



Focus is Ryeowook


I decided to randomly write a one-shot when i got the idea. It didnt take me too long and i hoped everyone likes it. Its pretty angsty but i really wanted to write something that had alot of emotion in it i guess :) I hope you enjoy 




Thanks for reading haha ^-^




A new album is a stressful time for Super Junior, every member relies on their wookies smile and shoulder to get them through. What they dont realise it Ryeowook is hurting too.....


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IcePrinceRay #1
Chapter 1: *hic* Have any tissues to spare? I just *hic* finished mine... TTUTT
This is so sad and sweet! At first I was crying because of light anger (I tend to cry when I get angry lol XD), then I was crying because of sadness and lastly, out of happiness! So many emotions and tears! I luuuuuuuved it~!
Keep up the great work!
Chapter 1: my wookie T_T
u did good...hiksss
Chapter 1: this was beautiful! really great job :'D