The Living are Extinct


The walking dead have invaded Earth. 


Nina, since I wrote this will you stop ing at me now? Anyway, this is pretty obvious but this is based off The Walking Dead. Which I've been obsessed with lately so yeah. This is a giant word vomit that I wrote for my friend cause it's her husbando's birthday or something. Thanks for reading~ 

hahahaha happy 420 glaze it or whatever idk idc. 


Walkers are zombies btw. 



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Chapter 1: Walking dead . I feel so scared of them rite now ! Blame you for writing such a good story like this which gave me ability to imagine things happen there ;_;
Chapter 1: Oh dear...that was...very tragic .-.
Chapter 1: This is just so . . .
I am speechless.

Well done, author nim.
Chapter 1: I hate those Zombies!! Killing Luhan! I almost cried but I cant because my friends are going to me the look because Im reading this through my phone and they will be surprised if I suddenly cry...but still!!
Chapter 1: This made me feel sad and tear up ;A; I hate zombies the most. But this story is great though its tragic
Chapter 1: OoO luhan!!!! To be honest, i hate zombies.. now i hate it more!!!
ChubbyChoco17 #7
Chapter 1: </3333333 NOOOOOOOOOOOO LUHAN!!! Q ^ Q You did well, ty for writing this
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I love you for writing this!
Thazin123 #9
Chapter 1: Why did luhan have to die waeee :( now my hearts broken