Birthday Boy D.O.

Happy Birthday To You~


-Author's POV-
You and EXO were preparing for D.O.'s birthday. You ordered Kai and Luhan to buy the cake and pastries. You also told him to bring D.O. with him so while they are gone, you and EXO can prepare.
After they have left, you all started decorating the house and cooking some food. You put up the banner you made saying "Happy Birthday D.O. From EXO and Kiyeon." Chanyeol and Kris helped you with that.
Tao and Sehun helped in putting air inside the balloons. Lay and Baekhyun were cooking the food while Suho and Xiumin were cleaning the area. Chen was setting the table.
After 2 hours of preparing, you were all done and went to take a bath and change clothes. You look around and was satisfied with the arrangements of the house. Your phone rang so you picked it up.
"Yoboseyo?" You said. "Kiyeon, this is Kai speaking. D.O. hyung is getting impatient. Are you guys done?" He asked. "Yeah. You can go home now." You answered. Kai ended the call.
"GUYS, THEY'LL BE BACK SOON. ARE YOU ALL DONE?" You shouted. All went to the living room, wearing simple and neat clothes. You smiled and made a thumbs up. They smiled and made a thumbs up too.
The door bell rang then you smiled. Kai, Luhan and a blindfolded D.O. appeared. "Are you guys sure this is necessary?" D.O. asked. "Yeah, it is." You answered. You took the blindfold off then D.O.'s eyes widened at the scene.
"Woah....... Guys, you're all awesome. I didn't expect that you all would do this for me." D.O. said then smiled. "Well thank Kiyeon. She planned all of these." Suho said while patting your head. D.O.  faced you then hugged you.
"Thanks angel. You really are the best." he said while hugging you. "You're welcome oppa." You smiled. "Are you guys done hugging? I'm getting hungry~" Tao whined. Kris chuckled. "Haha let's eat now or Panda will wushu us all." You all agreed then started eating.
"Woah who cooked this?" D.O. pointing at the fried chicken. "Ah that would be me." Baekhyun said. "Oh... Well it's a good thing my cooking lessons are successful since it's almost perfect." D.O. said. Baekhyun smiled. "Thanks!"
"Ceremony of the "Cutting of the Cake" time!" Tao clapped his hands excitedly. D.O. took the cake knife then cut the cake into 12 pieces. He distributed the 12 pieces then gave you the cupcake that Kai bought for D.O. You smiled then ate it.
"You have a great taste, Kai. This is good." Xiumin made a thumbs up. "Baozi, remember I also came with them and helped Kai pick." Luhan pouted. Xiumin chuckled. "Oh right. Thank you kai and LUHAN for picking the cake" Xiumin said then smiled.
After eating the pastries, "Your gifts are waiting to be opened." Lay said then put the gifts in front of D.O. He smiled then took the red box. "From Xiumin hyung." He said then opened it. It revealed a black jacket with D.O.'s symbol of strength.
Then he took the baby blue box "From Handsome Prince Luhan hyung and Duizhang Kris hyung" he read then chuckled. He opened the gift and he pulled out keys. "We bought a flaming red motorcycle for you." Kris said then Luhan nodded. "Thanks hyungs!"
He took the yellow box and he saw a recipe book. "From Angel Suho hyung." Oh cool. I was thinking of trying new recipes. Thanks hyung!" He smiled at Suho. Suho smiled back.
He took the black with with stripes box then opened it. "From Child Prodigy Unicorn Lay hyung" he took the shoes with D.O.'s symbol of strength. "Thanks hyung!"
He took the red/yellow box. "From an SNSD fan, Baekhyunnie hyung." He read then laughed. He pulled out a dark blue watch. "Thanks Bacon hyung." He said then wore it.
He took the gray box then read the name who gave it. "From your troll hyung, Chen." He got nervous because Chen might give him something bad or disgusting. He pulled out a metallic brown backpack. He sighed in relief. "Thanks hyung."
He reached for the reddish brown box then took it. "From Happy Virus Chanyeol hyung" he took out a plushie that looks like you. "I thought of giving you that since you get all sad when you're away from her." Chanyeol said then D.O. smiled. "Thank you very much hyung." He said then hugged the plushie.
He took the metallic red box. "From your Handsome Dancing Machine Bestfriend, Kai." He read then looked at Kai. "Handsome Dancing Machine that LIKED my girlfriend." D.O. remarked. "Hey that was past dude. Forget about it." Kai glared. D.O. rolled his eyes then pulled out a dark red headphones. "Ayyy thanks dude."
He took the pearlescent sky blue box then opened it. "From the two maknaes of EXO-K and EXO-M, Sehun and Tao." He pulled out a note. "Your gift is either with Sehun or Tao." He looked at Sehun holding a puppy. "Happy Birthday hyung." Sehun and Tao said. D.O. took the puppy. "I shall call you Taohun and you shall be mine." He said then smiled.
He took the velvet red box. "From your angel princess, Kiyeon." He smiled then opened the box. "Woah, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Thanks my angel princess. You're the best." He smiled then kissed your cheek. "You're welcome D.O. oppa." You smiled.
After fighting about who's gift is the best, Luhan and Kris's gift is the best. "Thanks hyungs. I really like the motorcycle. It's awesome." He smiled then put off the helmet. "Well glad you liked it. We had a hard time looking for a good color." Kris said.
At the end of the day, you all went to your rooms. You put your diary back to your shelf and the door opened. "D.O. oppa." You smiled then hugged him. "Thanks for everything angel princess. If you count the party as a gift then you would be the winner. You planned all of these for me. Thank you." He smiled then kissed you on the lips. After a few seconds, he pulled back.
"I love you D.O. oppa. Happy birthday." You smiled.
"I love you too Kiyeon." He smiled then kissed your forehead. He hugged you for a while then pulled back. He smiled then left the room. You smiled then jumped on your bed.
*Happy Birthday To You~*
Btw, I actually made this on Kyungsoo's birthday.
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