Finally Found You - Part 1

Shoot Me


For these next chapters, I changed the point of view to Jessica's and Tiffany's, I hope you like it :D) 
11:00 A.M.
It's almost time. I'm getting nervous. Really nervous. I'm so anxious I can't stop walking around my office. Some sweat drops can be seen on my forehead and it's kinda ruining my brown bangs, but that's the price to pay when you're a woman living in a place where the temperatures are always high. Ugh, my hair is bothering me. I lift my hand up to me face to brush my hair, in a fail attempt. I curse quietly. I turn around, Hyoyeon and Yoona are standing there, both handcuffed and staring at me with curious eyes as I am in a mix of tension, fear and anxiety.
I look around the room for the nth time. I feel like I'm forgetting something important, aish I hate this feeling. My eyes land on my desk. I see some papers, files, sketches... Oh, right! The third element Stephanie asked for: her handgun. I hastily move closer to open the drawer underneath the table and take the weapon out. The two bandits and I take a look at it.
"I can't believe it actually has a pink eagle figure on it." Yoona shakes her head, smirking a bit.
I was going to comment about the object too, but kept the thought to myself. 'Cute color to match its cute owner.' And there goes my heart beating faster once again. Ridiculous.
Jessica Jung, stop it. You don't even know if you're going to succeed. I say I have a plan and am going to trick her, but what if she ends up being the one fooling me? She doesn't have a clue that I am the person who saved her life back when she was little. She urgently needs to know.
"Sheriff. We should get going, you don't want to be late." Yoona spoke quietly.
I checked the clock. 20 minutes have passed already?!
Our destination wasn't that close, but I decided to go on foot because I couldn't take two handcuffed people in one horse. Walking was simpler.
The three of us exited town, finally. What a bright day. The sun in the highest spot in the sky. Also the highest temperature. Resistance was essential around here.
Yoona constantly checked inside her dirty gray shirt, her stomach was colored with a splash of red tint to make it look like she was hurt, although it wasn't visible because she was wearing a vest. I told her to pretend she couldn't walk properly too, so she was fake-limping. Her sleeves were slightly cut revealing glimpses of her arms with some red tint, too. 
She looked like that so the leader of the bandits would be startled and possibly would let down her guard.
Thirty minutes left. I'm already at the meeting location: the gas station that is currently empty, seems abandoned recently. There is a kind of convenience store here, so I hid the midget in there for now.
No one in sight, the road is as empty as my hand that misses the metalic feeling of my favorite handgun. 
I actually don't use it a lot, but it makes me look so confident, powerful. And it has a mark of my own, that eagle in my favorite color. Eagles, I love them. I love what they represent and how fierce and marvelous they look when flying in the enormous sky.
I take a look inside the store. I spot the tied blonde sitting on the ground next to a wall. When I took out the white cloth on last night to let her drink water and eat something, I asked for her name. Only that, I didn't let her speak anything else as I aimed a gun to her direction, just in case she tried anything tricky. I'm famous for my threats anyway.
I'm not a hundred percent proud of doing this to her, but purposes justify the ways. It was also not the first time I pointed my weapon at her, poor girl. But what I want, I get, and to get what I want I have to do this.
I really hope the sheriff brings me everything I asked for. Ugh, my shoulder still hurts. I hope Yoona and Hyoyeon are okay.
I stand outside the store, next to the old gas tanks, and pull two chairs: one for me to sit on and the other to put my feet above. I stay like that, with my legs stretched and crossed arms in front of my chest, waiting.
What a long walk! Can't complain, tho, it was my decision to walk ten miles. The three of us are sweating as if we were in a sauna.
I look ahead, I can already see the gas station. Still, no movement in the road. Perfect, no one will disturb this meeting.
"Yoona, Hyoyeon, are you okay?" I asked them, worried about the looks of tiredness on their faces.
"I think so. Maybe the sun has an effect on me, but I'll be fine." Hyoyeon said. Yoona simply nodded.
"Remember to stay behind me until I say or gesture otherwise." I told them.
We're approaching it, I can see the gas station and its structures clearly now. It's on the left side of the road.
This place is so silent. I can barely hear the sound of the weak wind passing by. But soon, I notice a different, yet low sound. I turn my head to the right and I see what it is.
It's them. I change my position in the chair, supporting my forearm on my thigh and a hand on the other one, with slightly opened legs. Not so lady-like, but whatever. Oh, I see the sheriff is obedient, she brought my mates.
I get up. I make it visible that my other handgun is attached to my pants in the front side and again cross my arms. This time, I lean against a gas tank looking down, with my red bangs covering my face.
The steps got closer and closer. Then they stopped. I know where.
"I'm glad you came." I blurt out, smirking.
Second part and the next chapter are already written, I'll post them soon ^^
Please, leave your thoughts on the story if you can.
I appreciate.


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Chapter 13: please update soon
BeunTe #2
Chapter 1: Taengsic!!!!!
Chapter 12: why did i only find this story now? lol. author-ssi, you are DAEBAK! this is great! :D i really liked the flow of the story and the way you write ^^ but what really caught my attention was when you described Juliet as 'squeezable' :)) glad to know i'm not the only one that describes their pet as 'squeezable' haha :)) keep writing author-ssi! hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 12: Yay!!! Thank you for make awesome story Happy for JeTi HyoRi and YoonTae haha

I really like it <3

JeTi <3 ^^
YXD #5
Chapter 12: Awww..nice ending! JeTi, HyoRi & YoonTae together at last.Good idea going for's too bad if Yoona & Tae are alone,so thumbs up for that..
Thanks for the great story,really enjoyed it!!! Author-ssi jjang XD
Chapter 12: aww.. nice ending..:D
Chapter 12: Aaaawww!! Everyone is happy now! Yaay for ma JeTi!! <3<3<3
And I noticed that every couple in here are very kinda byun keke xD
That was a good way to end this fic, happy ever after! ^.^

Keep going!
ayojeti #9
Chapter 12: It ended! I love all moments of course mostly JeTi's hahaha
That YoonTae... yeah, they were random lol

And they live happily ever after kkk

I was just loling at Krystal damn cute when she's like that <3

Thanks for writing :D