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Little Additions Review Gallery

Under the Cherry Blossom

Title: 5/5

The title was relevant to the story and it was eye-catching. I like how you related the cherry blossoms to the fragile girl.

Description & Foreword: 4/5

It was an ok description, it could hint a bit more about what the story was about.

Plot: 18/20

This plot was original. And it was also interesting. The message was clear, don’t wait too long and let something go unappreciated, or it will be too late.

Flow: 15/15

The story flowed really well. I really liked how you transitioned from scene to scene.

Characterization: 12/15

Since this was a one-shot, there wasn’t too much time to develop the character as the story went along. But you did tell how the girl, Michelle, was viewed and also how Kiseop changed after Michelle died.

Mechanics—grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.: 10/10

I did not find anything wrong with your grammar, writing and spelling!

Originality: 15/15

The plot was good and it flowed well. The descriptions of the scenery was good. Everything just flowed perfectly, it wasn’t rushed or too slow.

Writing Style & Voice: 10/10

The writing style was good. The descriptive language was good as well. The tone of the story matched the mood and it was just really fun to read.

Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

I really enjoyed reading this oneshot! It was creative and I really like how you wrote. There wasn’t any grammatical errors that I could find. Keep it up! :)

Total: 94/100


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Reviewed by SwanGoddess
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