Boys over Flowers


The life of 3 gorgeous boys... Rich in money and looks. Heechul has the whole school in the palm of his hand, while Ren uses the family name to bend things the way he wants. People sometimes wonder how a good kid like Tao ended up with friends like them...


Don't be irritated by the title.


I present the characters:


- arrogant

- well aware of his beauty

- VERY powerful

- boss of the school



- scheming

- loves to tease Ren

- family owns a "construction company"

- more money than one can imagine

- acts shy and innocent




- studying music
- filthy rich
- grandson if an ex-president of Korea
- dead parents
- driving phobia
- spiteful
- loves to make fun of Tao



- a e

- a maniac

- loves to dance

- ran away from home


Han Geng

- stubborn

- parents own a dumpling-restaurant



- parents are high-ranking bosses of the underworld

- cold and silent

- abrupt

- bad with words



- no idea (yet)




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Dannidoddle #1
Hope you update soon it sounds like a good story plus I love ren
AzenZensation_0 #2
This sounds really interesting hope you update soon :)