
I remember when it was just Me and You

Minho sighed as he stared at his phone screen in the dark.

Realizing that Taemin wasn't going to answer, he placed his face into the pillow on his bed and threw down his phone that he then heard bounce across the carpet.

Muted in the dark.



Minho felt his heart break a little… He was really hoping for some time together. Even if it was just over a few text messages. They hardly saw each other these days.

But if it wasn’t painfully obvious, college and his new boyfriend kept Taemin pretty busy…

Just the thought of another person kissing Taemin made his stomach give a harsh twist.

Minho tried to not let it get to him, but still… Disappointment resided in a deep part of his heart.

Minho pulled his face out of his pillow and looked over to his nightstand next to his bed. There smiling out at him was a picture of Taemin. His heart ached in response to the smile that played on Minhos lips. Taemin just made him feel amazing... Why was he too late in realizing such a obvious thing?

But seeing as Tae had probably checked out for the night, there was no point in Minho in being awake to see if he'd write back. But still, he felt anxiety creep in at the thought of missing out on talking to Taemin. He pushed himself up out of his bed and walked to his bathroom. He slid his hand along the wall until he found the knob; It was easy to find without the lights on anyway. Once he reached the door frame, he leaned onto it with his head hanging low. A feeling of dread had painfully squeezed his heart and hitched his breath.

He didn't want to cry again, so hasitly Minho flicked the bathroom light on.

And he left the light to claw at his eyes and to blind him just for a second.

Minho turned to his left and there he saw his reflection.  His eyes tired, dead and cold, he didn't desire linger on his appearance too much....

He was empty. Alone.

In the most monotone and methodical way, Minho gathered all his things to clean his mouth and squeezed toothpaste onto his brush.  He began his nightly uninterested ritual in downcast. For some silence is golden, but for Minho, the silence only brought Taemin to his to the forefront of his mind. Spitting in his face. 

"Hey hyung! Let's couple brush!" Taemin said as he held out his toothbrush to Minho with eagerness. "Watching too many romamce dramas are we?" The older male said as he laughed and traded his blue toothbrush for his baby's yellow one and carefully began to brush at Taemin's teeth. Minho noticed everything about Tae's adorable bedtime appearance. His long hair hanging around his shoulders, favorite night shirt, and cute ankle socks.

Minho enjoyed these little moments.////////////////////////

"Ow! Baby!" Minho shouted as Taemin accidentally jabbed his gum.

"oops~ Sorry Minho! I love you~"

Tired of having the mirror show the tears welling up in his eyes, Minho flicked out the light.

And finished brushing in the dark. 

"Taemin, I still love you..."

Minho wiped the back of his hand angrily across his face.

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Aww ;A; I really like your story... what did Minho do? it seems like he really loved him, I can wait to see what happened...