


“It was always just about Chanyeol! I told you not to expect anything.” Baekhyun shouted.

Chanyeol wanted to rip his hair out. He told himself the same thing. He said not to expect anything. But he fell in love. Fell so deep in love.

“Yes Baekhyun! Yes! You told me not to expect anything, but I did! I was always expecting! You know humans tend to say bull things like let’s not expect anything but we do! We expect things! We always expect things! If we don’t we wouldn’t have been here in the first place!” Chanyeol was heartbroken. He thought maybe their relationship was progressing. That the was the perk not the love, except it was the other way around.

“Chanyeol, please.”

“Please what?”

“Don’t make me do this. You know I won’t stay. Not for you, not for anybody.”

“I’m not asking you to stay. Go if you want to. I just said I love you, I didn’t say you have to love me back.” Chanyeol looked down. He wanted him to stay. He wanted him to say I love you too

“I love you.” Baekhyun whispered. Chanyeol looked up in shock, maybe he wasn’t hearing right. “But I cannot stay.”

“Why Baek? Why can’t you stay? Just this once, why can’t you face your fear or whatever this is?”

“Because I can’t. I just can’t.”

“You just can’t? What the hell is that? Why do you have to lie about loving me? Can’t you just say no to my face instead of raising my hopes up?” Chanyeol was shouting. Everybody in the street was looking at them now.

“I have to go now.” Baekhyun started walking away. Chanyeol stared at his retreating back before following him and grabbing his arm.

“Were you lying then when you said you love me?” Chanyeol has a mean look on his face now. But his eyes were pleading for Baekhyun to say he wasn’t.

“No,” Baekhyun’s eyes looked down. “I love you, I really do. I never felt like this for a long time.”

“Then stay…”

“I’m married!” Baekhyun suddenly burst out.

“What?” Chanyeol froze.

“I’m married, Chanyeol. That’s why I can’t stay.” Baekhyun walked away and this time Chanyeol let him go.


“I loved him. I still do. He made me feel special. He made me feel loved. He was just like you, sweet and caring.” Baekhyun put the flowers down. He feels guilty of his feelings. But maybe she’ll forgive him.

“Do you think it’s ok now? Do you think this is wrong?” He sat down on the grass. He felt tears slowly running down on his face.

“I don’t want to forget you. I won’t forget you. You’re still my first love. I love you.” He said before running his fingers over the engravings of his wife’s name on the thick marble.

You can let me go now.

The wind blew his tears away. Maybe this was her blessing. He looked up and faintly saw a smile from somewhere behind the clouds.

Thank you.


He dialed a familiar number. And his heart was beating fast when a deep voice, he had learned to like, no, to love over the month answered the call.

“Uhm hey, I think I’m ready to stay now.”

so yeah, so much drama right?hahaha 

well ok I think sleep is very much needed now, or I'll look like a zombie...good night!!! good morning for others! 

oh yeah comments are welcome. you can say this is ty it's alright hehehe 

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Chapter 1: aaaaaai this is good. love it. epilogue pls or a sequel. ^^
Chapter 1: why i'm feel happy~
i'm weird~
akaonim #3
Chapter 1: This was awesome.......I want more!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh this was goood! :)
Tho it was very heartbreaking for Yeol cause bake said that he love him but he can't stay.
When I read the last line..I was like..
What makes you think that Yeol stiil wants you, you jerk. LOL

But it was good.
Thanks for writing this! ♥
Chapter 1: I love this, like, really really love the idea of the story. But it would be much better if you put more scenes here and there and then voila! However, I still love this story ;/////;