


In which himchan is a lost moth finding himself drawn to a burning flame, yet he did nothing to stop it.

In which Bang Yongguk is a helpless cat bound to a vow, trying to escape because it is meant to be broken. 


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Chapter 8: Yay an update !!! Thank youuuuuuuuu !!

So now zico is back with his 'family'

Hmmm the bloodlines huh ? Interesting!

That secretive banghim moment!! :3
Chapter 7: Nyx ? Guardians ? Creepy fortune-teller man ? Everything become more and more interesting !!
Can't wait to read about himchan next meeting w/ yongguk..or zico !
Chapter 6: And why suddenly christina perri's a thousand years ? Is yongguk really a vampire ? Werewolf ?
Chapter 5: LOL dancing monkeys ! XD
Anyway, your english is totally fine, I mean you're great, you can make an awesome fic with this simple english :D
Chapter 4: Ofcourse, himchan and zico ! XD
Chapter 2: Omo I'm so excited to know that himchan's brother is heechul ! Kyaaaa ! XD
Chapter 1: Oooooh awesome ! Who is yongguk actually ? Or to be exact, what kind of creature yongguk is ? And I believe he has a mind-reading power too !
Curiouuuusss to the max !
omg, this is so perfect, I read the whole thing in one shot, you're amazing author-nim can't wait for the next update
Chapter 7: I can't wait to know all of this lol
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 6: Yay!!! I'm glad to know you're not dropping it 'cause I love it !!!!