Bloody Roses

Tears to Roses

Tao’s heart had been broken on numerous occasions, like when Kris had distastefully rejected the younger’s declaration of love for him. Tao, heartbroken and stunned, asked what he was to do with his emotions.

Kris had simply shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Swallow them or something”.

So naturally, Tao complied.

Which led to yet another unfortunate event, the fans reaction towards to their relationship. Kris was extremely friendly in front of the cameras, smiling and petting the younger softly. The fans seemed to grow bitter at Tao’s supposed ‘Kris-hogging’ and directed their loneliness and hatred towards the younger. The raven-haired boy never reacted to their rude remarks in public; he simply avoided Kris. They only saw the unfazed mask that Tao wore in public. Kris, on the other hand, saw only a broken-down, sobbing mess of a man. Tao’s body shook with each choke and sob. Unable to stand it anymore, the leader hauled him to his feet. Glaring disapprovingly, he hissed, “Stop crying like a baby, Tao. You can’t expect everyone to shower you with affection.” Tao whimpered at the hard shove that sent him staggering back towards the ground, a fresh wave of tears trickling down his already-salty cheeks.

“I’m trying, ge. I just don’t know how,” the raven-haired boy answered dejectedly.

Kris scowled, thinking for a fraction of a second. “Swallow them,” he offered.

And once again, Tao obeyed.

Currently the younger sat patiently in a botanic garden, waiting for Kris to arrive. He had begged the latter to meet him there, feigning an emergency as an excuse. As he caught a glimpse of the elder’s blonde hair, he grinned and stood up. Giving the freshly picked roses one last glance, he wondered if he had missed something. He shook his head and rushed towards the elder, almost bouncing with joy. “Kris-ge, I wanted to give you these!” With a hard shove, he gave them to Kris. Before he had the chance to ask if he liked them, Kris yelped and dropped the roses to the ground. He swore and observed the fresh blood that seeped from his new wounds. “Ge-” Tao said, but was cut off by Kris’ angry voice.

“What the Tao? You brought me here to stab me with your ing flowers?!” he yelled.

“I didn’t mean to-” the younger tried again.

“Save it. I don’t care.” Kris said.

Tao winced at his choice of words, and bit down on his lip in an attempt to hold back his tears until Kris left. Kris doesn’t like it when he cried, he reminded himself. Tao picked up the forgotten roses. “Kris-ge, the roses…” He tried desperately to make things right.

“I don’t want them.” Kris snapped.

“What should I do with them. ge?” Tao numbly asked.

“I don’t know! Whatever you usually do with the crap you always try to give me.”

Like my heart? Tao asked himself. He brought one of the roses to his lips and bit down on it. Kris turned around, confused by his sudden silence. His eyes opened in alarm at the sight before him. Tao had blood trickling down his mouth and hands. “TAO?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” He yelled, more worried than anything else. Running to the younger’s side, he pulled Tao’s chin up to see his mouth clearly. He parted Tao’s lips and observed the two thorns that had sunk into the younger’s tongue. He slowly pulled them out with his fingers. “What were you thinking?” he hissed. “I did what you told me to ge. I swallowed them….”



LOLOLOL This is a little old but I forgot to post it on AFF.

More angsty Taoris to come~~~ or maybe a sequel?? idek It's up to u guys~

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