Push Play


"Darling this is your dream, this has been your dream, and now it's about to come true. Just push play."


Soo Narumi was an average Japanese girl. She lived in California, downtown L.A to be precise. She had crushes, she had friends, she had a family, she had a dream. Of course that all wasn't unicorns and rainbows either. Her friends were nice, and her mother was just like an angel sent down from Heaven, but her dream was what always held first place in Narumi's heart.


Ever since she was little, Narumi had wanted to be famous. Her problem? No talent. At least none that she had really known about. She couldn't sing strongly, no matter how much she practiced, she had gotten arthritis around the time that she was 10 and it had become painful for her to dance for long periods of time. She felt doomed. Until one night, when she realized what her passion was.


Narumi could rap. She could rap better than anyone her friends had heard, and she knew that this had to be her opportunity.


A/N: Okay guys if I went to much into detail I would give away a little to many things. Obviously you can see some problems with this already so make sure you hang onto those for the future~ I realized that I really needed to do a Jonghyun fanfic and I was taking a walk when this plot came over me so~ Here it is. As for my other stories, they are currently on pause except I might update the Ricky one here soon, we'll see. But this one should have fast updates, I promise!


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