In the middle of the night

I just love you

I was still dark outside. 

B.A.P was preparing for another busy day of rehearsals tomorrow. It hasn't been long since Himchan went to sleep.

"Channie" Yongguk called, he sounded sleepy, "I can't sleep, are you awake?" he yawned, "Well, I am now, thank you very much" he answered arrogantly, "What's wrong?" the younger one asked.

"Nothing specifical, I just can't sleep for some reason" he was worried, after all he had to wake up in about 3 more hours, "Also I think I hurt my neck or something, it hurts" he said while rising up his hands to masage his neck.

Himchan stood up, he was willing to help him, he sat down on next to Yongguk and told the younger one to turn, he started massaging his neck with his left hand, it was hard for him, but he still tried his best to mae Yongguk feel better.

After all he really cared for him.

Yongguk was shirtless, wearing only his PJ bottoms, anyhow, it didn't caught Himchan's attention this time, maybe because they were both feeling sleepy, but it was somehow their fault, they did took a long time at the restaurant.

"You don't have to..." Yongguk was interrupted, "Don't worry I want to" he smirked.

Yongguk decided to start talking a bit, maybe to create a conversation, the sound of only the calefaction and the clock was driving him crazy.

"You know" he started, "Sometimes I wonder if you are actually telling me the truth" Himchan was surprised, he didn't know what Yongguk was talking about, did he found out about his feelings?, that scared Himchan, what was he going to do now?, he started feeling embarrased.

"What do you mean?" he asked nervously, "Well you always smile and tell me everything is okay but, I think you're still mad about you hand accident, Am I right?" Yongguk sighed. 

Himchan felt relief, but still he knew Yongguk was right, he was angry about it.

"Well, sometimes" he said, trying to ignore his feeling, "You realize I've known you for a long time now, you can't easily lie to me" he chuckled.

Yongguk love his relationship with Himchan, he had such a strong bond of friendship with him, they undertand and care about each other, for him, Himchan was his best friend, no matter how stubborn he could be sometimes. Himchan also respected his friend so much, but he found that an obstacle now that his feelings for Yongguk had become stronger.

How was Yongguk going to react if he ever found out? Yongguk has a strong behavior, he was obvioudly not gonna take it well. This upset Himchan, he loved him, but he didn't wanted to ruin the friendship they have.

"Good night Channie!!" Yongguk whispered playfully and grabbed Himchan's chin, the younger one didn't expect it so he sharply turned to face him.

Yes, at first Himchan couldn't believe it, as well as Yongguk. The older one had his eyes whide opened, he was breathless.

The younger one felt his heart skip a beat. 

Their lips met, accidently but they did.

Himchan felt Yongguk's thick lips that always hide his shy gummy smile, gently rub into his. Yongguk felt his heart beat faster than ever, he was shocked.The young one started slowly closing his eyes, after all, for him, this kissed had a meaning. He decided to enjoyed it, because, maybe, it will never happen again.

Sadly, the kiss went to an end.

Yongguk started chuckling loudly, he was embarrased to his best friend, while Himchan, well he was on the clouds.

After a small session of awkward silence, they both looked at each other and laughed, making funny jokes about the recent situation.

The time passed and without even realizing they both felt asleep, their bodies were hugging each other, making the ambient peaceful, and beautiful.

Yongguk woke up after a few minute, he dragged the white blankets and cover his friends, he felt so comfortable aroung him.

He turned and felt fast asleep, he had a busy day ahead of him in a few hours.

"Night" he grinned, still laughing a bit.



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Sorry to bother but i hooe you update! i hope youre okay...
Youngminkwangmin #2
Chapter 16: please update!!!! i need 2 knkw what happens!!! i m so in love with Banghim rite now
Chapter 16: Yeah true true, Daehyun's biggest problem kekekeke XD
Chapter 16: Yeah DaeJae appeared yeaaah :) I missed the ,,love starting " part but this was amazing too :) ...and know is just JongLo missing and everything will be perfect :) :) author-nim hwaiting :)
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: Yaayyyyy for daejae... just adore daejae!!!
shinoside #6
Chapter 16: Heheh now we got some Daejae action
Chapter 16: lol ^^ when the wolfs are not here it's a mess lol
Chapter 16: omo this is daejae! yippie my sweet yet daejae <3
and yeah it's sad they can't get together fufufuf
Chapter 15: Oh my..... Zelo don't do anythong stupid...

So Zelo likes Yongguk?? Sorry got confused but it wounld be fun if it was Himchan .... hihihihi
Chapter 11: What?? Did Himchan hit his head somewhere??... kekekeke