
Sunk in My Memories



so here I was with one plus side and many downsides. I was in Korea, at a Korean school, that was the plus side...... the fact that I had gotten stabbed, embarrassed numerous times on my first day of school were the bad sides. how many times was it again?? THREE?? FOUR??I lost count...

ugh FML...!!!

Another downside just got added and soon as I entered the room with Kris..

to sum it up.. we were gonna have a baby....no wait...we were forced to have a baby.....UGH what I mean is that since the school had to add numerous new stupid rules, I had to be partnered up with Kris for a required parental course..

Great...just how I wanted to start out my new semester...

if I could go back and change one thing in my entire life...it would be me resisting the parental course in front of the teacher...

We got called to the front..I was picking up a bad vibe from the teacher already...turns out he had a bit of sense of humor....a very BAD sense of humor..

We got to the podium and he began to recite freaking MARITAL VOWS!!!!

LIKE DA FUQ!!! I was no way in hell getting married to this kid standing next to me..I admit he had made me waver several times but thats just because his name was kris....or was it because of that..............anywho..I didn't care what kind of a teacher did something like that!! It was so mean!!!

I wanted to run and hide or get harry potters invisibility cloak, because for the rest of class, I got stared at, and winks referring to kris and me. I wouldn't  have minded if he had not pretended to meet me online,....

Ugh whatever I couldn't fail this course...I had to keep my average up with all A’s for it to look impressive for an honors college.

I was curious about one thing though. I raised my hand.

“Sem, how long is this going to last??”

“I’m not exactly sure yet, for now, the faculty has decided to have it for a month but we never know if the max time will be extended or not.” he replied

So great news...I might have to stick with him for the rest of the year...let’s think positively _____. be positive..

“now remember class, you will be handing the babies in weekly for the weekend so the tech department can download the information in the babies  and create an average graph out of it in the end. However, during weekends, you and your partner must do some activity involving kids...whether it be babysitting or visiting a nursery.”

this was getting worse by the second...

Everyone in the class groaned. I looked over at Sarah, who was too busy flirting with the guy that had bumped into her this morning. I took it they were partners....well at least someone was having a good day.

I sighed and zoned out until class was over. I loved babies, I really did. Me+babies=fun. however in this case it was me+babies+JERK=sjdhufwuinhfsrfiunbh NOT FUN.

I snapped out of my daze of babies when the bell rang. the teacher handed the baby to kris, who looked at it like he had no idea what to do with it. I reached over and took the baby off of his desk, giving him a dirty look.

I examined the baby. It was a she. She was beautiful. It seemed funny when I said this to a plastic baby doll, but I had to treat her like she was real. My heart leaped. I had mentioned that I wanted to be a pediatrician right? So  I really wanted this class eventually..just not with Mr. Voldemort over there giving me a puzzled look.

Immediately, she started crying. I didn’t know she was on!!. Startled, I placed her gently against my chest and patted her back and moved my body while humming.

I temporarily forgot I was in class....

Everyone looked at me.

Why did it have to be my baby?! sorry our* please please baby girl don't turn out to be bad luck for me too...

I closed my eyes and continued humming I could feel the creeping eyes.

She wouldn't stop crying!!I was really good with real babies..so why wouldn't she stop crying??!!

The teacher looked over at us...

“Try handing the baby over to kris” he said.

I was going to refuse but I had suffered enough embarrassment. So without argument, I handed her over to Kris, who held her awkwardly in his arms. He looked at me cluelessly. Aiish you idiot you don't even know how to comfort a baby.

“Do what I just did” I said. He did as he was instructed without resisting, and within less than a minute,she stopped crying!! Omigosh!! she actually stopped crying..in Kris’s arms!! we both looked at each other shocked.

The entire class started clapping. along with the teacher. I was so embarrassed. I looked over at kris who was still looking at our baby in amazement. WOW. I will never get used to that...

“THAT is perfectly what I want you guys to learn by the end of this project.” he stated

“How to work together to solve for your babies needs”

We left the class with the necessary things for the baby.

Sarah caught me by the arm and pulled me over to a corner in the hallway. She looked like she was going to jump out of her skin.

“whoa calm down there pufferfish, I know I saw you flirting with that guy that we bumped into this morning...but be careful..he looks like a player...”

She gave me a small frown

“How is it that you know what i’m about to say before I even say it?? and hes not a player, Hes too innocent to be that way”

“I don't think soo~~” I said in a sing song voice.

“YA! at least trust in my choices for once!!” she yelled.

I laughed. “have you not gotten that most men are jerkwads and will go for any woman with big s and giant butts??” I pointed making the appropriate..or inappropriate gestures with my hands to match my words...

“WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING HALLWAY _____!! THIS IS NOT AMERICA!!!” Sarah yelled through her teeth in embarrassment covering her face pretending not to know me...

I didn’t even care anymore... I had already gotten humiliated in front of the entire school, and my entire class.. bye bye dignity..

“Speaking of which... your partner..Kris..” her eyes began to grow big...I began to speedwalk..

“What took you two so long to come back?? “she said raising her eyebrows.. and catching up with my speed.

Sarah has hidden antennas that pop out when she inquires me about guys...those antennas have ruined lives before....


“Yeah okay nothing but what else??” she said..she was close to my face now...ugh this girl...

“Ya, what else would have happened?? I have dignity you know??” I said...

“Yeah..after what just happened to you today and what you just did in the hallway?? I don't think so..” she said giving me an evil smirk

“Say... he IS pretty cute...” I looked over at her and gave her my death glare

She winked at me and before I could respond, kris caught up to me in the hallway.

“Hey, let me look at your schedule”

She nudged me.

I handed it to him since we needed to know where to go.

He sighed, “just follow me”

“Why??” I said.

“Cause we have the same classes” he replied

Sarah let out a loud and annoying  “eeeep” in my ear. Kris looked confused. I pushed her away onto the side

“All of them??” I groaned.

he nodded

“You don't have to sound so excited though” he added

I rolled my eyes and held onto the baby.

“So where are we going to keep her?” I asked

“We can't at my place” he quickly replied...

I eyed him suspiciously...what was his background...

“Why?” I asked. I was really curious now, his hesitation seemed strange I wasn't going to let this go without answers.......




The baby.... I didn't really know what to do with it. I didn't really know how to act around kids, I didn't hate them, but then again I didn't love them either. I only was scared to hurt them. I didn't want any child growing up the way I did. before I could do anything, _____ saw my state of confusion, and reached out and took the baby from me. RUDE!! she gave me a dirty look but I couldn't help but give a nervous shrug. I watched as she began to caress the baby... she would be a really good mother.I thought. my thoughts began to bring back painful memories again as I watched her hold and caress the baby I had never felt that....

suddenly the baby started to cry. Flustered she began to hum and pat the baby on the back.... to me it looked to me like she was freaking slapping the baby on the back as if she had choked something...shessh this harsh woman...

..oh thank god at least she knew how to console a crying baby....even if she wasn't good at it..

The whole class began to look at us, but even after a few minutes of humming, she wouldn't stop crying.

The teacher told her to pass the baby to me and have me try.

Me?? ME?? i’m the idiot who looks like a gangster in everyones eyes, and he wanted me to try...

_____ handed me the baby girl. I looked at her for a second then at _____ unsure of what to do.

She instructed me to follow what she had done a minute ago.  I nodded and placed the crying baby to my chest and began to rock her.

I felt a jolt of emotions inside of me. this is how it felt. how it felt to love something something so innocent, so pure. I held the baby closer this time, giving it all the love that I had never gotten, pretending that it was the me from the past. ..

the wailing in my ears stopped...

it stopped..


I looked over at _____ with excited eyes. She had the same look on her face. I stopped a crying baby!!! we got complimented on our way out of the class...that moment felt incredible.. just hugging her...

Jong Suk and L came up beside me and L slung his arm around my shoulder.....well done papa. He said. I rolled my eyes. and ignored him, I continued walking, but he was close at my heels. He grabbed my chin, and squished my cheeks, turned them towards his face and leaned in and said “When are you gonna kiss mama”?? he had his lips puckered and was making gross kissing sounds...

“Aissh get off me.. i’m telling you thats NOt gonna happen...” Jongsuk came up to me on the other side.. “you sure??” he said with a scoff..” you sure loved the moment when she had the baby...you should have seen yourself..even an idiot could tell you liked her at the moment”

“Yeah it was like watching a see a dingdong for the first time” L said making the nasty illusion...

“Ding dong?? really??” Jonsuk said. We both gave him a weird glance.

“Oops forgot that you two are s” he said flaunting his innocence off to us and laughing in our faces.  Jongsuk looked at me and I returned the gaze, we nodded we knew exactly what to do tonight. And so we begin our wars....

I  suddenly realised that I had yet to show _____ and Sarah the rest of the school or she'd be lost again.

I found her in the hallway, holding the baby. I took a peek at her schedule and we both groaned because we had the same classes together.

“To be honest your not so bad with kids...” she complimented. did she just compliment me??

“ya did you just compliment me??” I asked. she turned around, ignoring my question.

I scoffed, without saying a word.

“where should we keep her?” she asked

I panicked.Abuji.

“not at my place”, I said trying to stay calm. She sensed the panic in my voice

”why?” she asked, determined.

Because I have an abusive father....

“b-because my house is really noisy..my parents like to watch TV alot in their room” I said quickly. she kept eyeing me suspiciously....

“okaay” she said, not removing her suspicious gaze away from me.

“i’ll keep her at my place then..”

“wait we’ll need to exchange numbers incase something happens to her”

“fine, but ....damn this is frustrating lets just name her, its much easier” she said suddenly

“o-okay, umm how about Sunny??” I said

“naah too bright.. I don't think she’ll turn out this way....she said pensively.

“why not?” I asked...

“cause you and her both get along..” she replied monotonously... I gave her a weird look.

“WHAT?!” I was going to get angry but then I just laughed ...she was talking about her as if she was real.. XD

She gave me a death glare as if sensing my thoughts and I immediately shut up

“while we have her...shes real okay?” she said with no trace of humor in her voice

“okay”I squeaked. She was scary as hell when it came to her babies. geesh.

“Oh! how about Min??” she asked

“min?” I questioned

She nodded

“it means one who has eternal cleverness and wisdom...unlike someone in this group” she ended with a dirty look.

I returned her favor.

“Fine then min it is”

I was just about to walk away from her when I awkwardly realized that we had to walk in the same direction.

I followed behind her and Sarah. but then nearly bumped into them when they paused.

why did they stop? I looked up to see Gain and her troops.

She looked as if she was going to say something but then saw me bump into _____

“OPPA!!” she said her expression softening.

She shoved _____ towards the lockers, hard. I watched as she hit her side and curled down in pain...still holding Min close to her chest...


Then it came to me: thats where she had been stabbed!!!. Shocked I ignored Gain and ran to see if she was okay. She was laying in pain. Not moving. Sarah was tearing up.

“ya quenchana?!!” I asked seriously concerned.

She didn’t reply, she was just on the floor.

“I looked over at the shocked Gain and said "ya be careful of what you do to others!!” Gain looked hurt at my words.. I didn't have time for her right now though...

I focused on _____ again, I turned her over only to see that there was blood seeping out of her shirt jacket, and it was growing.

I looked up to see what exactly she had hit. only to see that the key hole on the locker had a small metal rod about the size of a paperclip but thicker. it looked like someone had tried to pick it....it had some blood on it as well....she had pulled it out before she fell..ouch...

Shocked, I carried her in my arms and rushed to the nurses office. the entire time she was in pain. Sarah was crying now....not again.....I sighed


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sujumulan2elf #1
Chapter 14: yaaaayyyyy unnie keep it up~ ^^ i'm so excited~
Chapter 12: Umma update soon!!!lovong these ♥♥♪
randommiscqueen #3
Chapter 13: I'm so proud of you! -sniffles- What a wonderful surprise!! :)
Chapter 1: This is a good plot ^_^
2ne1_Sandara12 #5
Chapter 4: Amazing wonderful
CholeWang #6
Wow your such a good writer :0
Chapter 1: This is fabulous. The writing conveys much emotion, not only that, but it's relateable. We all know what it's like to be misunderstood or mistreated. Great ideas--keep going!