When Kyuhyun Get's Drunk

When Kyuhyun Gets Drunk *Sequal*

Sungmin POV

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

“Kyuhyun.... Kyuhyun, let me in! I need to talk to you about something...... Kyuhyun!!” I knocked and whispered loud enough through the door for him to hear.

I sighed after not getting an answer. Maybe he’s asleep? Well it is three in the morning after all... I turned the knob and slowly peaked inside the room. Kyuhyun was sitting on his bed... Upsidedown?

“Kyuhyun...?” I slowly asked as I walked fully into the room, “W-What are you doing?”

“I’m a grasshopper.” Kyuhyun smiled.

“A-Are you... Drunk...?” I questioned.

“Nope.” He laughed and shook his head vigorously.

I sighed, closed the door behind me and leaned against it. He’s definitely drunk.... And now, I have to deal with him.

“So whatcha wanna talk about Min?” Kyuhyun asked turning over and laying on his stomach.

Should I bring up about the other night?

“Look, I wanted to talk about-”

“If it’s about bunnies being in Starcraft, I think I finally saw one!” Kyuhyun shouted.

“Really- Wait, you’re drunk... Okay, listen, about the other night when I was drunk and... You weren’t and we sorta-”

Kyuhyun laid on his back, making him upside down again and grabbed both sides of my face. He brought me closer and kissed my lips.

“... Y-Yeah.... That...”

“Hehehehe, you taste like candy.” Kyuhyun said.

“Do not!!!!” I replied, “And why did you kiss me!?!”

“You’re a cute little bunny.”

“I’m not cute and I’m not a bunny!!!”

“Whatever you say bunny boy.”

“Ugh whatever! Look, I just wanted to say that I-”

I LOVE YOU TOO BUNNYMIN!!!” Kyuhyun shouted.

KYUHYUN SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I SEND HEECHUL IN THERE!” Eunhyuk shouted from across the hall.

Kyuhyun looked at the ceiling, “SHISUS!?! IS THAT YOU?!!?!

“Kyuhyun, you have to be quiet!” I said to him.


I jumped on the bed and on top of Kyuhyun. I straddled him down on his back and put his hands on both sides of his head. He stared at me.

“Now shut up!” I said.

Kyuhyun smirked, “Kyuhyunnie likes this position.”

I felt my face getting hot, “Y-You.... S-Shut up... N-Now maknae... B-Before I-”

Kyuhyun flipped our positions so that I was on my back and he was pinning me down.

“And Minnie likes this position.” The maknae smirked again, but more devilishly this time.

My face was painted a dark red. I tried to push him off of me, but it didn’t work.

“Kyuhyun, get off me now!” I said.

No.” He replied childishly.

For the next ten minutes we fought, switching positions and yelling. Until all the fighting came to an end by one very scary person...

ALRIGHT THAT’S IT! I’M KICKING BOTH YOUR ASSES!” Heechul exclaimed as he burst through the door.

Kyuhyun and I made the manliest *cough*girliest*cough* screams known to man as Heechul chased us around the room.

After about five minutes, Leeteuk umma and Kangin appa stepped into the room.

ENOUGH!” Leeteuk umma shouted, making Heechul and I stop in place, while Kyuhyun fell face first into the floor, “This is ridiculous. Heechul, can’t you see that Kyuhyun is drunk? Instead of chasing him and making him face plant it into the carpet, GO GET HIM SOME DAMN WATER! And Sungmin dear, please help Kyuhyun off the floor... Okay, Good night my little angels!”

Leeteuk smiled at me and ruffled my hair, glared at Heechul, then left the room with Kangin following behind. Heechul grunted before walking out of the room. I helped Kyuhyun up off the floor and into his bed. Heechul came back a moment later with some water and slammed it down on the bedside table.

“Listen to me.” Heechul said angrily, “If either of you start yelling again, making that dumb monkey come bug me and Hannie, I will kill you both.... Slowly.... And painfully....”

Heechul stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut. Kyuhyun and I stared at the door dumbfounded.

“I-I don’t wanna die....” Kyuhyun stuttered.

“He won’t actually kill us.” I replied.

TRY ME!” Heechul shouted from halfway down the hall, making Kyuhyun and I shiver.

I sighed as I sat on the edge of Kyuhyun’s bed and Kyuhyun sat up.


I stared at the floor, “Hmm...?”

“What was it that you wanted to say...?” He asked quietly.

I looked over at him, “O-Oh... T-That.... Well... Um... About last time.... W-When you... K-Kissed me- Errr... I K-Kissed you... Um.... W-What I’m trying to ask is.... Err.... I mean-”

Kyuhyun back hugged me and kissed my cheek, “I love you too Min.”


“I said that I love you too.” Kyuhyun said again.















*Smack, Smack, Smack*




THAT’S IT!!!! I’M COMING IN THERE AND WRAPPING BOTH YOUR AROUND YOUR NECK, THROUGH YOUR THROAT AND OUT YOUR ASSES!!!!!” Heechul shouted making me drop the pillow I was attacking Kyuhyun with.


*Authors POV*

Well, ladies and gentleman... All I can tell you is that Kyuhyun and Sungmin did not have a very fun night... Everything hurt in the morning for both of them. And all the pain became worse when Leeteuk umma scolded them.... Heechul and Hangeng were banned from for a month, Kyuhyun was banned from drinking for a month, and Sungmin got away with it because of his aegyo (Which Heechul and Kyuhyun protested against). And to think, all of this never would have happened if Sungmin hadn’t left his stuffed bunny plushie in Kyuhyun’s room and went to ask for it back while Kyuhyun was drunk.......


Everyone Lived Happily Ever After.


















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debby_ing #1
Chapter 2: Hey,
Sorry to bolder you but...I simply loved this fanfic (part 1 also) and I wanted to know if you still are going to put up the 3th part >.<
I'm really exited to read it so I hope its a positive.
Anyway, thank you
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 2: Waakkkkk..... Will wait to trilogy.......
Kyukyu... What position do you like?? Can u tell us again???? Kyaaaaa
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 1: omfg kyuhyun's drunk state more amusing XD . this is hilarious~
ayawani #4
Chapter 1: “Kyuhyunnie likes this position.” that's like Kyuhyun words irl in drunk state.. i can imagine it..
PeekyDoll #5
Chapter 1: "Kyuhyunnie likes this position" XD I'm still laughing!
And Heechul is the top... X'D
Chapter 2: OMG! Authornim I'm waiting! kkk ~
silvermist1116 #7
Chapter 1: Lol. That's hilarious.
Chapter 2: Hahaha.. XD kyute kyuuu xD
venzsuju #9
Chapter 1: LoL!! wkwkwkwk can't stop laughing wkwkwk XDD
naughty chullie!!