Chapter 3 The past

Already Gone



Chapter 3

As I was staring blankly in space, Dara unnie whimpered in her sleep. She’s almost sobbing and I knew exactly the reason behind it. She’s still dreaming about the past. The past that was the reason why they left for two years. Just by remembering it makes me sad and hurt. They ended up leaving me behind and living by myself here in Seoul. Although we stayed in touch with one another and meet sometimes, it still wasn’t the same as living together.

Flash Back

“Unnies, do you really have to leave? And why can’t you let me come?” Minji sobbed. She can’t believe that all her three favorite unnies will leave her.

“Minji-ah we have to heal our hearts. Time and distance will make it heal faster. We do not want to burden you with our problems.” Dara replied while hugging Minji.

“And I believed we already talk about why you can’t come with us. We cannot be the set-back in pursuing your dreams.”  CL said to her while continuing in packing her clothes.

“But I am just a trainee, I haven’t even debut. So you’re not stopping my dreams!”

“But you are in the road of approaching it Minji.” Bom said and cut Minji who is about to reply again, “I know you will say that you could just continue it when we return but Minji, two years is very long, with that time you could become the greatest dancer already and I know your having voice training which in two years time I believe can also be the best. We don’t want to prolong what you are working hard for. We cannot just hold you back. I know we promised to share our problems with one another, but this problem is something we want to face on our own.” Bom then gave Minji a hug. Minji could only give a sighed and sobbed some more knowing that she cannot do anything anymore especially when her Bom unnie started to act maturedly. It is very rare for Bom to be mature and serious but when she does, she really mean it and nobody can persuade her decisions.

“How about you visit us during your breaks, neh?” Dara said smiling.

“Definitely! I will visit you guys in Paris.” Minji finally said with a smile. “But I still don’t understand why you guys have to live in different apartments in France? Why don’t you guys just live together like here?” She curiously asked.

“Like Bom unnie said, we have our own problems to face and it is something we want to face by ourselves. We have to move on by ourselves.” CL responded.

“Anyway it is time to go. We can’t be late for our flight since wind might not wait up for us. I wonder what they will serve in the airplane for lunch.” Bom implied while thinking up food leaving the room.

“The wind will what?” CL said. The others can only weirdly looked at their alien unnie not getting what she actually meant while following her outside to go to the airport.

Flashback ends

Third Person’s POV

Minji decided to cook dinner for her unnies since it was already late. She went to her room first to change her clothes then proceeded to the Kitchen and decided to cook simple dish. She set the table in the dining area before going to the living room to wake the other girls up.

“UUNNNIIIEEESSS!! WAAKKEE UUPPP!!  IT’S TIME FOR DINNER!!!” Minji shouted to fully wake the other girls in their deep slumber. The girls woke up with a jump since they got startled by Minji’s shout.

“Wha-, Who-, ah-, Is there a fire? Where’s the fire? Lend me an axe!” Bom said. Minji can only laugh from her silliness.

“Minji-ah! You gave me a fright! Don’t suddenly shout like that! Argghh.. I think I’m having a headache.” Dara groggily replied.

“Well, I just thought you guys won’t be able to wake up that easily since you got jet-lagged. Anyway the food is prepared in the dining room. Eat first then go to your own room and change so that you could sleep sooner.”

“You sound like our unnie. Oh wait! There is food? Wiieee!! I missed food!” Bom then ran with a skip straight to the dining room.

“The food missed you too Bom unnie!” CL shouted while following the older girl.

The four of them settled on their own seats and ate what Minji prepared.

“I really missed your cooking Minji-ah! It taste homely.. It’s really great to be back!” Dara complimented.

“Neh! Minji’s cooking is the best! It’s really delicious!” CL said.

“Thank you unnies! You flattered me too much!” Minji embarrassedly said. There is a pinkish tinge in her cheek. She really felt happy just being able to dine with them again like that which made her also think that the food is somehow extra delicious.

“Waahhh… I’m full! Do we have corn?” Bom said while looking around the table as if corn will sprout out of nowhere.

“Haha.. You just said your full but your still looking for corn!” CL implied as she wipe with a napkin implying she’s finish.

“I haven’t eaten corn for a whole day! The flight stewardess insisted that they do not have corn in plane earlier! What kind of service was that! I won’t ride their plane next time!” Bom heatedly said.

“Just wait a sec unnie, I’ll go get some of your precious corn in the kitchen.” Minji said while standing up. She went to the kitchen and went back with five corns in plate. “I know just one ain’t enough.”

“wooo!” Bom started munching her corn oblivious with the smirk the other girls giving her.

“Good thing you prepared corn for her.” Dara said while watching the oldest munching her corn not even bothering to ask them if they want some.

“I just know it is something essential. By the way, I am sure you guys will wake up late tomorrow so don’t bother to look for me. I have an early training for tomorrow in YGE.” Minji implied.

“Okay, but how about if we pick you up for lunch? Let’s eat out. It’s been a while since we last did that.” CL suggested looking expectantly to the younger lad.

“That’s a good idea chae! I would also like to go shopping after that!” Dara cheerfully said.

“That will be cool! I also miss us hanging out together, but I think I could only eat out with you for lunch. I still got afternoon session in YGE.” Minji pouted.

“Oh well, I’ll just go shopping with Dara unnie. You could just come with us next time, neh?” CL said while tapping Minji’s shoulder.

“Right! There will be a lot of next time now, Minji. We’re staying back here for good, remember?” Dara added to cheer Minji up.

“Oh yeah! I’m really glad you guys came back. I really miss us being together. Anyway, what are you guys planning to do next? I mean, are you going back to school?” Minji said expectantly.

“Yup. We enrolled to Seoul University again so we’re going to see each other more often. Well at least the two of us will see each other often since we’re both in highschool department. Bom unnie and Dara unnie will be in College dept. They both got accepted in business dept. and they also added music classes just for a hobby.” CL said which made Minji literally jump for joy.

“This is so cool! I’m so happy right now!” Minji tearily said. She then gave each of them a hug and a kiss on their cheek including Bom who simply listened to everything and continued on munching her corns.

“We’re glad you’re happy but I really need to get some sleep now. I have to sleep this headache and my body is just so tired.” Dara said while getting up.

“I’ll just clean this up so you girls could go ahead.” Minji said to her.

“I’ll get a hot bath first annyeong!” Bom stated leaving the table first as soon as she finished all five corns.

CL and Dara could only shake their head as they follow Bom upstairs leaving Minji behind. Minji softly laugh and started cleaning up.

The next day…

Minji wake up early and went to YGE. She went to the gym first to have a go in the treadmill before going to the dance studio for her training. On her way down, she saw the Big Bang guys going to the studios as well.


The boys have this cool aura as usual. Minji was confused to see them around because the boys are having very tight schedules ever since their debut and it is very rare for them to go to the studios when the trainees are having lessons there. 

The five guys did not noticed Minji’s presence while she quietly followed them along the corridor since the dance studio that she’s going is in the same direction. The trainees who they passed along couldn’t help but to feel giddy seeing them especially the new ones. The five of them stopped in front of the studio that Minji will have lessons and they are hovering at the glass door trying to see whose inside. Minji has no choice but to gain their attention so that she could go inside.

Minji cleared , “Ahmm.. Annyeong sunbaenim but I need to pass through. We have training inside.” She consciously said.

“Oh! Minji-ah! Long time no see! Why do you talk so formal around us?” said one of the guy whose eyes resemble panda’s eyes.

“A-ani, It’s just wrong to talk to all of you informally since I’m still a trainee. It will be disrespectful and the other trainees might think I’m trying to be close to you.” Minji bowed her head trying not to look them in the eyes since it intimidate her.

“Eeyy, but we are close! We’ve trained together before and you’ve known us longer than the others.” The guy with Mohawk hair said.

“Neh, We’re friends!” the guy with blinding eye-smile added.

“Well, let her pass guys, she said she have lessons inside.” The tallest of the guys said while giving her a smile that made his eyes more piercing looking.

The other guys let her pass and she opened the glass door getting everyone inside attention. They looked at her first and she saw how their eyes looked behind her and their eyes got even bigger.

“Dae Oppa!!” “GD oppa!! Annyeong! “Waah Top oppa looks cool!!” “Saranghae Taeyang oppa!” “ Seungri oppa look here!!”

The instructors from high-tech and crazy had to stop them from bombarding Big Bang while the five of them just smiled at them. Seungri even gave a wave and a wink causing an even more shrieking. When everything was under control Minji turned around to look at the guys again.

“Oppas, why are you here? Do you need anything? I mean, we’re using the dance studios now, do you want us to change studio?” Minji asked them normally but a lot of trainees gave her a glare. They don’t understand why she talked to Big Bang informally and comfortably. Minji feeling their glares bowed and went to the corner of the studio without waiting for their response. She felt wronged, so she just stayed quiet on the side.

Daesung smiled and still replied to her even though she’s at the corner already, “Ani, we’re here to get some of our awesome dancers, we have to practice for a new choreography.”

Minji just nodded and shyly smiled to the latter then looked away. She saw the some high-tech and crazy dancers approach them and talked to them while the other dancers continued training them. After a few minutes, Big Bang left with some of the dancers. Minji was silent throughout the training, she just followed the choreography skillfully without much effort. At the end of the lesson, she was praised by their instructors earning another envious glare from some trainees. Some just looked at her amazingly since they cannot denied that she is the most skillful among the trainees and she’s the only one who mastered the choreography at one try.

They were then given a break to rest and eat. Their instructors left the studio followed by almost all the trainees. Only a few were left inside including her.

Minji’s POV

I watched those who’re left in the studio talked with one another. I’m the only one left alone at the corner. I don’t really have much friends in YGE. Those who came in with me in YGE mostly debuted already or left the company. As I’ve thought of it, I remembered the incident earlier. Big Bang were some who I became closed with during their trainee days. We’re also schoolmates so I became really friends with them. But after their debut, they became really busy so I don’t get to see them much anymore. So when I saw them earlier, I became confused on how to talk to them again.

I suddenly remembered that the unnies will get me later. I hope Big Bang will not linger much in YG today or that they will just stay at the studios. I don’t know what will happen if the unnies see them again. I am really worried so I started walking back and forth around the studio. I remembered the look on the faces of my unnies when their boyfriends broke up with them two years ago. You see, my three unnies had their first boyfriend two years ago. That time, Jiyong oppa, Lil’Seunghyun oppa, and BigSeunghyun oppa were still trainees and haven’t debuted yet. I did not introduce them to the unnies they just ended up knowing each other from school. Top-oppa, Jiyong-oppa, Taeyang-oppa, Bom-unnie and Dara unnie were from the same year but only Jiyong-oppa and Dara unnie were classmates. Seungri oppa and Chaerin unnie were a year below them with daesung oppa. Because of fate, we ended up all being close friends even though the boys are considered kingkas and the unnies and me are just nobody. But then Top-oppa and Bom unnie started having relationship. I could tell that they love each other. And then at some point of time, Dara unnie and Jiyong oppa also fell for each other and then Seungri oppa started to court Chaerin unnie. During that time, I really felt happy for them, If only I knew that they will only bring heartache to the unnies, I would have stop it from the start.

Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t hate the oppas. They are very kind and despite what happened in the past, I think they still care for us. But after their debut and because of people around them, they said they just fell out of love to my unnies. I could still remember how my unnies beg for them not to let go. But the oppas were just suddenly turn cold to them and they started to think they are too normal to be around them.


Minji went in without knocking to one of the recording studio where Big Bang was recording. And as soon as she saw them, she started talking loudly not caring if someone heard her.

“Why did you do that to the unnies huh?! Why did you leave them?! Is Fame starting to get in your head?! Is that it?!”

“Minji, calm down. My hyungs and seungri have their reasons.” Daesung said stopping Minji from getting near to the others.

“THEN SPEAK! EXPLAIN!” Minji heatedly shout.

“Guys, can you leave us four please?” GD calmly asked. The others in the studio just nodded and left GD, Top, Seungri and Minji behind. Being alone with them, Minji’s eyes started to well up feeling betrayed along with her unnies. She then started sobbing.

“Minji, we don’t expect you to understand yet. You’re young. But your unnies fully understand after we talked with them last night. There’s a lot of uncertainty in this world Minji. Nobody knows what the future holds. On day you felt like you’re in love then the other day the feeling was gone. That’s what happened Minji. We do not planned to hurt them, but we will just only hurt them more if we continue the relationship without love in it.” Top said sincerely while looking Minji straight to her eyes.

“Then answer me, did you really loved them? What you felt before? Was it really love?”

GD sighed and answered her, “Honestly, I do not know. I like her very much. But was that love? I don’t know.” The other two just nodded feeling the same way.

“Chaerin is a lovely girl but I am confuse on who she really is in my life.” Seungri added while his head bowed down and cannot look at Minji’s eyes.

“We already talked to them and they finally understand. So please try to understand too Minji.” Top said with finality.

“You know what I think? No, you never did love them. If its love, it should have not ended like this. There should have been no such thing as falling out of love. You did not love them from the start. My unnies love you that they decided to let go so don’t worry, they won’t beg for you anymore.” Minji stopped crying and stood up. “Thank you for being honest with me oppas. I just hope you all made the right decisions to let them go. I hope nobody will be able to get hurt again. Goodbye, I’m sorry for disturbing your recording.” She then left. But before she got far, someone grabbed her hand and turned her around.

“Minji-ah, I hope this won’t change how you treat us. I hope we are all still friends.” It was Daesung.

Minji stared at him for a long while before answering, “ I think it’s too late for that. Everything happened already and it changes everything. We will all be decent but I believe the unnies will find it hard to act as their friends again.” She smiled then continued, “But I will still treat you all my as my big brothers, that won’t change. At least I hope that won’t also change.”

Daesung smiled, “Neh, dongsaeng-ah, I will see to it that it won’t change.” Minji then left without another word and she released all her tears as she walked away.

Flashback ends

I was startled from the giggling of the other trainees in the studio which awakened me from reminiscing. I did not notice that Taeyang oppa and Daesung oppa were approaching me from the side until they sat beside me on the floor.

“Ooohh, That’s a very far thoughts your thinking.” Taeyang oppa teased.

I literally jumped up from shock. “Waah! How did you get in?” I stupidly asked.

“Ahmm… through the door? Are you seriously asking that?” Daesung oppa laughed.

“By the way, we’re going out for lunch later, wanna come? It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you.” Taeyang oppa invited me. I honestly want also to eat out with them but I already made plans with the unnies.

“Aahh.. I think I have to pass.” I notice how shock the other trainees who are pretending not to listen for declining the offer from the oppas. I suddenly felt wronged again.

“Why? The hyungs and seungri will also come.” Daesung said and pouted. I suddenly felt like to pinch his cheeks but have to control myself since the other trainees are obviously watching our conversation.

“Sorry, I already made plans to eat with the un--.. ahmm with some friends from the school.” I almost blurted out about the unnies. I hope they did not notice. I am not trying to hide them the fact that they are back but I’ll just let fate decide how this turns out.

“Oh Okay, we understand. Maybe next time then? You can’t decline next time alright?.” Daesung oppa said.

“Sure. I really want to come but I already gave my word to them first.”

“We understand, we’ll leave then, we just sneaked out from practice. They might be looking for us already.” Taeyang oppa said as he stands up. Daesung oppa also stands up and I followed suit and bowed since they’re still my sunbaenim. Daesung oppa then put his hand on my head and ruined my hairstyle.

“Aish Oppa! I just fixed my hair a minute ago!” I said while touching my hair and trying to fix it again.

“Haha, annyeong!” And then they left.

As soon as they were out of sight, the other trainees started to bombard me with questions.

“How did you able to talk with them unnie?” a girl with pigtail hair asked.

“Yeah, you seem so closed to them!” another girl said.

“Can you introduce me to them?” said the other one and many of them pleaded me to introduce them.

“How come you’re so close with them? Is it because you’ve trained with them before? I heard you stayed here the longest.” Another girl asked me but before I could answer back, the instructors returned as well as the other trainees. I could only sigh with relief and I knew I have to run out later when lunch time came so they won’t bombard me again since most of those who witness the incident earlier shared it to those who just came. I could see them looking at me and I could also see some of them who glared at me. 

Hey guys!!!

I hope you guys like it :)

By the way, if you are wondering why I did not made a proper introduction about the boys, it is because I want to introduce them along the story. :)

I did not know it was this hard to write a story! I am getting confuse with my own ideas and I don't know how to write them propely so I could convey it you. But don't worry, I see it as a challenge and I'll continue this fic since I really have a story in my mind and I just need to learn how to write it. XD

Anyway, Thank you for all of you who subscribe!! Yehey!! I really did not expect that I can get subscribers. Thank you so much also to those who take time to view this :)

Oh and also, I won't be able to update tomorrow. So you guys would have to wait for the next day or the next next day for my update. Sorry :(

P.S. I don't really know how to make posters so I simply doesnt use one.


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kratepow #1
update please T.T
aleeshaKvu #2
Chapter 11: yay !! Fighting !!!
jadelyn #3
please update authornim :))
cocomin #4
Chapter 10: Please update!
schaenel_12 #5
Chapter 10: Unnie please update
luilu88 #6
Chapter 10: JIYONG WITH KIKO??? !! Not liking it already
Chapter 10: waaah unnie are yOu gOing tO use the Let me by rihanna cOver dance videO they have. hehehe Im starting tO imagine thier reactiOn...BTW, please update mOre..
Chapter 10: Good luck in your internship authornim,but please update from time to time *^▁^*
Chapter 10: Why is kiko here?! I thought Jiyong is single. I want them 2 meet now and see how the girls really changes!!! CL is really cool!!!
Chapter 10: ugh!!!!!! I didn't expect jiyong to be with kiko!!! hmp....

thanks for the update authornim!