abusive husband? How come she's married to him? I hope Himchan & Sunhwa end up together, if all Daepoop is going to do is hurt Sunhwa. Liking the story, so far! Update soon! ^_^
Chapter 2: O_o
/cross fingers/
Himchan and Zinger couple pwease?
SunDae~<3 my feels. xD
hm sounds interesting ^_^