
Lost [Happy Birthday Luhan]


The raindrops fell, one by one on the solid pavement that led a certain young man to nowhere. His steps were messy, out of place and definitely unsure. He wasn’t walking; he was just deep in thoughts.

He stumbled upon many tiny pebbles as he treaded in his suit, his eyes just staring straight ahead. Yes, they were wide open but no, they were not alive.


“We’re running? Why are we running?” Luhan panted as he tried to catch up with his partner. “We’re agents for God’s sake!”

“We may be skilled but we aren’t immortals. Come on! Run faster!”

“Jongin. Our task is to kill those assassins. We have to go back.”

“Kill or be killed, huh?” The man paused as he took in a deep breath. “Fair enough.”


His mind rummaged through the rain, his thoughts flickering in different colours.




He couldn’t think straight. His thoughts were all over the place, jumbled up; waiting to be pieced again.

But that will never happen.


“So we’re just going to wait?”

“Your words, remember?” Jongin turned to his partner. “Kill or be killed.”

“That doesn’t mean we have to wait for them.”

“It doesn’t matter. Death will come for me anyway.”


The rain that drizzled got heavier, turning into heavy raindrops; falling effortlessly from the sky.

He kept on walking, not giving a care in the world. Even if he wanted to stop…

No, he couldn’t. He mustn’t.

He has to continue walking.


“You’re not going to die.” Luhan sighed after a long pause. “I’ll make sure you wouldn’t.”

“Be realistic, Luhan. There are ten of them and there are only two of us.”

“We’re the greatest agents the company has. We won’t die. We’ll kill them like we did before with the others.”

“But, Luhan.” Jongin sighed as well. “They’re the best assassins the world has ever come to know.”


Stepping into puddles was normality now.

It was odd seeing how he found comfort in the squishing sounds.

Plip. Plip.

The sounds of his shoes coming into contact with the ground had the man ready.

Every step he’ll take now will be his salvation; he was sure of it.


“I have an idea.” Jongin turned bright. “You should escape.”

“And you?”

“I’ll stay and fight. That would give you enough time to get back-up.”

“But Jongin,” Luhan chided. “You’ll die.”

“I won’t. I’m the best agent the company has, remember? Your words, not mine.”


It was his fault.

He shouldn’t have talked, let alone try to change the man’s mind.

He knew Jongin took psychology in his past time. He knew that Jongin would always get into his mind, changing his words as he pleased.

He should have just kept quiet.

So why did he speak?


“I’m not leaving you. We’re partners. I’ll take a bullet for you like you would for me.”

“I’m taking a bullet for you now, aren’t I?” Jongin smirked. “Besides, you know that we’re more than partners.”

“Exactly why I can’t leave you. You promised that we’ll continue our lives together.”

“No, Luhan.” He bit his lips, his eyes turning sad. “I promised I’d take care of you and love you forever.”

“You can’t take care of me if you die.”

“I’m able to take care of you if there are no more assassins after us.”

“Rubbish.” Luhan raised his voice. “You won’t be able to love me, if you died, Jongin.”

“But I’ll die loving you. That’s more than enough for me.”


He continued walking, his eyes clouded by the heavy raindrops that fell.

His heart ached, knowing that Jongin had been right. Of course, the man was always right.

But why did it felt like he had been wrong this time round?

Why did it felt like it was a mistake?


“They’re coming.” Jongin took his stance quickly. “I hear their footsteps.”


“Well? What are you waiting for? Run.”

“I told you I’m staying, remember?” Luhan turned stubborn. “I can’t let you die. It’s ten against one.”

“Luhan… I’m asking you to run. Go now.”



If only he didn’t go; if only he stayed.

Then perhaps… Perhaps he wouldn’t be walking right now.

Perhaps… he’d be with Jongin.

Safe and sound.


“Go Luhan!” Jongin shoved the man against the wall, letting the other man know how serious he is. “Please.”

At such a close proximity, Luhan saw how torn the man’s eyes had been. How desolate it had turned in a split second. How empty it had becomed.

“I want you to run and to never look back, you get me?”

“But Jongin, I-”

“Go now, Luhan. Run, run as far as your legs could take you.” Jongin said through gritted teeth. “Please just run for me.”

“I can’t leave you.”

Tears had started to form in their eyes; tears that were desperate to just cling on to hope.

“You must.” Jongin embraced the older guy in his arms, his grip on Luhan tight before suddenly letting go.

“I-I d-don’t want to.” Stuttering was a given but fear was starting to grab on to his heart. “I… I can’t run.”

“I know.” Jongin pecked the top of his forehead, his own tears dripping down Luhan’s face. “But you have no choice.”



He had run away, leaving the man to fend for himself.

His legs had been reluctant and they had stopped for a moment.

The man turned around, his heart forcing him to go back to his friend, his lover.


The first gunshot. It had to be Jongin, it must be!


The second gunshot. Jongin was alive… definitely. The first shot had came from his gun, that Luhan was sure of.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Jongin was on a strike here. 6 gunshots in one row; that was definitely the work of one of the best agents his organisation could have.


The ninth gunshot.

One more to go.


Jongin… Jongin’s alive!

The final gunshot had sounded.

Luhan grinned, his legs quickly running back to his one and only.


N-No…. It can’t be… There were only ten… why was there eleven?

The man paused again, his eyes widening with despair and confusion.

What the hell was happening?


T-Twelve gunshots? W-why….

Luhan ran straight ahead, his legs having a control over his mind.

Jongin… He had to go back to Jongin…


The man paused as he saw ten dead bodies on the cold, hard ground. They were all dead and there were no survivors.

In fact, the bodies all looked the same but yet his eyes immediately focused on one.


“J-Jongin!” Luhan screeched as he ran over.

He was too late.

He should have stayed.

Jongin, the man that he was fond of his whole entire life, was dead.

“J-Jongin…” Heavy tears dripped onto the dead man’s face, evidence of Luhan’s desperation just now. “J-Jongin…”

Nine was dead, excluding his love.

It only meant that one was at large.

That bastard has to die, at all cost.


Under the heavy rain, Luhan walked; aimless but with a destination in mind.

As foggy as it seems, a clear distinct outline was seen through his eyes. Upon coming closer, Luhan realised that the man was holding a gun.

Jongin’s killer.

His eyebrows furrowed and he frowned as he walked angrily towards that man.


The man had seen him and he had unleashed a shot at Luhan, hoping it’d kill him.

Too bad, the bullet had hit him in the wrong area; his legs.

Luhan kept walking, although with difficulty; his hands fiddling with his gun as he tried to aim straight.


The man fired another shot, this time aiming straight for his heart.

Again he failed for the bullet only went for Luhan’s stomach.

F-For… Jongin…


Luhan fired his own shot, knowing that any mistake could cost him his life; his revenge.

The man dropped dead, the bullet shooting straight into his heart; straight into the body of a man who had killed his love.

Luhan had won.

They had won.

A small smile escaped his lips knowing that victory was his.

His eyes then traced down to the gun that led him to his victory.

Kill or be killed…

Sure, Luhan had won but his victory was Jongin’s defeat.


There could be no life without Jongin.

Maybe… Maybe I’m right… Kill or be killed.

He raised his hands, bringing the gun to his head.

Kill or be killed…

Jongin may be dead but what was to stop others from killing Luhan as well?

Maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

At least he’ll join Jongin in heaven.

The man gave a small laugh, realising that he had just made a joke on his own death.

Kill or be killed…

Jongin… I’m coming for you.



a/n ;_; I should stop writing sad stories for EXO's birthdays. Hope everyone likes this! I think this may have came out too rushed but that's my main emphasis; to rush things. Hope you guys liked this!

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