Plan J

A Plan For Love


How exactly I'm going to fix it I'm not sure, but I don't care anymore. I at least have to have Yoseob tell Elle that I didn't want that kiss, even though he still denies that he kissed me. Now the only thing I have to do is find him.. Well there's one if the guys he hangs out with, maybe I can ask him.. He looks a little scary though. Whatever I have to fix this now. 
"Hey, you know Yosoebssi right?"
"Ya, but why does a cute innocent girl have any business with him?" 
I don't know why he has business with me, I sure wish I knew. 
"We'll do you know where he is, I need to talk to him." 
"Well why don't you and me talk instead, and maybe if you're interested we can do something more than talking." He said with a look that gave me goosebumps but for some reason also made me very curious. 
"Uhh... Sorry, but I really need to talk to Yoseobssi. But if you don't know where he is I can just ask someone else." 
I was going to walk away but then he grabs my arm. 
"Hey, are you blind or dumb, I can give you a better time then that..."
I never thought I'd be so happy to see Yoseob in my entire life. 
"Junhyung let her go, she's not even your type anyways trust me." 
Junhyung just looks at Yoseob and back at me, lets me go, and walks away without another word. 
"Umm thanks I guess Yoseobssi.."
"You can drop that damn "ssi" it annoys the hell out of me. What did you want anyways?"
"Well, I wanted to talk about the stuff that's been happening lately.."
"Aish! You're still stuck on that? Seriously? Ok so what if I did kiss you? It's not like it was your first kiss was it?" 
He doesn't have to know..
"Well I guess that's settled then right? It's no big deal."
"Yes it is! One of my friends heard about you kissing me and she doesn't believe that it was forced and now she's mad at me."
"That sounds like your problem. Find a way to deal with it yourself." 
Really, he's the cause of this doesn't he know he should fix what he broke?
"Ok can you at least tell me what's the point of the constant character change?" 
He just sighs and grabs my arm, and starts pulling me with him as he walks. What's with guys and grabbing arms? Can't they just ask a girl to follow them?
"Yah!! Where are you taking me!? It's almost time for class!" 
"If you want to know just shut up and stop asking questions!" 
He drags me from the quad all the way to the schools rooftop, if this is anything like an anime I should get ready for some cheesy love confession. 
"Ok we're here now, what do you have to tell me?" 
He's just looking around, what's he looking for?
"Ok you see that big tree with the group of people around it?"
"Yea what about it?"
"Ok that girl in the red sweater with the black hair and blue highlights, that's Suki, my ex girlfriend. And every time I would act cute towards you she would be near by, so I wanted to try to make her jealous."
"Really? That was what you wanted? Why couldn't you just ask a friend or something to help you, and saved me some trouble?" 
But it's kinda sweet I guess, but still he caused me trauma!
"It was just a spur of the moment kind of thing, I was thinking of making her jealous and you happened to be near me at the same time as her just about everyday so that's how it worked out."
Wow lucky me!!! Not! So this whole time I've just been used by this guy who misses his girlfriend. 
"It's also why I hangout with those guys like Junhyung, she likes the wilder type and the reason she broke up with me was because she said I was too nice."
Too nice? Both him and her must be crazy, her for not liking a guy for being "too nice" and him for still wanting her.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you honest, I'll try to leave you alone."
"Not so fast.. I think I might have an idea that helps both of us.."
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Like this Story! :D
Chapter 22: Very unpredictable, loved it ~ lol. Good job authornim.
* walks into the horizon humming ' Beautiful Night ' *
Chapter 20: O.O!!! Now Kikwang the bad guy!!!? What happened to hin?
Chapter 12: Uh oh.....
Chapter 11: She didn't have to do that when her BFF told her how Kiwi felt!!! *throws rage* step 4 is pathetic!!! D: bet she'll lose him !
Chapter 10: Omfg. She still insisting? If there is anything I hate more is a dumb lead character female especially XD. But gosh what about Kiwi oppa:c
Chapter 22: Yoseobie so cheesy!!!!
b2utylove57 #8
Finished the story :D unpredictable events that were just-right :) I'm glad she ended up with him (don't wanna spoil the story) 'cause otherwise the love aspect wouldn't have been as interesting ;) Plus it's good she deviated from the plan a bit hehe~
Finished?! oh I miss this fanfic!! TT TT TT
Good job author nim!! :))