Can you say?

Will you hold my hand?

Weeks later, Donghae and his beautiful brown eyes sat in front of me, showing how to shape your mouth when you say 'hi'. His mouth was parted slightly as he made a "haa" sound. 
I tried to copy, my cound coming out like a muffled whisper instead of a confident sound, like Donghae's. 

"aii" He said, i coppied.
Another muffled whisper.

"Hhaa eye."
"Hi" I heasatated, not wanting to fail again. "haeye"

"You're doing well" he said happily. "Try again, hi" I took a breath and tried to copy the easy but difficult sound. 
My eye brows furrowing, I had to do this right. If not for myself. For my mother, Kyuhyun, Donghae. I had to get this right. 
"Hi" The word rolled off my toung in an unfamilar way. It was like hearing a cat bark, that sound just doesn't come out of that animal. 
Words don't just come out of me like that.

Donghae's mouth stood open and broke into a large beaming smile. Suddenly my upper half was in the boys arms. The sent of his shampoo filled my nose. Citrus and mint. 

I smiled. 

"I'm so proud of you Hyukjae" he said and squeezed my lanky body tighter in to his strong one. One of my hands squeesed his hips, still not being able to hug him back the way i truly want to. 
"Can you say it again" He asked pulling away, taking the warmth away with him. And taking his cell phone out of his pocket. For you, I would say it a thousand times if it would keep you happy. 


The back of the phone was pointed at me, a recording to show Kyuhyun later. 
There was no garuntee i would say anything after this. Just like walking, talking took a lot out of me. 

"Hi" the word came out a bit bolder this time and Donghae look like a proud parent. At seventeen, after weeks of struggling, I said my first word. And Donghae looked like my umma did when Kyuhyun managed to say his, at a year old. Its not to late to learn right?

Confidence, for the first time surged through my body. 


Gah let me apoligise for the Super late update. And say sorry for it being so short and choppy. I forgot the notebook i wrote this chapter in at school and i remembered that i promised an update today so I hope this is somewhat acceptable. Its not proof read or anything. 

And for all 41 of my subbers. Thank you so so much<3 
Fot all my commenters, Thank you for keeping me motivated with words  of demands XD 
Silent readers, Saranghae <3





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update will happen soon. hopefully by this time tomorrow, writing in hyukjae's pov is difficult


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wanieyrin #1
Chapter 12: Lorh.. hurry and update .. I'm waiting.. and thank you for your story...
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 12: this is great...waiting for you. good luck
257471 #3
Chapter 12: take easy :)
mommy49 #4
Chapter 12: take your time i'll wait for you and your story
Chapter 12: take your time... :)
Chapter 11: kyu did that for hyuk too... :)
Chapter 11: AWWWWWWWW~~~
Chapter 11: oh that's why kyu got hurt 'coz he's wants to help he's parents <3
Chapter 8: ..ahhm what is kyu and yesung's relationship here?tnx
Chapter 8: what what what what what WHO SHOT MY KYU BABY?!?!?!?!