Vampire Princes


There's a vampire city.There are two kinds of vampire.One is true-blooded vampire i.e,the whole family is vampires!The others is half-blooded vampires.They become vampire by a bite of the other vampires.The true blooded vampire get the permit to bite the humans when they r 16.They have to drink blood which are brought by their parents until they are 16.The r more powerful than the half-blooded vampire.THere are five princes vampires in that city!They are Yunho,Changmin,Jaejoong,Yuchun and Junsu.


There's a vampire city.There are two kinds of vampire.One is true-blooded vampire i.e,the whole family is vampires!The others is half-blooded vampires.The become vampire by a bite of the other vampires.The true blooded vampire get the permit to bite the humans when they r 16.They have to drink blood which are brought by their parents until they are 16.The r more powerful than the half-blooded vampire.THere are five princes vampires in that city!They are Yunho,Changmin,Jaejoong,Yuchun and Junsu.

Today is the day when the five princes r 16.

The guardian : U all r 16 now! u have to go out and bite the human to drink blood! Wth the blood,u r power will b level up! Now! GO!!

The city of the gate is now opened.....


CM : Blood!I'm thirsty now!What should we do,hyungs?

JS ; I miss apa and aonma

YH :Let's find humans to drink blood

Others : Yeahhhhh!

They find a child....

YC : Oh!Look!So cute! Look at his arms

CM : hyungs!I"m thirsty now! -_- Let's bite him!


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