


The cold and harsh winter wind is blowing harshly against your petite little body. Today, you felt colder than ever. It’s been a year. But yet your tears can’t seem to stop flowing from your eyes as you recall the memories…


“~~~~ look here!” Daehyun, your boyfriend for 3 years called you and you turn around only to be surprised by the camera shutter and flash. He smile widely as he admired the photo.

“~~~~, you do know that you are the most beautiful girl in this world right? I love you.” Daehyun said softly as he hug you from the back and snuggle into your neck. “Yes, oppa. I’m the lucky girl who only you will call me pretty.” You laughed with a small hint of sadness behind. Actually, you are a very pretty girl, but one day, you stumbled upon a bully case in your school. So being the saint you are, you decided to go forward to help the poor girl who is being bullied. But what you didn’t know is that that day is the changing point in your life.

Those girls, they are very jealous of your beauty and the way everyone want to be your friend. When they saw you trying to help the girl, you are suddenly targeted, you are felling very helpless because you have been beaten up very badly and just then, the leader of the group flashed out a pocket knife, she walked up to you and she grabbed your face and draw a very long line across your face. After they were done, they left you there, all alone with your disfigured face. Justice was served, those girls were caught, but does that mean that your face will be back to normal? No. And that’s when Daehyun step into your life.

“Are you okay?” you snapped out of your thoughts when Daehyun shook you and you saw him looking at you worriedly. “Yeah! Of course I’m okay, let’s go play!” you smile widely and pulled him with you to go play. He smiled widely and nodded and followed your lead.



You and Daehyun and the rest of B.A.P are on the beach relaxing. You and Yongguk were talking when suddenly you are being picked up by your boyfriend. He ran towards the sea and threatens to throw you in the water as you scream and laugh while holding him tightly.

The rest of the members joined in and soon a water war begin. All of you were having so much fun but you were tired so you decided to suntan while watching the boys play.

Just then, a group of guys came up to you. “Hey miss, are you alone? Do you need my company?” you can hear the smirk in his voice and so you turn around. “Holy , you’re so ugly! Your face and your body don’t match at all!” the guys commented on your face and it stings a lot that your tears are forming.

“What did you say about my girlfriend?” you heard an angry voice speak and knew straight away it’s your boyfriend, and boy is he angry. He grabbed the man by the neck and threatens to punch that guy’s face when he felt a small tug on his arm and he turned around and saw you face full of tears shaking your head meaning to ask him to stop. He softens and releases the guy and warns that guy before turning to you and hugs you.

“It’s okay, don’t cry ~~~~. Remember you are the most beautiful to me.” Daehyun softly whisper into your ear as you sob quietly into his shoulder while the rest of the members watch the scene with overwhelmed feelings.


“Wah! Oppa, the leaves are really pretty!” You happily swing Daehyun’s hand as the both of you walk down the beautiful path with golden leaves falling from the trees by the side.

Both of you have walked enough and decided to take a rest on a bench. Today, you realized that Daehyun was very quiet. You look at his face and saw that he look very sad, a very bad feeling is forming in you but you decided to shrug it off and you asked, “Daehyun oppa, why are you so quiet today?” He suddenly jerked and look at you. “Huh? Oh. Nothing. Just that things are rough these few day.” He forced a smile. “Come on ~~~~, let’s go enjoy our day.” Daehyun stood up and offer you his hand just like how he did during the first meeting of you two. You smiled back and accept his hand and stood up. Then, you enjoyed your date.



Your doorbell rang. You ran as fast as you can because you know it is your boyfriend who arrived. “Hello!” you smiled brightly as you open the door, only to be greeted with a smile that doesn’t even reach his eyes, something is wrong, terribly wrong. You knew it deep inside your heart.

“~~~~…” Daehyun called your name. “Oppa, it’s cold outside. I don’t want you to get sick.” you faked a smile and pull him inside your house.  “Oppa, would you like to drink something? Wait. I’ll get something for you to drink.” You walked quickly to the kitchen to grab him a drink. Your smile disappear as soon as you turn your back from him. You can sense that he was looking at you the whole time. You got his drink and fake a smile and walk back. “Here oppa.” You passed him his drink. “Thanks.” He thanked you.

Silence covered the whole room. Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. “Oppa, tell me, what’s wrong?” you gathered your courage and asked him. “~~~~… I want to break up with you.” Daehyun said. You couldn’t believe that he really said that. “B-but, why?” You asked him in shock. He still can’t look you in your eyes. You can see the sadness in his eyes, but if it is hurting him, why is he asking for a break up? “No reason. I just want to break up…” he solemnly said.

Your lips start to tremble as your tears start to form. “Is it because of my face?” you asked softly. “No! Of course not!” Daehyun’s eyes widened. “Then? Why?!” You scream as you start crying. “~~~~, listen to me.” Daehyun tried to calm you down but you start to struggle in his hold and you slap him. He was shock. “Get away from me, go away. I never want to see you again. I hate you Jung Daehyun.” You said with tears flowing and your eyes reflected a mixture of betrayal and love. He didn’t move so you stood up and push him to the door. “~~~~…” Daehyun called your name. “Go away, I never want to see you again!” You shouted as you close the door in his face. Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore, you sank down to the ground and start crying loudly.

Weeks have pass, the B.A.P members have been taking turns to come visit you and to make sure you are okay. But Daehyun was never there. On the last day of your winter break, all the B.A.P member visited you. Their face don’t look good at all. Their faces are very different from the previous visits you have from them. You invited them in, not understanding why they are feeling so down and you felt something very wrong have happen.

“Oppa, what happen? Why are you guys looking so sad?” You ask Yongguk as they settle down on  your couch. Just then, Zelo start crying. You were shock. “Zelo! Why are you crying?” You asked alarmed. “Hyung… tell her, she have the rights to know too.” Youngjae said to Yongguk. “But, we promised him not to say.” Yongguk defended. “Hyung, since you can’t say, I’ll say.” Himchan speak up. Youngjae and Jong Up stopped Yongguk from stopping Himchan. “~~~~, please promise me you won’t freak out after this okay?” Himchan started. You nodded. “Daehyun, he…” Himchan choked. Jong Up comforted him. “He… He is dying. He have been fighting with cancer since the start of autumn but now he really cannot make it.” Himchan finally finish saying. You were too shock to say anything.  “Which hospital is he in?” You suddenly ask them. “He is in Seoul Hospital.” Youngjae replied. Suddenly, you ran out and the B.A.P member ran after you.

You arrived at the hospital and now you are in front of Daehyun’s ward. You slowly walk in and saw lots of tubes and machines beeping and they are all surrounding one person: your beloved boyfriend, Daehyun. Reality struck you and you start to tear up.
“~~~~!” B.A.P member finally caught up with you. Daehyun suddenly stirred from his sleep when he heard the commotion. “Hyung?” Daehyun breathlessly said. His eyes widened when he saw you standing there crying and the rest of the members standing behind you. “~~~~?” Daehyun still couldn’t believe his eyes. “ What are you doing here?! Hyung! I thought I told you not to say!” Daehyun said agitatedly. “I-“ Yongguk start to explain when you interrupted by running up to Daehyun and hugging him tightly. “Pabo… why didn’t you tell me?” You cried loudly while hugging him tightly. “I didn’t want you to be like now, so sad. ~~~~, you know how much I hate it for you to be sad.” Daehyun softly said as he rubbed your back trying to calm you down. “But what makes you think that breaking up with me means that I will be happy?” You cried. “Okay, sorry. ~~~~ please stop crying.” Daehyun wiped your tears away. “Pabo…” you softly hit him on his chest. “Mianhae.” Daehyun cutely smile and that successfully make you fell for him more.

You spent most of your time in the ward with Daehyun. The both of you were happy and treasure the time that you have together. You can see that he was becoming more and more weak and yet he tried to be happy for you. You were touched and most of the night, you spent praying for him, praying for him to get better.

One day, after school, you went to the hospital as per normal but when you reach the ward of Daehyun, you saw people cleaning up the room. You ran up to them and asked where is Daehyun. “I’m sorry miss, Mr Jung Daehyun have passed on today morning and his family and friends have come to pick his body up for funeral.” The nurse said. You couldn’t believe your ears. He is gone, gone forever. You didn’t have the chance to tell him that you love him for the last time.

You rushed to Daehyun’s house where his funeral is held. You reached the door, you saw his parents talking to their relatives while crying and the B.A.P members helping out. Zelo saw you, “~~~~ noona!” Everyone’s attention is on you. They all know that you are Daehyun’s girlfriend and they all make way  for you to walk to Daehyun. His mother come up to you and hug you tightly while crying. She finally release you and you continue to walk towards Daehyun. When you reach the front, you start to call him. “Daehyun oppa, stop sleeping… Daehyunnie oppa!” You start to cry loudly. “No! You promised me that you will be fine! You promised! Oppa! Wake up! Please!” You continue crying and everybody watch the scene with overwhelmed feelings.

Time flew pass very fast, it’s the day for his cremation, you were totally blanked. You couldn’t cry anymore, your tears are dry. You couldn’t shout anymore, your throat is dry. You just hold his picture and follow his body to the cremation hall. When he is being pushed into the furnace, that’s when your lone tears flowed down. He is gone. Forever gone. He is never coming back to you. Memories flooded your mind as you recall your memories with him.

One year have pass and today is Daehyun’s death anniversary. You have returned from the ceremony and is now walking alone on the street alone. Relieving the memories of you and him, your tears start to flow again. But the truth can’t be changed. You decided to stay strong and to live on, because you believe that that’s what Daehyun wants from you.


Daehyun oppa, I miss you. I will move on and be strong for you. I will treasure our memories together and lastly, I love you…


Hey~ Just wanna ask you guys if I should open up a one-shot request shop? So I can write one-shot that you guys want! Please comment to let me know yeah? Thanks! :)

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Chapter 1: (T.T)*crying in the corner
Chapter 1: So touching! ;( Yeap! You should open up a one-shot request shop!!