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jewels roleplay!

im genie for you boy /shoot;; tell me your wish and 9 goddess girls gonna make your wish come true!!! ((oke sebenernya bukan snsd tapi tlio tomcat yang bakal make your wish come true.dilarang protes))




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avavtav #1
Chapter 1: Boleh ada twin? TG boleh?._.
jewelsrp #2
Chapter 1: boleh^^ reserved ya c:
Chapter 3: boleh reserve snsd sunny? :)
jewelsrp #4
kita re-open jadi belum ada member sama sekali^^ feel free buat milih idol siapa aja^^
Chapter 2: interested to join c:
ada masterlistnya?
jewelsrp #6
done updating^^ want to join?
exocase #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^