Plan L

A Plan For Love


So in class we had an actual lesson instead of silent reading. And I was just minding my own business when the guy behind me passes me a note. And on the front of the note it says:
For Mihyun's lovely eyes only!!
Must be from Yoseob I guess, let's see what it says...
Love you ugly! Just kidding, I don't love you, but you are kinda ugly... Just trying it make it look like we're all lovey dovey with the note.
Ugly? This guy's my ally and enemy at the same time, he maybe able to act like a good boyfriend outside but inside he's still a stupid guy. What could I write for revenge? I at comebacks...
Good plan, but your still stupid.... 
Yea, I really at comebacks, I wonder if Gikwang can even see this, where does he sit?... Right in front of Yoseob? How come I never saw that.. Well he'll see the note for sure though...
"You really with comebacks you know." Yoseob says as he walks up behind me.
"Yea, whatever, just start with acting all lovey dovey before everyone else comes to eat."
He puts his arm around my waist and starts making me walk really close to him. Feels kinda weird but at the same time kinda something else... Nah it's mainly weird.
I see two different reactions as my friends walk towards me. Elle looks kinda happy but sad. And Gikwang seems to be embarrassed and something else.
"Hey guys!" Me and Yoseob say together. We look at each other and laugh together too.
"Well you guys look like a happy couple." Elle says trying her best to sound happy for us.
"How can I not be when I'm dating such a cutie!?" Yoseob says as he pinches my cheek.
"Oppa, ani! It's embarrassing!" 
"Aigoo, I'm sorry, oppa will try very very hard not to tease you infront of your friend arasso?"
"Ne oppa." I say with what I try to make a cute smile.
"Ok so lets eat shall we?" Elle says, to avoid any more couple mushiness. At least now she knows what it feels like when she did that with Dongwoon in front if me and Gikwang. 
"Actually before I eat, can I talk to you for a second, Minhyun?" Gikwang says with a bit of a scary look in his face.
"Yea, sure. I'll be right back op.." 
I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Gikwang grabbed my arm and dragged me away. Well from his strength I can tell he's still been working out. I wonder what he wants to say, the plan can't be working that fast can it? 
We walk all around campus, and go into one of the school buildings and up to the roof. Boy doesn't this seem familiar, why do all the guys have to do the same stuff? Like again with the arm and the roof top thing. 
"So what's up Gikwang why do you seem so upset?" 
"I don't really know how to say this, I don't want you to think of it the wrong way." He says with his back turned to me.
"Try it. I'm a pretty good listener." I say, trying to sound cheery.
"Well it's about Yoseob. I don't know if you should be going out with him. I mean he's in a gang you know."
"Yea, but its not too big of a deal, he's not like all the other guys in the gang."
"Yea, but don't you think you guys started liking each other way too fast? I mean one day you wanted to kill him, and now you're here hugging him, passing notes in class, calling him oppa."
"Well, stuff happens you know.. But why does it make you so upset?"
Come on say it! Ask me out! You're super duper jealous right now! 
"I'm just trying to make sure you don't get hurt. And it seems a little weird that you would  get into a relationship that fast. Are you sure he's not forcing you to do this?"
Well I kinda made him do this, so it's like the opposite..
"Of course I wouldn't! You sound a little jealous though Gikwang."
That didn't out of my mouth, I was gonna say something like that though. 
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Like this Story! :D
Chapter 22: Very unpredictable, loved it ~ lol. Good job authornim.
* walks into the horizon humming ' Beautiful Night ' *
Chapter 20: O.O!!! Now Kikwang the bad guy!!!? What happened to hin?
Chapter 12: Uh oh.....
Chapter 11: She didn't have to do that when her BFF told her how Kiwi felt!!! *throws rage* step 4 is pathetic!!! D: bet she'll lose him !
Chapter 10: Omfg. She still insisting? If there is anything I hate more is a dumb lead character female especially XD. But gosh what about Kiwi oppa:c
Chapter 22: Yoseobie so cheesy!!!!
b2utylove57 #8
Finished the story :D unpredictable events that were just-right :) I'm glad she ended up with him (don't wanna spoil the story) 'cause otherwise the love aspect wouldn't have been as interesting ;) Plus it's good she deviated from the plan a bit hehe~
Finished?! oh I miss this fanfic!! TT TT TT
Good job author nim!! :))