The Surface: Prologue

The Surface

Someone might be able to help me make my choice, if I could talk to. But, I can't. My mind's warning whispers in my memory every time my mouth fails to keep shut. 

I climb the stairs and, at the top, when I have to slide left to go to my bedroom, I walk forward instead with both hands on my side.
Jump, now. 
It says, into my ears. There is force in its voice that pulls me closer to edge. Wind brushes my hair. But my skin doesn't taste it.
They don't care about you. 
For a moment, I stare at the opened window. I have never seen raining night is so beautiful, never heard it sounds anything but clear.
I am so confused by everything that is running my mind that I just do what it thinks I am supposed to do: I jump.
I can feel the little smile back in mind, while at the very end of my heart, I know something that is still there frowning.
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Oooh I can't wait to read this! :)