A Shocking Revelation

Sunk in My Memories


The day had been rough..it had been long....very long....


I went into our dorm and plopped myself on my bed. I took a nap with Min, while Sarah showered and when she was done, I entrusted her to the care of Sarah, who now had to look after BOTH babies.


The pain had subsided from my side now... it was annoying to keep the patch on while showering but I knew the horrifying sting that would occur if I removed it... UGH. *shudder* ..Did not want to think about that...


I came out to see a serious Onew playing with Min as if she were just a doll and scolding her about her mommy. I stood by the door and watched.




“I feel so bad for you! Your mommy is very irresponsible..she can’t even take care of herself... Min-ah, I hope you can take care of your mommy okay??” he said to Min patting her head.


I grinned. This sight was adorable beyond words. I assumed Sarah probably caught him up with the latest news...



“Well it would be better if her mommy and daddy got along” I said, gaining his attention. He immediately got up, and placed Min on the bed...the worried look once again came up on his face as he fast-walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same while patting his back.



“Ya!! you’re going to make me lose my head one day I swear... take care of yourself!!” he whined with concern.


“Aarasso!!  I said letting go “ Hey if you don’t have plans, then how about joining us for dinner with some of our friends?” I asked.


“Sure, I have no plans plus it gives me an excuse to keep an eye on you.” he said snickering.


I scoffed and started cleaning up around my area of the room. Just as the doorbell rang. Sarah was already ready, just waiting listening to her music...


She went and opened the door to see an upset Kris, Jongsuk and L, looking great  in his leather suit. This kid had an impressive image for fashion...I suddenly felt underdressed with my black hoodie and comfy sweats..ehh who cares I was injured anyways XD kekeke.



My eyes couldn't help but wander over to Kris, trying to burn my head off with his laser glare..



Could it be.. was he Jealous?? ohh this shall be fun XD.


I clung onto Onew’s arm playfully. But when Onew greeted himself, He had the manners to just give him a scowl... I snapped.. this arrogant jerk.. he didn't know how to treat others and he yet scowl at my friends..... this UGHH  just made me so mad, I wanted to punch him.... it would have made my day, but before I could do so, Onew pulled me back and dragged me away.


He let me down when I was calm, and I mumbled my thanks.



He just grinned back. We went to our favorite place again: The Kareoke with a bunch of food instead of actually going out to have a fancy dinner. It was so much fun... we were singing and dancing and having a great time...all except the one storm cloud who looked like he was going to run me over.


Sheesh!! Annoying!!! He was spoiling the mood!! Aiish, him and his grumpy self!!

We had to keep the volume of the songs down to a certain level as to prevent the two little devils, Min and Sarah’s baby from exploding in a sea of tears.



He grabbed my hand.. and pulled me to the corner of the room only to silently hand me my cellphone..which had 8 missed calls.. 8 MISSED CALLS??? DEAR LORD PLEASE DO NOT LET IT BE MY PARENTS.....


It was my parents.


I was going to die.


Goodbye cruel world....




I stepped outside the room to a much much quieter place

and picked up on the first ring...



“Hey mom dad!! how are you guys?!” I said with a scared tone.. I was in some serious deep .


“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??” my mom hollered. I held the phone away from my ear in surprise and squirmed...


“I’ve just been o-”


“you father has been hollering at me for the past hour!! Why the hell won’t you get the point you ...stop creating problems in our family!!!” I hung my head down and bit my lip I kicked the floor with the edge of my toes.


“I’m sorry. I don't mean to. But how is it my fault that you guys make a big de-” I said.


“Talking back now are you!!! You selfless how can you live with yourself??” I had missed their voices.. under normal circumstances I would have screamed and hollered back...but I couldn't find the energy in me to talk.


I had called them ever since we arrived but had been out of contact for only 2 or 3 days. Before I knew it, the tears began to flow... I knew I was the problem.. I had always known.. they didn't have to remind me every second.. I tried NOT being the problem in everything but it only made it worse...



Usually our fights would resolve in my father or mother yelling at me, and then when I finally had enough of the screaming, me yelling back to them to try to tell them I understand...and then once again more screaming... which ended in my little brother crying.. and sometimes broken books or random objects thrown across the floor.



I sighed, and choked back the tears welling up... ugh.. WHY was I crying???


However the continued conversation didn't stop...


“Even in my elderly days you’re going to show me these kind of days.. “ my mother said.


That broke the dam wall again and the silent waterfall once again returned. I leaned on the wall covering the mouthpiece of my phone. No matter what I did I always ended up hurting people...I would rather hurt myself then hurt them... I had tried to several times but had failed.. I was too weak to carry it out..


I took a deep breath, blinked, to prevent the tears from coming.


“Aiish mama, you know that I don't mean it!! come on!! I said I was sorry..~~” I said in a normal winey apologetic voice as I once again let several tears escape..



“You , you really don't understand what we're going through do you?? why do you always have to drift the family apart..all our arguments are always because of you!! you never once listen to what we have to say!! Why don't you just go die?!!” my dad hollered.


“WE WANT A PHONE CALL EVERY MINUTE AND IF WE DON'T GET ONE..FORGET ABOUT COMING HOME.. THIS TIME.. WE’RE SERIOUS “. they weren't...they couldn't be.. but I was hurting them so much.. I just wanted to be me... like normal kids.

“okay I will. I lo-”




I slid down the wall, hugged my knees and began to cry once again.


I squeezed my eyes... I WASN'T going to cry... but yet I did. It wasn't too loud though.. but in a split second, I felt a pair of arms around me, and picked me up.



“Its going to be okay” he whispered. I was crying so hard by this point, my head was still hung low. I just rested it on his shoulder, and he gave me a very warm hug. It was strangely comforting. I sobbed into his shirt while he simply cradled my head.. and patted my hair, breathing into it.



I stopped after a while, and looked up only to see a teary eyed onew. I pulled away.


“Thanks for that, I really needed it” I said giving him a small smile.


To my surprise, this time, he pulled me into his arms again and wrapped them around me.. somehow, this hug didn't seem friendly anymore..it was more.......passionate??



OH NO!. I tried to pull away but his grip on me tightened...


“just for a bit more.. I had no idea what you were going through... i’m sorry” he mumbled into my shoulder.



“i’m fine...I just weakened there for a second but seriously i’m fine”


So I just stood there.


He finally let go of me and I rubbed my arms to circulate my blood again..


I was dreading this.. please don't ask me..


“_____ ..will you go out with me??”









I froze on the corner, as I watched _____ cry...She had family trouble too huh.. probably one of the only things we had in common... she would hold her breath, and talk in a normal tone and then start silently sobbing releasing her inner pain through her expressions and silent tears rather than or her voice.


I watched the whole conversation.. I had no idea what she was saying but I could tell by the tone of the voice that she was trying to get herself out of some trouble..



Before I could go over and comfort her, Onew appeared out of nowhere.  Picked her up off of the floor whispered something dangerously close in her ear...


I ducked behind the nearest garbage can I could find.....


My  heart was  having its own little trench wars going on. I felt like I was in no mans land.. somewhere I really shouldn't be..but I couldn't help but overhear some of their conversation.....




So they were close....they liked ...each..other.......


I don't see why I should care as much as I felt I did..........that obviously good for nothing finally managed to get herself a boyfriend.. I should be happy for her..helI should throw a chucka party for her.



I had only known this girl for no more than a couple weeks and actually hung out with her for a day.. but still....

I felt as If I knew her.... something didn't feel right with me.



What was wrong with me!


My stomach knotted as I saw _____ trying to struggle out of Onew’s grasp, but he pulled her back in.. I felt like  I was watching some kind of remake of a 90-s love story..filled with cheddar cheese and the girl kept running away, when she still liked the guy...



Dumb buck..I have no idea why I felt so angry..


“Will you go out with me?” my heart skipped a beat and without knowing, I clenched the baby min that was in my hands to my  now thundering chest waiting for her reply...


I must have squished her too hard because before she could reply.. the next thing I knew


“WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAANNHEWAAAWAAAA!!” Min dropped an atomic bomb of her screaming everywhere.


Damn it!! there was no where to go.


-Think fast Kris think fast-


“Oh!!!” I said getting up pretending like I was startled.


“Kris??” _____ looked alarmed.


“M-mianhe, I fell asleep”.


She looked at me crossed. I held min, still crying, and looking down at my feet to avoid her gaze... UGHH SOMEONE GET ME OUTTA HERE!!


“how long have you been hiding there??” _____ said.. holy damn she was pissed..


“I-I told you I was asleep”


“You were talking to me five minutes ago...” she said with a death glare.


“ I can’t believe I have to put up with this...” she said.


Hurt, I said “Sheesh I went to the bathroom for goodness sakes and was going to go back to the room but saw you and Onew hugging, I didn't want to get in the middle!!” I explained...


Min was still crying...it was getting on all our nerves.


_____ sighed  and grabbed Min. she looked at the ground, she buried her head in the babys arm...and stood there next to me.

Onew was still standing there.


“I’m not asking for an immediate answer" he said looking at her. But her back was facing him.


“i’ll answer when i’m ready.. I need some time to think this through” she said. Without turning around or looking at him.


“I want to go home” she said. Min had stopped crying by now, since Indu-bhap had patted her to sleep.


Onew was about to walk forward and drop her off, and I was about to go back into the karaoke room when she suddenly grabbed the edge of my sleave. and tugged on it gently, causing me and Onew to freeze in our spots.


“I wanna go home” she repeated.


I nodded and began to walk her home.


Why hadn't she gone with Onew??


I thought they liked each other, or was it the beginning of their relationship..... I didn't know.. I wasn't very experienced when it came to relationships...in fact I hadn't been in one.. although my looks said otherwise.


“So why didn't you let Onew walk you home?” I asked her when my curiosity got the best of me.


“Because I needed time to think.. to reflect.. I don't want to hurt people any more...” She said quietly.

I was lost for words...she hurt people??


How?? she was good at socializing, smart, and had average looks, why would she hurt someone. I shot her a confused look. Which she chose to ignore.


“YA! you just end up hurting yourself...bhabo...” I said trying to lighten the mood.


“YA! why are you yelling at a person who’s already feeling down?!!” she yelled back.


I knew just the thing to cheer her up with..


“Come here” I said  and grabbed her hand.


“Where are we going??” she asked.


“somewhere" I replied with a grin as I ran faster.


“YA!! slow down.. my sides are beginning to hurt..” she said, but I kept yanking her hand and we got to the convenience store.

we both started panting...


I pointed to the punching game machine.


“Whatever frustrations you have, let them all go in one punch..” I said between deep breaths..


she was in good shape too because she was no longer panting...


“I love a good challenge”. she said as I put in a quarter to the slot and the machine roared with life filling our ears with mario music...

she grinned

And said “Who's set the High score??”


I grinned pompously in reply..


“8334..Hell yeah!! if you can beat that...i’ll buy you ice cream anytime anywhere you want it” I said grinning back.


“lets see what you get get your scrawny little self into” I said


“Are you challenging me??” she asked as if she couldn't believe it. I just laughed at her flabbergasted expression.

she put Min on a nearby table, where we could constantly keep an eye on her.


“Alright” she said, as she massaged her arms preparing to hit the thing hard.

I saw as she took off her sweatshirt, and her arm muscle...


“YA...are you a man??” I said flabbergasted at the unnoticeable but solid arm muscle she had.

she just grinned, took a couple steps back and smashed her hand into the pillow of the machine.


We watched the numbers rise.100,










My jaw dropped as it reached 7000!!. girls usually scored around 4-5000 on this game.. holy...


She just stared at the scoreboard intently...




This was unbelievable I watched as the thousands number locked...

*whew* at least she didn't go into the 9000’s I would have stopped talking to her if it did...thats too much strength to be held in a body.


She looked dissatisfied.


8100, 8200, 8300~~~


I was beat.


By a girl


Correction: - By a girl who had played this game for the first time-


My jaw dropped as I watched her squeal and jump in delight at the new record of  8567!!!


I closed my mouth as she turned around to brag and show it off.


“Showoff” I muttered. then I got a brilliant idea... I grabbed Min and once again took _____ running to different place..the baseball game.


Baseball. It didn't look like it was her kind of sport... she may have had the arm strength,.. but she was reckless.


She grinned.


My observations were right!! She was extremely careless. I watched her get beat with the balls and take wild swings of frustration as she cursed with the mouth of a sailor.


She sighed ...”YA!!! stop laughing”


I was on the floor by this time, I couldn't take it. Her face looked like she was really determined.. but seeing her fail so miserably was the funniest thing ever.



“Hmph. Try again... “ she muttered.


She tried several times and my stomach was screaming for a rest from all the giggles that I couldn't get enough of....

I haven't laughed like this.. I didn't have a memory of laughing so hard.


Eventually she gave up and collapsed on the floor next to me in exhaustion.. she began to laugh along with me

“You're such an for making fun of people when they try she said between breaths “


After a while we got up and went to her dorm to drop her off.


“Where have you been?? “ Sarah said.. she hugged _____... “we were looking all over for you!!.. Jongsuk and L are out looking right now” I looked behind her to see Onew looking back.



He looked at her with sad eyes and silently walked away.


“Sorry I just took her to relieve some stress” I said.  


“It’s okay but you should have called...” she turned around back to _____..” what happened??” she said confused..I assumed she was referring to the incident at the Karaoke.


“later...” she replied and covered Min under her hoodie.


“Okay ill get going then..take it easy. i’ll go get L and Jongsuk home and, tell em to stop looking.” I said to _____



“I will WeakScream”~~\















soo i agreed to move the plot along, but i didn't say whooo ;D, lol plot twist!!  .....that and the fact that i forgot i already had this writeen XD , mianhyee guysss <3 


also i decided the plot was lacking some angst again.. :/ 

 oh and here have a gif of emotionally sad onew falling asleep ;) (cause it was on my tumblr dash) 



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sujumulan2elf #1
Chapter 14: yaaaayyyyy unnie keep it up~ ^^ i'm so excited~
Chapter 12: Umma update soon!!!lovong these ♥♥♪
randommiscqueen #3
Chapter 13: I'm so proud of you! -sniffles- What a wonderful surprise!! :)
Chapter 1: This is a good plot ^_^
2ne1_Sandara12 #5
Chapter 4: Amazing wonderful
CholeWang #6
Wow your such a good writer :0
Chapter 1: This is fabulous. The writing conveys much emotion, not only that, but it's relateable. We all know what it's like to be misunderstood or mistreated. Great ideas--keep going!