Pure Imagination

Pure Imagination




Living there, you’ll be free…If you surely wish to be..










One lift of a foot left, just another step closer until she could finally tie knots with him. With the only person she could dream of spending the rest of her life with…a life of paradise, only with him, only with Kwon Jiyong.




He’s there, standing patiently, waiting for her with his manly smile directed only at her. His smile, so beautiful, so heavenly, radiant and incomparable.




As she takes a breath, the thought of a wonderful life ahead flashes in her mind. Just sweet things and pure innocent love.




Kwon Jiyong…Kwon Jiyong…God knows how she have longed for this moment to happen. And finally it’s happening, right here, right now, right before her very eyes.




The smile lingering on her lips ever since she woke up widens. If that’s still even possible.







And when they’re in front of each other, Jiyong lifts his hand for her to take. Sandara gladly lifts hers as well, ready to place her petite hands in his warm and big one.




But just as when their hands are a hair-strand away, Jiyong’s figure begins to reduce, his colors lighting...fading like an old sketch. It’s as if he’s being erased by an unknown being from the surface of the world.




Sandara elicits a nervous gasp as she sees the love of her life slowly disappearing in front of her.




Her only dream, her only true love….vanishing.




‘No, this couldn’t be.’ She thought.




She immediately tries to take his offered hand in hers, hoping that he could retrieve him and his original state. She wraps her little glove-clad hand around his hand only to end up clenching her own palm.











Then,  poof! Tiny, fragile and white butterflies.




Kwon Jiyong’s form disperses to tiny white butterflies at Sandara’s ‘touch’.




Sandara’s watery eyes widens as those butterflies scatter around.




Heavy breathing, gasps…and tears.




“No!!!!!!” she cries out and covers her face with her frail hands in sorrow.




Gently, the white and flimsy butterflies surround the grieving Sandara. The little beautiful flying fellas wrap her around, engulfing her in their…in his….embrace. 





“I’m with you…” she hears a faint whisper as pure whiteness blinds her sight.





























Warm, fuzzy…and comforting.






Bright yellow light tries to seep in Sandara’s closed eyes. She slowly flutters her lids open.




The bright and warm sun welcomes her view. Its rays lighting up the sky, making it look so blissful.




She raises her hand just at the level of her pale face to somewhat block the direct and blinding light of the sun. Her senses awaken as the heat touches her skin, cradling her with its warmth.




She closes her eyes in pleasure. She can feel the warmth making every cell in her awakened.




“You look beautiful as ever…” a very familiar voice whispers in her ear.




Shivers run down her spine, small electrical sensation trickles through her veins as his breath touches her skin when he whispered to her ear.




She opens her eyes and is welcomed by the sight of Jiyong’s handsome face. Oh how she loves to see that face everyday, for the rest of her lifetime.




A blush emerges on her faint cheeks, making her look alive.




“Jiyong-ah”, she mutters.




“Look around you” he says to her softly as he retreats back a little from her. She obeys,




She finds out they’re alone, alone in the middle of a green and bountiful garden. A garden copious of sturdy and leafy trees, abundant land of grass studded with colorful and vibrant flowers, and all the beautiful earthly things there is with birds freely flying and chirping their own composed sweet melodies.




At that moment, she felt free.




Jiyong reaches his hand out. Knowing what to do, Sandara places her hand on his. At that second, Jiyong’s hand feels so light as if it’s not there at all and she feels her hand like it’s just floating in mid-air.




Jiyong runs and Sandara follows behind him, still their hands somehow interlocked with each other.




They run….run ....and run.




Until all of a sudden, Sandara felt her feet being pricked. She takes a peep down and finds out that her feet are bleeding, her red blood staining and making a trail on the ground of thorns.




The blissful garden’s gone and is replaced by a horrible dark forest.




She takes a look at Jiyong who’s still running together with her, his feet bleeding as well but he keeps going on.




She tries to keep up with him and holds on to him tighter thought it feels like she’s gripping on to nothing.




After a while she finds out she couldn’t run any further, for as they run, the amount of thorns around worsens to the point her whole body’s being pierced by spiky and deadly barbs.




“Jiyong stop!!” she finally calls out to him, wanting to stop.




Jiyong halts and turns around, he as well is wounded all over.




“What’s the matter?” he asks as he approaches her closer.




“I can’t..anymore…I’m wounded and bleeding badly...I don’t think I can—“




“Do you love me?” he asks and holds her small face in his blood-stained hands, cutting her sentence.




“O-of course!” she immediately answers and assures him of her love.




“Then believe in me, and do as I say.” he says to her as he looks intently at her, his thumbs brushing of the strands of her hair sticking on her pale face.




He pulls him in her arms, envelops him in his own body. In a matter of a second, she embraces him back, her aching and bloody arms snaking around his torso. Jiyong tightens his embrace…Sandara begins to feel her pain intensify.




She closes her eyes, hoping to reduce the stinging pain.




She wants to let go but Jiyong holds her still, “Just keep embracing me”, he orders.




“Do you love me?”




“Of course!”




“Then believe in me, and do as I say”




“Just keep embracing me”




Despite the stabbing pain, she hugs him still. She loves him, so she does what he says. She hugs him tighter,




“Do you love me?”








“Of course!”








“Then believe in me, and do as I say”








“Just keep embracing me”




And tighter.




Their words replay in her head…clouding her mind, making a great chaos in her. She’s undoubtedly in great and terrible pain 

but though how much she wants to let go, she just couldn’t for his words keep her from doing so.








The dark and ominous forest congests on her, eating her alive as she embraces nothing….but a hard, muggy trunk of tree wrapped with vines full of fatal spikes. Her blood continues to gush down her skin as she tortures herself.






“I’m with you…” a serene voice murmured.












Soon enough, everything turns completely black.























Dry, Refreshing…Peaceful..





The salty smell of sea breeze sifts Sandara’s nostrils as the wind contacts with her soft skin.




Sandara stands still on the seashore, her feet half-buried in the wet sand…sounds of splashing water enthralls her hearing as small waves splash on her feet.




Sandara just looks ahead, watching as the sunset forms a silhouette of Jiyong while he stands in the middle of the sea, the water at waist level.




She feels calm watching Jiyong while soft and tender breeze caresses her being.




She felt carefree.




As the wind blows and pasts her ears, “Come here” she hears him whisper.




She smiled and curtly nods, not breaking her contact with him.




Slowly, she lifts a step and then another…and another….




Mindlessly, she walks towards him as if she was in a spell…the sea water reaching more of her as she gets closer to him. 








She hears him calls her name, encouraging her to go deeper in the water








His whispers continue..








And she went on, swimming her way to him.




But as their distance lessens, Jiyong’s silhouette begins to fade with the wind.




Dara starts to worry. She doesn’t want him to vanish…never.




“Jiyong!” she calls as she hurries her way towards him while he eventually dissolves together with the setting sun.








She chants in her mind, she struggles to speed up her swimming.




“Jiyong-ah!!!!” she yells when he totally disappeared from her sight, tears threatening to fall from her almond shaped eyes.




Just as when she’s about to break down, she felt her body being wrapped by a reassuring

and very soft embrace. It’s as if it’s just the summer wind.




“Jagiya. I’m here.”




His voice…enough to calm her once anxiety. His words…enough to guarantee his presence, that he’s alive…with her.




“I thought you were gone..I thought you already left me..I—“ she frantically vent her thoughts as she let him cuddle her from behind.




“Shh. Baby, shh..”




She hushes and rests in him.




Jiyong walks them together. Just moving forward, taking her farther in the sea.




“Where are we going, Ji?” she asks, her hold on his arms tightens, afraid she might plunge down in the deep blue water.




“Do you want to see paradise?” he asks her as he continues to bring them deeper.




Paradise…? Wherever that is, as long as she’s with him…then, yes.




“Yes. As long as I’m with you” she whispers.




“Then come with me.”




Slowly, the water gets higher than her, higher than Jiyong.




Slowly they were sinking, down...down..down...deeper…deeper in the vastness of the sea water.




And soon she couldn’t hold her breath, her vision getting blurry, her head swirling and hazy. Oxygen’s running out for her as she holds her breath with all her might.




“Breathe..” Sandara hears Jiyong’s voice despite their condition…being under the water. She feels him letting her go.




“Breathe Jagiya” he tells her again as he now stays in front of her, holding her arms.




Sandara finally lets go of her breath and follows Jiyong’s command.




Jiyong smiles at her. The smile she has always loved.




Jiyong and Dara swim around and around, like they are swimming after each other in a circular path…their gazes, unbreakable and full of adoration and love for each other.




Soon enough, Sandara breaks their trance and swims close to Jiyong, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jiyong then wraps her securely in a tight hug as well.




As they cuddle, they continue to tenderly spin…spin..and spin forming a little water tornado of their own.




Loving the feeling of it, Sandara closes her eyes while Jiyong whispers to her ear,





“Just breathe..”




Dara breathes as much as she wants.




“And breathe..”




She inhales the water in as if it’s air.





Unknown to her, their grasps to each other had already loosened.




Water enters her system, her lungs. She couldn’t breathe.




Her eyes opens, the moment unfolds. Jiyong is there, drifting up while she on the other hand is just sprawled in the deep floating to nowhere.




She tries to reach out, but failed miserably for she couldn’t move a single finger. She can’t do anything.




He’s gone, even his silhouette. Only the fade light of the moon stayed. The moonlight traversing the waves.




Getting brighter..












The light, zooming in to her eyes, seeping, boring…. “I’m with you…” she hears his voice before the pure white light blasts her sight.






















Silence. Eerie silence is heard in a room. A room void of anything but two chairs and a window.






One chair is occupied by Sandara.




Sandara is sitting silently on her chair. She just sits, and watches dried leaves fall off the trees. She looks at the trees as their glory and abundance dies.




The window is open, letting some dead leaves be brought in by the strong cold breeze inside the room and make rustling sounds as they sweep across the room’s wood flooring.




The wind is coming from the north, signaling the approaching icy coldness of winter.




Sandara can feel the approaching coldness but doesn’t budge to cover herself up with warm clothes.




She continues to sit still, as if watching the trees die amazes her more than anything in this world.




Her lips begin to chap.




Her skin dries, moisture runs out from her.




Her skin wrinkles, like she is aging with the dying trees.




But she doesn’t care, doesn’t shift a single bit. She is as if waiting for a very important person, a long-missed lover and is so afraid that she might miss him if she does even a single move.




The wind gusts one more time, its strength perceptible…





“Just wait for me…”





She hears his whisper from the wind. She nods once. Fluttering her eyes close, finally she hears him, his assurance.




“I know…I’ll wait for you..” she speaks in reply…in that isolated room. 











Eventually, the falling leaves turn to frothy white snowflakes. Winter has come, enveloping the entire place with its white freezing ice and air.




Sandara continues to watch from her window, still in the same stance. She watches as everything is being swallowed by the coldness.





The entire room, now covered with chilly ice…entirely white.




She’s very close to being frozen but still she keeps sitting there.














Until finally, distinct warmth touched her right hand…her slim fingers being wrapped around his unique touch, bringing back heat to her system, and bringing back life to her wholeness.




“I’m here now” he says.




At that instant, she felt life…and freedom for unexplainable reason.




Sandara slowly turns her neck, afraid it might break for it felt brittle due to the coldness. She sees Jiyong sitting on the chair beside her, staring ahead.




“Finally” she replies and beams at him. She holds his hand back.




She turns her head back to the window and watches the snow with him, their fingers interlaced with each other, symbolizing their perpetual bond.




Sandara’s paleness fades away as colors come back to her skin, the ice covering her body melts and Jiyong’s heat rushes through her.




Seconds pass…minutes..hours…days…months..and years…went before their eyes.




Then they’re back in the same season, but still in the same position…seated beside each other with fingers intertwined.




Jiyong stirs and turns to Dara’s direction. He then wraps her in his body, hugging her, making her feel the warmth of his love. Sandara cuddles him back, loving and embracing completely what he has to offer.




As they cuddle, the frosts that surrounds the room melts and the coldness vanishes as well, leaving them in a complete white room.




“I love you,” he mumbles, just for her to hear.




“more than you could ever imagine.” he continues before pulling away only to cup her face.




“I love you too” she smiles sweetly.




They spent time just looking at each other’s eyes. Letting their orbs mirror their undying and infinite love for each other.




Jiyong Sandara’s face, caressing it with full gentleness and love.




Sandara thought, she could live with this forever. Her almond eyes showed her happiness and youthful hopes for their love.




Jiyong smiles, a hurting and bitter one as he sees what her orbs unravel. His eyes start to well up for he knows no happiness waits for them but only a tragic end for their love. 




Closing his eyes, little by little he closes the gap between them…taking her lips for a bitter-sweet kiss.




Sandara’s lids flicker close, her other senses waken and become more perceptive. She wraps her arms around his torso tighter.




Sandara couldn’t ask for more, as her only love kisses her. Their lips feel like perfect matching puzzle pieces.




A tear escapes Jiyong’s eye, meanwhile.






“I’m with you…”






She hears him whisper despite his lips still resting on hers. Those words he muttered ever so familiar.










Suddenly, his warm hands begin to lose its heat. Coldness, bit by bit coming back to her.










The sweet kiss ended. As she opened her eyes, she’s welcomed by Jiyong’s disappearing form. He’s fading...fading with the cold wind. He’s hold on her become feather-light to totally nothing.









Right that moment, she feels lifeless. She finds herself alone, sitting on a chair in the middle of a complete white room.







Totally…Alone. Just her. Nobody else. No Jiyong…at all.





With these things dawning down at her, her hands begin to tremble, her lips quiver,






“ANNIYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” her voice screeches all over the entire room, the timbre of her scream could shatter glass walls.






“Anniyaaaa!!” she continues to scream despite the tears continuously streaming down her face.










Her vision then, could only see white and nothing else.

































Nurses in white uniforms come running through the halls of the mental hospital. Aiming to one destination,




“ANNIYA!!! ANNIYYYAAAA!!!!!” Sandara’s bawling vibrated throughout the halls. At the heard of another yelling, the nurses try to run faster.




Soon enough, they reach her room at the very far end. They push the door open and discover Sandara Park thrashing on her white bed, dislodging the sheets, pulling her own hair as she wails.




The nurses take action. Both try to take a hold of her, but Sandara is being untamable.




Knowing this, one of the nurses pulled out the syringe containing the drug needed to pacify and injected it quickly to the thrashing Sandara.





Sandara weakens in a matter off seconds.






“Kajima....Jiyong-ah…” she mumbles out of her tiny lips, before eventually passing out, the drug taking all over her…















In the cosmic blackness, she sees Jiyong.





“Come with me, and will be in a world of Pure Imagination….”





She hears his inviting, melodic voice dancing its way through her ears...ringing endlessly...






















Hope you guys got the..err story (?).

I didn't proofread so I guess there were lots of errors. Sorry! :D

Anyway, don't forget to drop/leave me some of your sarang <3


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Chapter 1: great story! Pure Imagination!~ love it!
Chapter 1: A great story indeed. Pure Imagination!~
woot go kim fighting !!
ooohhh.... I'm excited for this <3