I'm Here


When you're slowly beginning to be invisible in your boyfriend's eyes...someone else sees you in his.  But are you ready to look at someone else?  Or will you stay faithful?


The point is ... you're young and in love ... let's blame it all on that.


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Lovetootie2x #1
Chapter 5: omg!!! junho really took her for granted. poor taec,,but i respect their friendship and loyalty
Chapter 5: Aw, your story was really heartfelt. I loved it :). Too bad it is only 5 chapters. Junho and Taecyeon's brotherhood was touching. Great story, author-nim !
Chapter 5: Awwww... So touching. I knew that these guys are like that. That's how their brotherhood is.
Chapter 4: I love the bantering of Junho and Taec. Though I'm kinda worried about them. And trust Wooyoung to always do that. If I were the girl, I would be totally confuse. After all, they are all hot and gorgeous. Good thing you didn't include Khunnie... Hehehe...
SooJung #5
Chapter 4: "Don't neglect what's yours just because it's yours right now." Hmm. I could really relate that to my life right now.. ><
Uuuuu the Emperor jealous xDDD loving Wooyoung's humour hahaha XDDDD
70V3LY #7
Chapter 5: Love it! Thank you Taec for being understanding and thank you Junho for putting in the effort to make the relationship work. :)
Chapter 5: Q_Q...lucky Junho and poor Taec...
The whole time I was like...yeah, forget Junho take Taec...then I was like...no she can't leave Junho...but then Taec is alone..she should go to him...but then Junho is alone...xD
Yeah, crazy me...I can never decide between these boys :)
Anyway...great story & ending~
I wish Taec can find a girl who loves him as much as he loves her...*cough* sequel *cough*♥
Chapter 4: I really love Wooyoung... He's so cute.. Oh! Junho and Taecyeon argument, i think it's cute for them, really manly!
70V3LY #10
Chapter 4: Haha! Wooyoung's humor is amazing! Even the last line had me smiling! :D good update!