Man In Love (Part One)

A Peek Into Their World: White Wings

Italics = Captions on screen Underlined = Actions without words Bold = English

B: A Peek Into Their World! This is the world's greatest MC, Boom! It's been a while, how have you girls been without me?

BJ: You weren't here? We didn't notice.

YH: Oh? Boom-oppa, where did you go?

SY: We did really well without you actually.

B: I can definitely feel the love from White Wings. They are such loving girls.

E: Are we having a boy group on the show today?

B: Yah, I'm still here! Am I not enough for you?

E: But we're in the studio...

B: Ah...Hae Sung-sshi, you're my last hope, please say something.

HS: Welcome back, Boom-oppa.

B: Thank you! Now, after that nice comment, we shall move on! W.W is on the rise lately, you are getting popular.

The girls cheered and clapped.

B: The PD told me that a lot of boy groups want to come on the show so they can interact with you. The episode with Block B also sky-rocketed in terms of ratings.

BJ: So the episodes apart from the Block B one were not good?

B: Those were good too but that episode was especially good! Your fans sent in a lot of messages as well. We're going to read some to you. The PD handed an A4 paper to Boom and he cleared his throat, reading through the messages. Wow...a lot of these messages are about which couple they like most. Zico and JY are the number one couple.

JY: Of course, we're a perfect match.

B: You wish. Second...Oh, U-Kwon and Seung Yong. How unexpected! Seung Yong-sshi, do you have a word for U-Kwon-sshi?

SY: Erm...U-Kwon-oppa, hwaiting!

B: Right behind them is Park Kyung and Min Yoon. They're actually quite close to second place. Min Yoon-sshi, are you happy about that?

MY: What are you talking about? Why should I be happy?

B: You're still in denial about your feelings?

MY: How can I deny feelings that were never there?

B: I feel like I age so quickly when I'm with these girls. Their wit is too much for me...

SY: If you like, we can take over the MCing for you.

B: I didn't say that, Seung Yong-sshi, please do not jump to conclusions. Anyway, enough with their wit! Let's get on with the real thing that we're all here for! A boy group has arrived! Who do you want them to be? Ellie-sshi?

E: Teen Top!

B: Good choice, Yoon Hye-sshi?

YH: I stand by my choice from last time, Exo! 

B: No chance! Bi Jeong-sshi?

BJ: Boyfriend.

B: Your boyfriend?

BJ: The group Boyfriend!

B: Ah, I see! Min Yoon-sshi?


B: You chose them last time as well.

MY: And I will keep choosing until they come on the show.

B: Hae Sung-sshi?

HS: Why aren't you inviting my husband on the show? B.A.P is the trend these days.

BJ: Are you sure you can say that on camera? You have your image to think about.

HS: My image is Yong Guk's wife and I want my husband on my show.

B: What a dedicated wife...JY-sshi?

JY: Block B.

B: They came last time! Say another group.

JY: I want Block B to come again.

B: Yah, don't be delusional. Don't make my job hard for me and say another group.

JY: Infinite.

B: Yah, I still have Seung Yong-sshi to ask. If you keep guessing my guests like this, how can I MC the show?

YH: Just pretend she didn't say anything and ask Seung Yong. They'll edit it.

B: Seung Yong-sshi, who would you like to come on the show?

SY: Infinite!

B: Welcome Infinite!

Infinite came out and greeted the girls and Boom, standing next to Boom in a line.

I: Annyeonghaseyo, we're Infinite!

B: Welcome onto the show, please introduce yourself.

SG: Hello, I'm Infinite's leader, Sunggyu.

HY: I'm Hoya.

SY: Dancing machine.

L: I'm L.

DW: Hi, I'm Dongwoo.

WH: I'm Woohyun.

SuY: I'm Sungyeol.

SJ: I'm the maknae, Sungjong.

B:'s so peaceful compared to when Block B was here. Infinite is really full of charming flower boys. Welcome again to the show. Our girls now will have a little talent show for you to try and win your heart. Who's first?

Yoon Hye raised her hand.

B: Please step forward and introduce yourself before you begin.

YH: Annyeong, I'm Im Yoon Hye, W.W's main vocalist.

B: Why do you sound like you're participating in an election?

YH: I'm nervous, that's why.

B: What will you be performing for us?

YH: I'm going to sing.

B: Yoon Hye-sshi, is there someone in Infinite who's your ideal type?

YH: Of course.

B: Who is it? 

YH: I don't want to tell you.

B: Yah!

YH: You'll know later anyways. Can I sing now? I'm going to sing an English song, Stay.

Yoon Hye performed the song and everyone applauded her when she finished.

B: Did anyone understand what she just sang? I was very impressed with her high notes but I had no idea what the song is about.

YH: You don't have to know what it means, just enjoy it.

B: Are you going to tell me which member you like out of Infinite now?

YH: Joo Yong, mianhae but I like L-oppa.

B: Why are you apologising to JY-sshi?

YH: Ah you didn't know? Joo Yong's ideal type is L-oppa.

B: I thought your ideal type was Zico from Block B? How many ideal types do you have?!

JY: It's not like that! L-oppa is my ideal type but I like Zico-oppa.

B: Don't you like L-sshi?

JY: I do!

B: What about Zico?

JY: I...

HS: L-sshi is Joo Yong's ideal type as in her ideal boyfriend would be just like him. However, her heart at the moment belongs to Zico-sshi. She still likes L-sshi but Zico-sshi is her one true love. 

B: Ah...why do you have to be so complicated?

JY: Let's put it this way, apart from Zico-oppa, all the guys that I had liked before are just like L-oppa. My ex-boyfriend even sort of looked like L-oppa.

B: Ah, I see now! You tend to go for guys like L-sshi but Zico is an exception.

JY: Exactly!

B: Seung Yong-sshi, what will you be performing?

JY was totally ignored.

JY: Excuse me while I cry in the corner.

SY: Looking at JY I don't really have anything prepared.

B: Don't look at her. Don't give her the satisfaction. You didn't prepare anything?

SY: I did but I don't want to do it now.

B: We'll ask Infinite then. Is there something you want to see specifically from Seung Yong-sshi?

SG: Their dance from their song.

B: Which song?

SG: The Devil We Are.

B: Sunggyu-sshi, are you a fan of theirs?

SG: Getting shy I am.

DW: Ah, what are you talking about? I saw you searching for their title song just now.

WH: While we were waiting outside, he was asking which member is which.

SG: Why are you guys being like this? I didn't do any of those things!

SJ: Before we came in, he said to me, "Sungjong-ah, when I give you the signal, it means I want that girl so you have to stop being cute."

B: What's the signal?

Sungjong demonstrated the signal which seemed to be a death glare from Sunggyu.

SG: What are you talking about?! Why did I say that?! Ah, I'm going crazy!

JY: You can join me in this corner, it's very peaceful! Sunggyu looked over to JY and decided to join her, sitting in the corner next to her.

B: Aren't we forgetting something? Seung Yong-sshi is supposed to perform right now.

SY: I was waiting for you to say that. So...the y dance, right? Ah...I'm not the right person to do this but okay...

Seung Yong did the dance to the chorus only and stopped but she was applauded as well.

B: Dongwoo-sshi, you were staring a lot.

DW: I was just admiring her as a fellow artist. Her dance skills are good.

SY: I'm not the dancer, I'm just the lead vocalist. The dancers are her, her and her. Pointing to Hae Sung, Ellie and Min Yoon

DW: If the vocalist can dance that well, I'm sure the dancers will be superb.


B: Is he like this normally?

SuY: Dongwoo just likes all girls. He's a flirt.

B: JY-ah, it's your turn now, isn't it?

JY: I'm enjoying my time here with Sunggyu-oppa. The world hates us.

B: The world doesn't hate you. Come and impress your L-oppa.

JY: I'm pretty sure I'll be back soon, Sunggyu-oppa.

JY got up and went up to Boom, standing next to him.

B: Introduce yourself to L-oppa and tell us what you're going to perform.

JY: I'm JY, the maknae and the rapper.

BJ: Yah, don't just say rapper, say you're the lead rapper because I'm the main rapper and you make it sound like we only have one rapper in the group.

JY: We only have one rapper in the group, me.

Bi Jeong was going to complain more but Boom pushed her out of the way.

BJ: Excuse me while I cry in the cornerShe went over to the corner, joining Sunggyu. Joo Yong won't be back.

B: What are you doing today, JY-sshi?

JY: I'm playing the piano. I'm going for 'sophisticated' today. 

B: What on the piano are you playing for us?

JY: What do you want me to play? The piano was brought over and JY sat down in front of it, waiting for someone to request a song.

SJ: It has to be Man In Love, of course.

JY started playing the song while Infinite watched. When she finished, she smiled and bowed while they applauded.

B: Can I have a request?

JY: What is it?

B: Since I know what Min Yoon-sshi is performing, instead of wasting time and pushing the piano out of the way and playing her music, can you play her song for her while she dances?

JY: Depends on what song it is.

B: I Got A Boy by SNSD.

JY suddenly started playing the song and Min Yoon rushed to the centre, doing the dance.

B: Wow!

SJ: They're so good.

WH: Do you know our other songs?

JY played Before The Dawn and Min Yoon did the dance. The entire room went crazy when she did the Scorpion Dance, cheering loudly.

B: White Wings are filled with talented girls.

E: Ah...what about the people after?

BJ: Ellie, don't bother. Come over here and join me.

B: Ellie-sshi, you're next, actually. Are you sure you don't want to impress the oppas?

E: I'm Ellie and I'm the sub-vocalist and dancer.

MY: Ah, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Min Yoon and I'm the lead dancer and sub-vocalist.

B: Thank you, Min Yoon-sshi. Ellie-sshi, what will you be doing for us?

E: Dance cover of The Chaser.

B: Why is everyone doing dance covers?

E: I have a request. I want to do it with Infinite.

SJ: We will eliminate a member and dance with you.

SG: Ah...I'm not going to move from this spot then. It's going to be me who's eliminated.

B: Poor Sunggyu-sshi. So, Ellie-sshi, you'll dance to Sunggyu-sshi's part, is that okay?

E: Okay.

They got into position and started dancing to The Chaser.

WH: Can Ellie-sshi come to Infinite instead and you guys can have Sunggyu-hyung.

SG: Yah!

B: Hoya-sshi.

HY: Ne?

B: You're very quiet today. Are our girls not good enough to entertain you?

HY: Oh's nothing like that.

B: What did you think of Ellie?

HY: I think we've found our new leader. I'm sure the members won't mind being a mixed group.

SG: Yah!

B: Bi Jeong-sshi, are you still not going to move?

BJ: I'll think about it. Move on to the next person.

B: Since Bi Jeong-sshi is being lazy, we'll move onto Hae Sung-sshi.

HS: Annyeong, I'm Hae Sung, the leader, dancer and sub-rapper.

SuY: It's not often that the leader isn't a main anything. Our leader hogs everything. He takes all the lines, all the camera time.

SG: W.W seems like a nicer family. I might just move.

SuY: And now he's leaving our group! What kind of leader is he?!

HS: Our members are really talented. We already have our two rappers, Bi Jeong and Joo Yong so I don't need to be a main or lead rapper. I'm not that good compared to them as well. Ellie and Min Yoon are our main dancers and they help choreograph some songs as well so they get the spotlight obviously. Seung Yong and Yoon Hye are the main vocalists because they are good at executing the high notes and they sing like angels. I'm just the leader who brings out these talents in them.

I: Oh...

DW: Why can't our leader be like that?

YH: She's saying this so nicely but there's a hidden meaning behind it all. She's basically saying that she's too good to do any of those things and smart people don't do, they order other people to do things. That is Hae Sung's role in this group, she orders people around.

Hae Sung shot a look at Yoon Hye and she immediately shut up, stepping back.

B: Oh! The leader has spoken not with words but with her eyes!

L: Our leader speaks with his eyes as well.

B: Ah really? We need to have a competition then. Let's see which group understand their leader's eyes the most.

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Chapter 21: WAIT. Minyoon's dating someone in Exo? WAIT WHAT?! So she didn't date anyone in Bangtan? Also why did she and Yonghyeon break up? They were totally cute. :D Ah Minyoon's so popular, ahaha.
Chapter 19: LOL let's just leave everything to the viewers' imaginations! Wheee! Hahaha!
But WAIT. I thought Minyoon was dating...that mean guy from Evolution...what's his name again...uhhh oh right Yonghyeon! Aww did they break up already? /pouts
dosuya #3
Chapter 18: I love this group it'll be awesome if it was real. i love jy the most though
Chapter 13: AHAHAHA THEY'RE DATING! OF COURSE! Aww that's oddly adorable! He's so mean, hahaha! LOL but why does he call her Gumiho?
Chapter 18: Hahahahahahahaha, they're so funny! OH WAIT i think i skipped a bunch of chapters! ahh going back...and editing along the way ><
ellavan #6
Chapter 11: Its great hwaiting
Chapter 9: Whoooo Evolution! I'm exciteddddd~ They're supahhhh cute
Chapter 6: "I don't want Bi Jeong to start thinking that she's important in this group." WAHHH HTHE MEANNESS IS OVERFLOWING! D:< POOR BI JEONG. Aww poor JY, having trouble with the dance. LOL she's actually good at y! BWAHAHAHA. GOOD FOR ZICO. LULZ. OMG Yoon Hye's aegyo! Hahaha!