Chapter 11

Unexpected Lovers

Byunni stood in shock, unable to comprehend the situation.

“Earth to Song Byunni?” Aram said waving her hand in front of the girl’s face. Youngjae glared at Daehyun as he walked away. Jongup and Zelo were trying to get Byunni’s attention.

“I don’t think he’s good for you.” Youngjae commented.

“Would you stop picking on him? He’s not that bad.” Byunni said and smacked the older boy.

“What is this?! Is this Hit Youngjae Day or something?!” Youngjae shouted and glared at everyone.

“No, that’s every day.” Aram said smiling before hitting Youngjae again. “Anyway, ignoring him, what do you think is going to happen now?”

“Nothing. As long as Yunhee is in control of her boy toy, he can’t be with Byunni.” Zelo scoffed.

“I mean it can’t take that long right? She’ll eventually get bored of him, hopefully…” Jongup trailed off.

“But this is Yunhee we’re talking about. The guy never has the last word with her and if she’s really out to get you Byunni, this will take a lot longer than you think…” Youngjae reasoned.

“I guess… I just don’t want him to do anything that would hurt Byunni either. It’s always Yunhee’s fault. What did we ever do to her!?” Aram puffed. The others just shrugged their shoulders but they understood Aram’s frustration.

“Either way, I still have to get back to work. Sorry guys. Chat later tonight?” Byunni asked as she went behind the counter. Her friends nodded and went back to their usual booth before eating their snacks as they wait for Byunni’s shift to end.

Meanwhile, Himchan stood nearby, plotting his perfect plan to hopefully win Byunni’s heart as he overheard the group’s conversation.

“Jonguppie, look at Himchan sunbae.” Aram called out as Himchan politely greeted a customer.

“Who? The guy with the weird face? What about him?” Jongup asked.

“He’s adorable and his personality is amazing! He’s just to die for.” Aram cooed.

“Pft, I am so much better than him.” Youngjae said and took a sip of his drink.

“Yah!” Aram shouted and raised her hand. “There’s no reason for me to hit you. After all, the girl you love made you stuck in the friend zone.”

“Shut it Aram.” Youngjae snapped.

“Youngjae hyung likes someone? Who?!” Zelo pried.

“It’s no one, don’t think too hard.” Youngjae said and slouched into the booth.

“Stop! Himchan sunbae is coming over!” Aram yelped.

“Hey guys, I noticed you’re friends of Byunni. Do you mind telling me what she’s interested in?” Himchan asked the group.

“Oh, why are you suddenly asking?” Aram said, looking a bit down.

“Well, I’ve liked her for a long time and now the new guy is getting in the way. I thought it was finally time I did something.” Himchan replied smiling.

“Sorry hot shot, but she has her eyes on Daehyun over there and as her friend, I don’t approve of you.” Youngjae squinted his eyes at the older boy.

“Okay,” Himchan smiled, “I understand. See you guys around then. I’ll just figure stuff out on my own.”

“It’s okay noona, some guy will notice you soon.” Zelo tried to help the now heartbroken girl.

“Wow, today is just bad news central. First, Byunni’s parents are leaving again. Second, Daehyun is ‘dating’ Yunhee, and finally, Aram’s crush doesn’t-“ Youngjae was cut off when Zelo hit him. “Ow!”

“Can you be more sympathetic to Aram here?” Zelo said.

“Fine, jerk.” Youngjae muttered.

“It’s fine. It wasn’t meant to be right? Byunni is the cooler one.” Aram sulked and walked out. “I’ll see you guys at her house, I guess.”

“Look at what you did hyung!” Zelo shouted.

“Man, you guys really make me feel like I’m don’t belong here.”


“Shut up!” Youngjae shouted and went back to his snacks.

The two bickered back and forth until it was late in the evening. Eventually baby Zelo had fallen asleep on the table after eating all the snacks.

“Yah! It’s closing time. Get out.” Hyosung shouted from behind the counter. Zelo jolted up, looking from side to side before rubbing his eyes.

“Unnie, it’s okay, the guys are here for me.” Byunni chimed in from the back as she ran out, ready to go home. “Sorry guys. Let’s head out.”

“Bye Nini! Stay safe!” Her coworkers chimed as the group left for their excited planned weekend.


[At Byunni’s House]

                Byunni had prepared her room for everyone to be able to sleep on the floor and be comfortable. They had the choice to sleep in the many guest rooms that Byunni had, but they all decided to sleep with her.  As she finished laying out the blankets and pillows, her doorbell rang.

“Soojin Unnie, I’ll get it!” Byunni called from her room as she raced down the steps to answer the door, letting the three boys in. “Where’s Aram?”

Youngjae shrugged his shoulders as the other two youngies glared at him. Jongup sighed and eventually told Byunni about what had happened with Himchan at the café. Byunni nodded in understanding… She felt pretty bad that she’s receiving the attention but it really wasn’t her fault. She knew Aram had liked Himchan for awhile but to avoid her for it was something entirely different.

“Araso… I guess it’s just me and you guys. Let’s have fun tonight!” Byunni cheered as she pushed the thought of Aram out of her head. The three guys smiled at her before entering the house to watch a movie, snack, and have a night full of laughter and games.


[Aram’s House]

The poor girl was crying alone in her bed. She knew it wasn’t the best way to solve her heart break, but she didn’t want to come face to face with Byunni, especially since she knew that Byunni was the reason that she can’t have Himchan’s heart.

It’s always her. They always choose her. Aram was furious. She was tired of being in second place. She couldn’t stand it anymore. She wanted to be chosen for once. She wanted to belong to someone. Aram’s jealousy took over. She wanted to be noticed and she knew just the way to get back at Byunni.

Aram got up from her bed and wiped her face clean. She picked up her cell phone and dialed up the person she knew everyone hated most.


There’s no turning back now. Aram held her breath before talking.

“Yunhee, it’s Aram. I need your help in ruining Byunni’s life.”

“I’m listening.” Intrigued, Yunhee listened to Aram’s problem and knew the best way to hurt Byunni and Aram. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

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Chapter 11: wo! that cliffhanger left me in shock with the group ha :P
Chapter 10: I am enjoying reading this story so far. Yunhee is getting on my nervouse, If I was on Daehyun's place I would slapp her...Geez xD Anyway update soon!
Chapter 10: enjoying it well :)
Chapter 2: update soon!~ :D
I like the Foreword! It's cute! Loo I think a have the moon virus!