Amusement Park Date- Dongwoo

Amusment Park Date- Dongwoo


As Dongwoo uncovered your eyes, revealing an amusement park, you weren't really surprised but excited. He grabbed your hand and both you ran towards the rollercoaster. You sat in the front of the ride, with Dongwoo right next to you. the right started, going directly upwards. You clutched the railings tightly as it continued moving upwards, just then a hand on yours made you open your eyes and look at your hands. You saw Dongwoo's hand on yours and turned to face him. He smiled reassuringly and gently squeezed your hand. You blushed and was about to thank him for calming you down when the suddenly drop of the ride made both of you scream. After multiple swerves and loops, the ride stopped and both of you cane out, hand in hand, shivering in slight fear and adrenalin . Dongwoo let out a hearty laugh and you glanced at him. He shook his head.

"It's nothing. Come on...lets play some games!" He stated excitedly, pulling you towards the gaming area. You nodded and walked next to his side, looking at the ground. Debating with yourself whether you should thank him for reassuring you during the rollercoaster ride, you found yourself patting his shoulder gently.

"Hm?" He turned around, looking at you. Flustered, you mixed your words about and the sentence didn't make sense. Blushing you realised your mistake and looked at the ground. 

"Were you trying to say, 'Thank you'?" He asked, smirking. You nodded and he smiled softly and hugged you. You smiled and he let go, lifting your chin up to look at you. "Let's go play now ok?" You nodded excitedly and ran up to a stall with a huge white teddy bear. Looking at it with wanting eyes, you quickly paid for the game which was a simple dart game. Dongwoo watched from behind you as you missed the mark, over and over again. 


You realised that your darts were finished and you had only hit the small marks. You pouted and sighed sadly as you claimed the keychain of DBSK during their Hug period. You knew a friend who'd like it and placed it in your pocket, bowing to the man who was in charge of the stall and turned to Dongwoo who was looking at a water gun game stall. You followed his gaze and smiled.


"Come on, I'll pay!" you chirped, holding his hand and running to the stall. He was stuttering about denying it but you heard none of it and paid for the both of you to play. 


"Good Luck~" You said. He smirked and aimed his water gun. The buzzer sounded and the both of you started shooting the targets.


The timer timed out and both of you looked at the score. Dongwoo saw the first look of it and burst out laughing.



"I didn't know a GIRL could beat me.." He said, as the both of you walked side by side and you held the medium sized teddy. You stuck your tongue out at him and giggled, blushing ever so slightly. He chuckled and smiled back, linking arms with you. You leaned your head on his arm as you guys were walking and noticed some cotton candy. He released his grip on you and walked to the cotton candy shop on his own. You stood there alone for a while until multiple pairs of eyes were on you and you ran to Dongwoo's side. 



"Ahjussi, one large cotton candy please!" Dongwoo said, taking out his wallet. As he watched the elderly man twirl the cotton candy, he looked around for you, only to find you clinging to his shirt. 


"Yah..what are you doing?" He asked looking at you. You smiled sheepishly at him and told him that random guys have been staring at you. He frowned and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side. Finding the culprits who caused you to be scared, he glared at them and they immediately dispersed. The ahjussi finished making the cotton candy and saw you blushing by his side, giving it to you. You looked at him questioningly.


"It's ok, your boyfriend here already paid." The nice man said before smiling comfortably. You blushed at the word "boyfriend" but bowed slightly thanking the old man. Dongwoo felt your movement and apologised to the man, bowing. 




The both of you sat on a bench away from the loud and rowdy crowd. You pulled away a piece of cotton candy and nibbled on it. Dongwoo on the other hand took a big bite which made some stick to his nose. You held a laugh and used your finger to wipe away, making him blush. You smiled and wiped it away in a tissue. 


"You know, taking a bite makes it more tasty you know…" Dongwoo suggested. You tilted your head slightly questioning him but shrugged and took a small bite from the stick. A corner piece was stuck to the side of your lip.


"You have something on your lip." He stated. You lifted your hand to wipe it away but he held your wrist and leaned forward gently kissing it away, while kissing you at the same time. You blushed bright red as he pulled away. He too became flustered and stood up.


"I-i'll be at the bathroom…be right back" He mumbled before running away. You touched your lips and blushed again. Just then a light tug on your dress broke you out of your thoughts.


"Noona…" A small voice cried out to you. You squatted in front of him.


"What's wrong honey?" you asked sweetly. Tears formed in his eyes.


"I-i can't f-find U-umma…" he blubbered, tears streaking down his cheeks. You shushed him and hugged him, before carrying him in your arms. You walked around the amusement park before spotting a worried mother, talking with a security guard.


"Honey, is that your mom?" You asked gently, pointing to the lady. He followed  his gaze to where you were pointing and gasped. 


"UMMA!" You flinched slightly from the shout but smiled inwardly, seeing the boy so happy. The mother looked around before spotting both of you and ran up to the both of you.


"Oh! Yoogeun where did you go? Omo….thank god this pretty noona found you! Thank you! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, thanking you repeatedly. You bowed and told her it wasn't a problem. 


"Bye bye noona!" Yooguen said. You giggled and ruffled his hair.


"Bye Yooguen… Be a good boy ok?" You cooed and quickly went back to the bench to see an upset Dongwoo. You crept up behind him, tapping his shoulder. 


He turned around and his lifeless eyes widened with joy and he hugged you tightly. You gasped at the skin ship. 


"W-what's wrong D-dongwoo oppa?" You asked, gently pushing him away. He smiled, tearing up slightly.


"I-i thought you left me…" You gasped and hugged him.


"No…no why would I ever do that?! I love you too much to do that…."


He smiled and kissed the top of your head.  You peeked over his shoulder to see a white plush figure sitting on the bench. 


"What's that oppa?" you asked. He followed your gaze and laughed. 


"Close your eyes." You closed them tightly.  You heard him move and shuffle. He cleared his throat nervously.


"O-open your eyes…" Peeking open, you saw a blur of white. Opening your eyes fully, you saw the white teddy bear that you wanted ever since you saw it. Gasping, you stared at him.


"I thought I'd get this for you…. a perfect gift to end the day…" He said shyly. You took the bear and hugged it tightly, breathing in the new scent that was mixed with Dongwoo's. You put it on the bench and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him. You pulled away, your arms still around his neck and you smiled widely at him.


"I love you so much Jang Dongwoo…"


"I love you too ______ _______." He said, leaning closer, placing his lips onto yours gently. This truly was the best date since. 

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Chapter 1: So cute!! Please write more of these!! :)
zatieywookie #2
Chapter 1: woah ! so sweet :) i wish i had a sweet boyfriend like Dongwoo oppa !!!! XD