"Pay Attention To Me!"


(( What happens when Min decides Kyu needs to stop playing Starcraft when he's extremely bored >~>))

 >X3 Well I can already tell you what will-

((Min, shut up, I'm editing here XP. Could you give me like two secs? >~> aigoo~ Anyways....enjoy ^~^))





 You can has teaser of the ....well teasing XP 


On instinct when Kyu felt Changmin brush his hand against his jeans, he raised his hips letting out an irritated grunt that started in the back of his throat, annoyed that Min felt the need to , as always, but knowing at the same time that there wasn't exactly anything that he could do physically to stop it besides expressing his displeasure and hoping that Min was in a giving mood.



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ilabya28 #1
That giff o\\\o