Date with Key.

A Pretty Locket Necklace for a Pretty Locket -Key



-Author's POV-


Key arrived at the amusement park. He looked at the picture of the girl again. *Hmmm... Manager said she is waiting at the ticket booth along with our tickets....* He looked around then he spots a reddish brown haired girl standing there. *There she is*


“Are you the locket?” He asked when he is near the girl. You looked up then nodded shyly.


“Annyeonghaseyo.... I am..... Kim Kiyeon....” You quietly said but fortunately, Key heard it.


“Well let’s go and enjoy!” Key smiled then went to the entrance of the amusement park. The guy put the wrist bands on your wrist then stamped it then did the same to Key.


Key dragged you to the Carousel. “Let’s go to a calm ride first before we go to.... extreme rides...” he shuddered at the thought. You just nodded then kept quiet.


After a short wait, you both took horses. Key helped you up to get on the horse. He took the horse next to yours.


The ride started and Key was acting like a kid. Having fun while you were there, still quiet. After 2 minutes, the ride ended. Key helped you get off the horse again then you both left the ride.


While walking around, Key saw a gift shop. “Ah let’s go here! We might find something.” He dragged you to the gift shop. While he was wandering around, you quickly left the shop.


Key saw two bracelets and he decided to buy it for you so you would remember this day. When he was about to ask you which do you like better, he realized you were gone. He left the hsop and went to look for you.


He looked around the wide amusement park. He looked around, looking for you. *Aish. Where is she?* Then he saw a girl with reddish brown hair. *There she is* He went near to the girl and fortunately for him, it was you.


“Yah, why did you leave me?” he kind of said it in a shouting form. You got scared and looked down. “I-I.....” you stuttered. You bite your nails and thought of an excuse. *I’ll just run away like I always do* you thought then nodded.


You looked around then ran away again. “YAH!” Key shouted. He ran after you. You arrived at the eating place of the park and decided to sit. You saw Key looking around. You took your hat from your bag and put it on so he won’t see your hair.


“Aish. I should change this habit of mine of just running away....” you said to yourself.


 The habit of yours started at the age of 7. You were the daughter of a rich family so your parents always told you never say a word when it is not needed. Because of your high intelligence, your parents are afraid that you might hurt other’s feelings and get into a fight that will ruin the reputation of the Kim Family. If you are in trouble or in a fight, they told you to just run away from it. *Someone.... help me change myself.....*


Key finally got hungry so he went to the eating place then he bought two burgers and fries. *I might see Kiyeon and she must be dead by now due to hungriness....* he chuckled at the thought of it. He saw a girl who was laying her head on the table.


“Umm... Can I sit here? Or are you here to save the tables?” he asked. You looked up then your eyes widened. He settled the food down the quickly held your hand.


“You won’t get away this time.” He said. You looked away then you felt a hand tapping your shoulder. You turned around seeing Key smiling and offering a burger. You shyly smiled then took it. “Gomawo.” You said then opened the wrapper then started eating.


“Kiyeon-ah.... Why did you left me 2 times?” he suddenly asked. You bit your lower lip then sighed. You told him your story. After telling the story...


“Oh... You were just thinking about your parent’s reputation.... I didn’t know...” he said. You finished eating your burger then stood up.


“Key.... what do you want to drink?” you asked. “Watermelon shake.” He answered then smiled.


You nodded then went to buy watermelon shake and mango shake. You paid the girl then went back. “H-here you go.” You gave the watermelon shake to him.


“Kiyeon, don’t be shy anymore. Aren’t we friends now?” he looked at you, hoping for a yes. You thought for a while. “Neh... we are.” You smiled. “You should smile more because you look prettier.” He complimented then you blushed.


“G-gomawo...” “Let’s continue having fun, shall we?” he stood up then smiled. You smiled then nodded. *She is finally opening up* Key smiled then took you to a giant swing ride. “This is the only ride I can come that my foot is not on the ground...” he shyly said.


You took the pink swing then he took the green swing behind you. The ride started then you both smiled. Key started singing Noona Neomu Yeppeo Dongsaeng Ver. You smiled then joined him. After the ride, Key smiled. *She opened up now.*


You pointed to the wild river ride then Key looked at it then gulped. You saw him getting pale then you giggled. “It’s okay if you won’t ride-“ “Aniyo, I’ll go with you.” He said then walked there with you.


When it was finally your turn, you both went in the boat. Key was quietly cursing. You chuckled. “Just shout and it will feel good.” You told him then he nodded.















“OH . I CAN’T DO THIS. TAKE ME NOW. SOMEONE TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS RIDE.” The boat was going up. You were laughing loudly. When the boat is almost going down, “let’s shout SHINee fighting.” You said then he nodded.


Then the boat went down. “SHINee FIGHTIIIIIIIIING!” you both shouted then water splashed into you both. You laughed then the ride ended. You got up then Key was pale and shivering. “Let’s get our bags then change.” You said then Key nodded.


You both changed clothes. “Last ride. Where do you wanna go?” Key asked. You look around then saw the Ferris Wheel. You pointed then he went pale again. “Er I mean let’s just go to the giant swing ride again.” Key shook his head. “Ferris Wheel” you nodded then went there.


You and Key had a bet which number from 1 to 36 will be the number of the ride will they ride on. You picked 7 and Key picked 9. You both waited then when it was your turn, you rode on 8.


“Aish. Why can’t it be 7....” you pouted. “Only one more and it would be 9....” Key ran his hand through his hair. Your ride stopped at the top. You looked at the beautiful scenery. Key looked down and went pale. *Too high.* he quickly looked away from the ground then sat there.


“We are sorry but the power for the Ferris Wheel malfunctioned.  Sorry for the inconvenience.” Key panicked at the news. You went pale also. You both prayed that the power would work again so you both can go down and get some ice cream and cotton candy to relax.


After 10 minutes, the ride started again then you both got down the Ferris Wheel. You went to buy Dairy Queen Strawberry Oreo Ice Cream while Key chose Mango Cheesecake Ice Cream. You both finished it in 13 minutes then bought cotton candy.


“Oh yeah. Let’s go back to the gift shop. I forgot something....” Key dragged you to the gift shop. “Oh sir! You’re back! But unfortunately, I was gone then one of the clerks sold the two bracelets.” The lady said. Key frowned then went to look for something else.


You saw a key necklace then bought it. Key say a locket necklace then he smiled. *A pretty locket necklace for a pretty Locket* he bought it then put it inside his bag.


It was already 9:30 pm and it was time to separate. You both looked up at the stars. “Pretty.” You said. Key nodded. “Well, I hate to say good bye.” He said then frowned. You sighed then took out the necklace you bought.


“Here. So you would remember me.” You gave it to him. He smiled then took it. “I got something for you too.” He gave the locket necklace to you. “A Pretty Locket Necklace for a Pretty Locket.” He smiled then put it around your neck. He put on the necklace you gave him.


“Let’s take a picture with this Polaroid camera I bought while looking for you.” He smiled then you both looked at the camera then it clicked. He pressed the button to make two copies. He wrote something at the back then gave it to you. “A message and my number. SO we are still in touch.” He shyly said. You took the pen then wrote a message and your number at the back of his copy. He read the message then smiled.


“Thank you for this wonderful day and for changing me. And Yes. OuO –Kiyeon”

“Thanks for today and will you be my girlfriend? –Almighty Key”

And with that, you both separated and went home.



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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 1: OMG SO CUTE! I totally loved it! Write more like this! ~Unni fighting!