You're Mine...

Finally, You're Mine...

You immediately left the exam hall as soon as your lecturer allowed you to do so. You couldn't wait to go home and take a long nap after not being able to do so for the last two weeks. When you walked past an alley, you heard people arguing. You shrugged and continued to walk, but quickly stopped when you heard your bestfriend's voice. You quietly crept towards the alley and hid behind the nearest car.

"Minhee-ah, don't do this to me," Kai said desperately.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I can't stay with you now that my heart belongs to someone else," the girl said before she left him alone at the alley. Kai fell on his knees and cried.

The truth was, you and Kai hadn't talk to each other for almost two months. He totally ignored you after you told him that Minhee was a playgirl and she's going to hurt him sooner or later. He didn't believe you and chose to ignore you after that. However, after seeing him crying like that, your resentment towards him disappeared. You went to kneel beside him and patted his back. He quickly wiped his tears.

"There's no use wiping them now. I already saw them," you told him. He just looked at the ground. "Are you okay?" you asked softly. Kai nodded. You didn't know what to do because of his silence, so you got up on your feet. "Call me if you need anything," you and turned to leave.

Kai quickly grabbed your wrist. You gave him a puzzled look. "Can I... Can I follow you?" he asked hesitantly. A smile appeared on your face.

"Sure, buddy. Come on." Both of you walked in silence. Kai kept his head down. You knew he felt guilty about what he'd done to you. You just let him drown in his thoughts. You told him to wait in the living room while you went to get a drink for him. "Here." You passed him the glass.

"Thanks..." He drank the juice in one shot. You watched him with a shattered heart. You hate to see him like that, and it also hurt you to know that he's sad because of another girl. None of would've happened if you told him about you r feelings sooner. "I'm sorry..." His voice brought you back to your senses.


Kai looked straight into your eyes. "I'm sorry for not believing you. You were right, she's just having fun. Our relationship didn't mean anything to her. I'm sorry for hurting you," he voiced out his regrets and once again broke into tears.

"Hey..." you sat next to him and embraced him. "It's okay, Jongin-ah. I've forgave you a long time ago. I probably would've done the same thing like you did," you said softly as you patted his back. He continued to cry in your arms until he fell asleep.


After his broke up, Kai spent more time hanging out with you. You were so happy to have your bestfriend back, but you still didn't have the courage to confess to him.

It was spring and the weather looked nice. You and Kai were playing games against each other at your house. "Jongin-ah, should we go out and have a walk? The weather's quite nice," you suggested.

"Sure, let's go." He got up and pulled you on your feet. Both of you jumped around like lttle kids when you arrived at a park. You let out a laugh. Kai looked at you. "What?" he asked.

"I can't believe you're the guy that every girl in our college has a crush on. You're too cute and innocent for that," you told him.

He snorted. "You're not that different either, except that instead of being admired by guys, you're admired by stacks of books!" he retaliated. You tried to strangle him, but he avoided you. "You can't catch me!" He ran away from you.

"Yah, Kim Jongin! You won't get away with this!" you yelled. The two of you began to run around the park. Then, Kai tripped on something fell on the ground. You, who were running at full speed couldn't control yourself and fell rigt on top of Kai. Both of you looked at each other with widened eyes. Before you could do anything, Kai lifted his head a little and kissed you. Your eyes became even wider. You quickly broke the kiss and got up to your feet. "What the hell did you just do?" you asked angrily.

"Well, in case if you didn't know, that's what people call 'kiss'," he answered calmly.

"And exactly why did you do that? Are you crazy?" You turned away from him. Your tears slowly fell. True, you do like him, but it ddn't mean you like what he did. You're afraid of getting hurt, especially by him.

"I love you!" Kai shouted. Your footsteps died. "I really love you. I've started to love you since middle school and my feelings has never changed since then. I really do love you, please believe me," he pleaded.

Your tears fell faster. You couldn't believe what you're hearing. Kai loved you. Then, you remembered about Minhee. "Then why did you went out with Minhee?" you asked. He must've noticed the jealousy in your voice because he chuckled. You stiffened when he gave you a tight back hug.

"Minhee is actually my cousin. When I told her about you, she volunteered to help me out. I really hope you'd show some signs that you like me, but you didn't. So, I just concluded that you don't like me. I tried to erase the feelings, but the more I tried, the stronger it become. I finally decided not to let you go no matter what happens. That's why I kissed you just now," he finally explained everything to you. You turned around and began to hit him. He stared at you in shock.

"Do you how much it hurt when I saw you with Minhee? Do you how much tears I've shed because of you? I've been keeping everything to myself for God knows how long! How could you do this to me?" you let out all the frustrations and pain you had held inside you. Kai cupped your face with his hands and kissed you again. This time, it's deeper, softer and more loving. He poured out his entire feelings for you in that one kiss. You slowly kissed him back. You only broke the kiss when both of your needed some oxygen. Kai looked at you with a smile. He curled a strand of your hair and tucked it behind your ear. You could feel yourself blushing.

"I love you, _____," he said softly. You also gave him a smile.

"I love you too, Jongin-ah."

"I'm glad you're finally mine," Kai said seductively.

You stuck out your tongue. "I'm not yours until you've officially become my husband," you . He shook his head.

"You've become mine after I kissed you just now, or should I do something more?" he took a few steps towards you while staring at you like an eagle stalking its prey. You began to realize what he meant.

"No, no, no... You don't mean it...right?" you tried to sound brave, but you failed successfully.

"You know I really meant what I said."

"OMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" You screamed and ran towards your house.

"You can't run away from me! You're mine!" Kai shouted and began to chase after you. About what happened next, I'll leave it to your imagination. Hehehe... (evil laugh)

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 1: wow so lovely...
Chapter 1: It's really good. I really liked the character develop. But I found that it was kind of rushed during the of the fic, there are a few spelling mistakes as well. But overall it's awesome ^^ Daebak author-nim.
Thank you so much to my subscribers & readers...I hope that I didn't disappoint you...Jeongmal kamsahamnida!!!!
wow....i never really liked Kai but right now i can feel myself blushing because of him... nice job ^^
Gulmira #5
Chapter 1: Как красиво!^^